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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. 1 hour ago, ScottyX said:

    Ya or hopefully just backdrop stuff lol


    I don't think so because Madonna and Tokischa have already made a video together and there are plenty of images to show on the screens, even scenes from the video that didn't make it to the final stage. Different is the case of other artists like Lil Wayne or Vicky Minaj who did have to make a video for the tour screens because the songs in which they participated never had an official video.

  2. To be honest these latest Madonna releases have me very baffled. Some have the quality one expects while others leave a lot to be desired. In the past, Madonna was more seriously involved with all material that was related to her: photographs, album covers, singles, remixes, etc. Now I feel that she no longer has the same motivation as before and I don't think it's for reasons of time since her children are grown, she doesn't have a formal partner, she doesn't have other known jobs, so why this lack of professionalism when delivering quality products and instead we receive fake remastered remixes, album covers with damaged printing, music videos that remain in 360 quality when other artists already have their videos in 4k, etc.

    Her fans deserve the best and some of us have even become very perfectionists and very demanding, influenced by herself. That is why these latest releases disappoint me and make me doubt if the motivation for her career as an artist is still intact or has fallen into stagnation and where she is no longer interested in getting involved in anything and leaves everything to incompetent people who are not interested the quality of the product and only generate money. Those who love what they do will always seek to do their best ALL THE TIME. It's just an observation because as a fan I don't want to feel like I'm criticizing her or talking bad about her.

  3. Madonna and Tokischa together again! Excellent:hyper::hyper:


    I always liked the chemistry that was formed between Madona and Tokischa and how well it was demonstrated in the Hung Up 2022 video and although I would have liked them to be a formal couple (because of all the controversy and headlines it would have generated in the media) at least a good friendship remained and I am pleasantly surprised to discover that Tokischa will have a special participation in this new tour.

    Does this mean that the chosen version of Hung Up will be the 2022 version? I hope so because the original version always seemed a bit monotonous and repetitive to me. It is the only 2022 version that is worth playing in the show since both Madonna and Tokischa have equal participation in the song. Not like Frozen or Material Gworll where Madonna hardly even sang and it was the guest artists, whose names or faces or physical appearance I no longer remember, who ended up usurping the entire song.

  4. I don't know whether to vote based on the DVDs released from the tours or the YouTube videos. What I mean is that if I voted based on the dvds, the Confessions Tour would have a very low score because the show looked very static and cold (and I'm not referring to the public's reaction) and many presentations were badly edited, for example Music, Lucky Star or Let it will be and if it weren't for Youtube I would not have discovered how wonderful these performances were.

    Another example would be the Madame X Tour in which many songs were cut: Something I will never forgive the editor of this tour for is criminally cutting the final part of Come Alive or not including Crave in the edit. That's why I haven't voted so far because I don't know what to base it on to be able to give a fair score for each of the tours.:sad:

  5. For those of us who have not been lucky enough to go on any of Madonna's tours, we are not satisfied with watching these tours through the cold screen of a television or a computer because, to be honest, nothing can equal the experience of being able to see these tours live and direct and even more so those most iconic moments that stood out from each tour such as Live to Tell on the Confessions Tour or Sky fits Heaven on the Downed World Tour.

    That is why, thinking of those fans who did not have the opportunity to attend these tours, the public could be asked what performance they would like to see again on this 2023 tour. Personally, I would love it if Madonna did the same performance she did for Like a Virgin (Blond Ambition Tour), Music (Confessions Tour) and Holy Water (Rebel Heart Tour). Repeating these performances from the past or others according to the public's vote would serve to show that she is still the best artist of all her competition. Also, as a fan, I would be proud to see the press and critics surrender to her, so I hope that Madonna can give all of herself on this new tour and not disappoint the world as well as her fans.


  6. To be honest, I am one of those who stayed with this version sold by the press of the poor addicted brother abandoned by the millionaire sister and who, having no money, had to go and live under a bridge. I remember that this news was headlined in various press outlets around the world and I think that Madonna should have come out to clarify things at the time because as we all know, silence is consent,  and many people were left with that image of the evil sister. Even now, with the death of her brother, the media continue to report the sad news but remember, in a morbid way, that he lived for many years under a bridge and without money when the truth of the story is totally different from the one told by the press but unfortunately only the fans know about it (I just found out thanks to this forum) and people close to the family.

    I am not one to enter the social networks of artists, not even those of Madonna, but does anyone know if she published something regarding the death of her dear brother? A photo or a goodbye message? I would like to see it. Thank you.

  7. Well, on second thought and controlling my emotions, I do not want to minimize Pink's support for Madonna and I thank her because, whether this support is sincere or not, it will help the public see how other artists support Madonna and make them see that it is wrong to make fun of others using the anonymity of social networks. I hope that more artists follow Pink's example, whether she is sincere or not, and put an end to this bullying against Madonna, which I'm sure affects her greatly.

    Personally I have never liked Pink, I don't like her music except for this song Feel good time that did catch my attention at the time but mostly because of the production by William Orbit and I feel that if Madonna had sung it the result would have been much better.

  8. It's good to know that I am one of the lucky few who consider American Life one of Madonna's best albums. That is why I don't care what a trashy magazine thinks that perhaps minimizes this wonderful album based on certain nationalist traumas or simply to provoke cheap controversy. The antipathy of this magazine towards Madonna is already known, such as when it named Lady Gaga as the Queen of pop or another artist whose name I don't remember as the Best artist of all time and not even a shadow of Madonna.

