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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. There is a lot of talk about Madonna coming to South America (misnamed Latin America) but only two countries are mentioned all the time: Brazil and Argentina, when practically all the countries in this region would be proud to welcome Madonna to their lands.

    I just want my country to be confirmed as one of the lucky ones to receive Madonna because I wouldn't want to have to travel to other countries in the region to see her. Currently this part of the world is quite turbulent and dangerous (including my country) so leaving my country to see Madonna would be quite a risky adventure. If they at least confirmed Uruguay or Paraguay, the safest countries in the region, I would be calmer and more willing to travel, but if not, I will have to think about it carefully because currently the title of the most dangerous country is no longer held by the same country as always but is now shared with several other nations at the same time.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Eyzonme said:

    Came here to read about Madonna, not unrelated slabs of text about religion. 

    It's true. This forum is for idolizing Madonna. But sometimes some users forget about this and begin to narrate personal experiences that have nothing to do with Madonna or get into endless and meaningless fights, taking over the entire page to do so. Sometimes they forget that private messages exist for this.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dick Tracy said:

    Absolutely. Team blue here too. I don't understand her habit of wearing so much black clothing in her tour wardrobe.

    By the way, thinking about the last number, she has never been one to dwell on farewells or be affectionate with her fans at concerts, but really the ending of this concert - as wonderful as the show itself is - is the worst of all her tours. She simply dissapears from the stage in the middle of a cut down remixed version of her song. It feels very strange.

    At least a "Thank you and good night" at the moment she descends from the stage would be enough in my opinion for the farewell to stop being as cold and indifferent as we have seen so far.

    Will she do the same in North America? Lets wait and see what happens.

  4. 6 hours ago, Enrico said:

    The crowd was not very good, she even told them they were too quiet, I think many were pissed because of the late start at 10:20 pm. They even started to cry "fuori" (out). The show was over at half past midnight. People loved some Italian words like "luce" (lights during I will survive) or "cacio e pepe" (apparently her favourite pasta).

    Can anyone tell me if "normal" Floor A tickets (not Early entry) were inside the catwalks?

    Obviously yes. But while we fans can make an effort and repress our annoyance and discomfort due to her lateness, we cannot ask the same of those people who are not her fans but who go to the concert attracted by the media personality that has always characterized Madonna.

    I can put myself in those people's shoes and understand their annoyance. If it were another artist (Beyonce, Taylor Swift, etc.) I would react the same. I would simply ignore her and check my cell phone in those moments when she stops singing and decides to talk to the audience about various topics, whether it be about politics, about war, her children, about bullying or whatever. Because when something is unfair, it cannot be disguised as something else, no matter how many fans we are of our artist. At least not me.

  5. On 11/22/2023 at 7:26 AM, Anapausis said:

    I was right from the beginning. You can only be a troll. No way anyone would use this choice of words as seriously. From now on I will pretend you were banned from Infinity.


    "Oh, you caught me!:suffer: Yes, I'm a troll just like you. Now you will no longer be able to brag that you are the only troll on this forum as if that were something to be proud of. Something, by the way, quite revealing about someone whose life must be "quite interesting"".

    Now, seriously, remember that we are in a Madonna forum. All our opinions should be related to her and not use this space to offend other users as you have done to me by giving me a thousand and one nicknames. I hope you keep your word. And finally a piece of advice: GET A LIFE!!!


  6. I would love to see Robbie Williams share the stage with Madonna but I don't know if there is a good relationship between the two since some time ago Robbie released a beautiful song, "She's Madonna", inspired by how a man (Guy Ritchie) leaves his girlfriend ( Tania Strecker) when he was bewitched by the magic of Madonna.


    In the video Robbie Williams appears dressed as a Drag Queen and where, when interviewed by a journalist, he narrates certain things that closely coincide with Madonna's lifestyle, causing us to wonder if the Drag Queen was actually representing or not to Madonna in the video.


  7. 17 hours ago, momosfantasy said:

    He's not attacking him for being older, THAT would be ageist.  He's saying Boy George is a terrible person, and that it's not uncommon in certain segments of gay culture to have "bitchy" as the primary aspect of their personality.  It just so happens that most of those people are older.


    He said that most older gay men are characterized by having this attitude. He is practically generalizing

    For example, this Dominican artist Tokischa has always seemed like a vulgar woman to me, but it would never occur to me to say that the majority of women in her country are vulgar like her because I would be generalizing all Dominican women and that is unacceptable and inadmissible. But that is precisely what this person does with that comment: implying that the majority of older gay men have this pattern of behavior and that is why his comment sounds homophobic and ageist. That is why you have to be more careful and think carefully before writing a comment so as not to fall into generalizations and hurt the sensibilities of people who feel they are being referred to.

  8. 5 hours ago, Blue Skies said:

    The nicest thing I could say about reality TV is I’m not a fan.  Kardashians, Jersey Shore, Real Housewives, etc…. Was even disappointed Sly Stallone did show reality show I read with his daughters.



    I also think the same thing. In many of these programs it seems that they look for the most scandalous, loud and vulgar people to promote drama and chaos and thus guarantee the success of the program. I prefer those reality shows where the theme is to follow the day-to-day life of a certain artist and get to know him/her in other facets away from the spotlight. I think I once read somewhere that Madonna was planning to do a program of this type but it seems that in the end it was just a rumor.

    Regarding your question, I don't think I could answer it properly because I haven't seen the entire documentary yet, only some excerpts. Something totally inconsequential for a Madonna fan, but at least in my defense I can say that I love I'm going to tell you a secret, a documentary where we can finally see a more open, mature and spiritual Madonna: that scene where Madonna cries alongside her dancers perfectly sums up everything I'm saying.

    Perhaps it is for that and other reasons that to this day I have not had a real enthusiasm for seeing Truth or Dare even though I feel the obligation, as a fan, to have to see it in its entirety one day.

  9. I think a new video would be great to promote this tour. A compilation of the best scenes from this tour would go a long way to raising expectations, especially in the United States, where tickets have not yet been sold out.


    This video would serve to demonstrate to those skeptics who believe that Madonna is going to sit all the time as if she were a paraplegic and that the tour is totally boring. And also to update those who still remain to this day with the news that Madonna continues to recover from her infection, let us remember that while the news of her hospitalization appeared everywhere, the same did not happen in terms of reporting on her recovery. At least not in my country.

  10. I'm surprised that someone as perfectionist as Madonna has neglected such an important aspect of this new tour: Bob's dialogue. The days go by and there are already several people (not just me) who find some difficulty in understanding his dialogues: either because he speaks very quickly, or because he does not articulate the words well, or because he does not project his voice in all directions, or because the lack of pauses in his dialogues, etc.

    I know that Madonna chose him because he won a reality show, he was charismatic and he was the most popular Drag Queen at that time, but I think that that is not enough to guarantee adequate development and expressiveness in front of thousands of people from different parts of the world and that they will depend of him to understand the narrative established by Madonna for this tour.

    I hope this imperfection improves as the days go by. If not, I think that changing Bob for another Drag Queen wouldn't be a bad idea.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

    I seriously think she’s oblivious to a lot of these comments about her. Either that or she just doesn’t care. People that talk shit about other people so openly are usually doing it for attention because they are insecure so what is the point responding to it?

    I don't think insecurity was the reason why Elton John, 50 Cent, Lady Gaga or Boy George criticized her. It is simply some negative feeling that she inspires in them (envy, resentment, hatred, disapproval, etc.) and that leads them to make fun of her or criticize her at every opportunity and with the complicity, of course, of certain media with their questions. opportunists.

    Egocentrism may be considered a defect but it serves to succeed in this type of situation where the other party will seek your attention through their criticism or lack of respect but the only thing they will achieve is to be seen with contempt or ignored by the egocentrist who feels be more important than others.


  12. Madonna's ego is so big that she will probably think that responding to all these impertinent people is practically going down to their level. Perhaps that is the reason why we have seen countless artists or celebrities pass through time who have criticized or mocked her and have only been ignored in response. Something that I like about her and I try to apply in my daily life, by the way.

    On the other hand, Madonna should feel proud to have such passionate fans when it comes to defending her: she doesn't need to do anything because her fans will take care of the dirty work.

  13. On 11/14/2023 at 4:54 AM, Anapausis said:


    Don't you see el chico is nothing more than a banana? He just says the banana things from his banana mouth cause he doesn't listen to people like me, who feel something motherly for him, worried about the embarassment he does for himself.

    Well, hun, tis "drag diction." Do you know the original meaning of word "drag," right?

    Don't insult my brain.

    And you are someone used to prejudging people by what I see. For your information, English is not my native language so I have some difficulty understanding when people speak in that language, especially when they do it as hurriedly as Bob does.

    If at least Bob spoke a little more slowly and calmly that would help me not fail in trying to understand everything he says. And I am not the only one who goes through this situation because the author of this topic and another person in a different topic have also mentioned the same difficulty in understanding this person.

    and as for your maternal instincts... Haven't you thought about adopting a pair of chihuahuas?

  14. I hope she doesn't wear them when she comes to my country. If my level of English in terms of listening is not yet advanced enough and I have a little trouble understanding someone when they speak in that language, it will definitely be much more difficult for me to understand Madonna using that thing in her mouth.:suffer:

  15. As someone who has always criticized the intentional use of scandal, vulgarity and controversy, I couldn't agree more with what George Michael said. I don't know what year that interview is from but his statements remain valid to this day, unfortunately for all of us who would like this dark stage of the entertainment industry to end once and for all and stop being so influential in our society stripping it of its values, especially when it affects children who tend to imitate everything their favorite artists do. That's why I understand George Michael's feeling of longing for past generations where artists sought to be agents of change. From the good path we went to the bad path without realizing it and there is no way to go back unfortunately.

    All of this has become so common that it is no longer surprising. Some do it shamelessly (Miley Cyrus), others in a planned way disguised as unprepared (Janet Jackson), others cleverly using a valid argument that could justify their excesses and thus defend themselves from criticism (Sam Smith), etc. Encouraging drug use or criminal lifestyles in the lyrics of the songs now seem to be the standard that many young people must follow to achieve fame and success.

    That is why we should not let our fanaticism distance us from objectivity and become irresponsible in praising this 2003 MTV presentation as if it were something incomparable and difficult to surpass by other artists, giving a positive tone to something that definitely is not.

    That Britney and Christina would do it was something easy to predict in those times. But Madonna doing it, who since Evita, had apparently left the scandals and controversy behind, was seen as something "desperate" by many people. Maybe reverse the failure of American Life, maybe show that she was still the best at generating controversy, maybe show that she was still the queen of pop, maybe regain the sympathy of the people of her country because of her opinions against the war or all these reasons at the same time.

    Anyway, only some, like George Michael, were able to see the background of that presentation while the rest of the world continued, and will continue, celebrating these kisses as if they represented the climax of a trend based on controversy that seems to want to stay forever.

  16. On 11/9/2023 at 6:47 PM, Blue Skies said:

    To your point about naming another performance from that show.  Admittedly I am a Christina fan but I thought she killed later on in the evening.   But its largely forgotten about




    Are you also a Christina Aguilera fan? Finally! I thought I was the only one who admired this spectacular and wonderful artist. By the way, I have always wondered why so many antibodies and so much antipathy towards her not only from many people but also from other celebrities (Pink, Eminem, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Fred Durst, Elton Jhon, Shakira, George Michael, etc.)

    Although it is true that controversy and scandal stood out in that historic presentation on MTV, we cannot say the same regarding the vocal performance. From Britney, well, nothing could be expected. As for Madonna, well, I'm her fan but her voice wasn't the best that night. And as for Missy Elliot, I prefer not to consider her a singer until there is a final verdict in the endless debate about whether rappers can be considered as such. Only Christina stood out in that regard. Her majestic voice gave a totally different atmosphere to Like a Virgin and even her dance steps were on the same level as Madonna's.

    If only she could recover the lost transcendence everything would be perfect. For my part, I will continue to wait patiently for Christina Aguilera to once again reign on stages around the world. Because in a music market where everything seems the same and boring and no one stands out above anyone else, only Christina's return could put an end to this stagnation once and for all, just as she did back in 1999.

  17. I just want to know when the dates for Latin America are going to be revealed once and for all. I can't help but feel overcome lately by certain negative feelings such as anxiety about wanting to see it live once and for all or envy when reading the comments of those who have already been able to enjoy this wonderful experience.

    For my part, perhaps anticipating the facts, I have already decided which ticket to buy that will allow me to have the best location, the clothes I will wear that night, the haircut, the post party, etc. The only thing missing is confirmation from Madonna. I don't even want to think that in the end she decides not to come and and all my plans go to the trash can.:suffer:

  18. Thank you. I was having some difficulty understanding what Bob was saying. His hurried and confused way of speaking caused him to not articulate his words well when speaking. At times it even seemed to me that he was reciting a tongue twister rather than telling the story of Madonna's beginnings, which is precisely what he was hired to do.

    Some vocal and public speaking classes for Bob before the start of the new tour wouldn't have been a bad idea. Something extremely necessary when you are going to speak in public and much more so when this audience is made up of thousands of people.

  19. On 11/8/2023 at 5:47 PM, MPowered said:

    English is quite literally the world language. She won't sing her concert in Spanish or Portugese either, so why would she replace the person narrating the show? 😂😂😂

    The problem here is not Madonna but Bob. His job is to narrate Madonna's adventures from the beginning of her career, but the problem is that English is not yet widely used in Latin America. Perhaps the younger generations will not have this problem because they lived at the same time as the beginnings of modern globalization and the information age and because of this they will have certain knowledge and notions of the English language.

    But in the case of more advanced generations, let's say between 40 and 80 years of age and who are the age range that most characterizes Madonna fans, they will definitely have problems understanding what Bob says and will not be able to enjoy it one hundred percent this wonderful experience that Madonna seeks to offer to the public.

    If Madonna does not pay attention to this detail when she visits Latin America then Bob's presence will be for many people in this part of the world simply insignificant and unnecessary as they will not be able to understand a bit of what he says and they will miss that narrative side that so characterizes and differentiates this tour from all of Madonna's previous ones.


  20. English is not yet the official language of the world, much less in Latin America, so I think it would be a very good idea for Madonna to replace Bob with another Drag Queen of Latin origin who speaks in Spanish so that all attendees can understand what he is saying. I think keeping Bob would be disrespectful to the audience because they wouldn't understand anything Bob says throughout the show unless subtitles were put on the screens, but I think that would be too much to ask.

    What I am asking for is not something crazy or absurd. It's simply about adapting to the characteristics of your audience. Even in this forum when someone writes in a language other than English they are asked to write only in that language out of respect for other members. Something similar should apply to Madonna: out of respect for the majority of her Latin audience, replace Bob. And in Latin America there are plenty of options.


  21. My favorite moments from this beautiful tour are: Open your heart, Lucky Star, White Heat, Causing a commotion, The look of love, Like a Virgin, Into the groove, Who's that girl and Holiday.

    However, on this tour there is a WTF moment (no, it's not when Madonna kisses the child during Like a Virgin) that to this day causes me some confusion and for which I can't find an explanation.

    It's during Who's that Girl, a song that starts out full of joy and positivity but then turns sad and melancholic in both the music and Madonna's voice. This radical change in the song always surprised me. Sometimes I wondered if Madonna was dedicating this song to another woman, perhaps a love impossible due to society's prejudices. Maybe that's why the expression on her face changes at the end of the song: from happiness to despair and anguish. Near the end Madonna even starts to... masturbate, I mean, she puts her hand on her crotch and makes a gesture very similar to what people do when they reach orgasm.

    For me the final part of this song is the most dramatic moment of the entire show and I feel that my interpretation is the correct one unless someone has a better one than mine.

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