    That is why I am glad that this magazine is already in intensive care, as far as relevance and sales are concerned, and I hope that it will soon pass away, because the fact of not recognizing or minimizing Madonna's legacy seems to me, as an ultra fan that I am of her, something abominable.

  9. I don't want to sound repetitive but god! I'm already bored seeing her with those braids all the time. A little variety in the hairstyles please Madonna! She Could wear wigs if she doesn't have time to go to the hairdresser and get out of that monotony she has fallen into when it comes to hairstyles. She even appeared with that hairstyle in the promotional video for the 2023 tour when I think she should have worn a completely different hairstyle and looked more spectacular, but anyway. I just ask for a little more variety, just that.

  10. I agree with the points of view of @DrownedBoy and @Ayham and I personally think that we should accept the consequences of our actions and not blame others for our mistakes. However, it is never too late to rectify and when we do, the world will appreciate it and, as if by magic, everything negative will disappear.

    And as for Pink, I think that this sudden support for Madonna is quite opportunistic because she has always made fun of other women by minimizing them. I remember a video of her, Stupid Girls, where she makes fun of shallow women as stupid. Is it stupid to value outer beauty more than inner beauty? Is it stupid to value material goods more than spirituality? Pink never rectified herself or apologized for offending other women and, like other artists, she decided to take advantage of the passage of time and people's forgetfulness and now appears as a defender of Madonna. I think that in order to believe in her sincerity, she should first rectify and apologize for offending women in the past with this Stupid Girls video because double standards are so common in the entertainment world and many with fragile memories end up being unwary by believing everything they see.

  11. 2 hours ago, Pootz333 said:

    I don't disagree, but it's kinda rich coming from Pink. Who spent many years dogging out Britney, Christina, and low key Beyonce. She wanted to be the female Eminem. And he also only every came for women and Moby and no one batted a lash. She's always praised and looked up to Madonna but it was a very different story with her peers. 

    In the world of show business and entertainment there is a lot of falsehood. As you yourself have said, you are surprised that Pink supports Madonna against violence against women when she has made fun of other women in the past. Celebrities will always seek to be politically correct or support a cause as long as it favors them in their careers and they will change their speech from one moment to the next according to new fashions or trends.

    For example, overweight artists who achieve fame and become symbols of this sector of the population, but once their popularity is assured, they suddenly appear totally thin, betraying their own discourse and overweight people who saw this star as a inspirational model that one can feel comfortable with one's physique regardless of having 50 or 100 extra kilos. Or artists who criticize misogyny but appear smiling with celebrities who promote misogyny. There is a lot of hypocrisy in this world of fame so I think it's a bad idea to blindly believe everything these artists say because it's easy to identify their contradictions and lies

  12. 1 hour ago, tscott said:

    Ok, are you being serious?  This is Nile Rodgers.  The man who produced the Like A Virgin album.  He's iconic; long before he worked with Madonna.  Not only has he crafted a many 70's iconic hits, he is also credited to producing David Bowie and Duran Duran 80's Iconic albums.   He was not being disrespectful of Madonna in anyway.  He's always spoken highly of Madonna and credited her to being very hands on when producing the LAV album.  You're reading far too much into the expression captured here.  Niles loves Madonna.  The two are cool!  The two recently were together earlier this summer. You shouldn't assume malicious intent based on a snap shot. This expression has nothing to do with Madonna, I guarantee you that.

    Believe me I didn't know. I mean I knew him only by name but not by his physical appearance. Thanks to the clarification from a fellow forum member, now I know who Nile Rodgers is physically and that gesture he makes at the Grammys definitely has nothing to do with Madonna. I will definitely have to google all of Madonna's producers to find out what they look like physically and not screw up with my questions again in the future.

    By the way, I remember that something similar also happened when Madonna gave an award to Camila Cabello at the MTVs and that is that while Camila paid homage to Madonna they focused on the public and all the artists appeared smiling except two women whose gestures denoted boredom and disapproval. I would like to put that image but... what if those two women turn out to be Madonna's best friends? No, I better leave the subject there because I am afraid of making a fool of myself again due to my ignorance.

  13. 20 minutes ago, androiduser said:

    That's Nile Rodgers, a legendary producer who produced Like a Virgin. He recently attended M's promo of FIL.

    He definitely wasn't disgusted or whatever it is you thought, he's certainly a Madonna supporter. I am also surprised you don't recognize such a music legend? He most certainly "transcends outside of his country and globally", he's one of the biggest best known producers in the history of modern music.



    What a shame!!!!!  is he seriously Nile Rodgers? Although I have heard his name many times thanks to Madonna, I had not seen an image of him. I don't really know the physical appearance of many of her producers, particularly it is a subject that does not interest me too much. Nelle Hooper or Patrick Leonard are other producers that I know who they are but I've never seen a picture of them. What a shame to look ridiculous or ignorant despite considering myself an ultra fan of Madonna but in my defense I believe that as a fan you don't have to know everything and it's always good to learn. But what does continue to call my attention is the strange gesture he makes when he should appear smiling but well there must be some explanation, surely he wanted to go to the bathroom or he felt bad, I don't know, but verifying that he is a friend of Madonna my theory is completely discarded.

  14. I have just watched Madonna's participation in the 2023 Grammys again and in greater detail (the only part of the ceremony that caught my attention since all the other artists who performed did not interest me in the slightest) and I cannot find any error in her speech. The message she gave was impeccable and she was sure of herself. Although it is true the reaction of the public was quite cold (colder than the public that appeared in the dvd of the Confessions Tour) I think that the Grammy is characterized by being a more discreet ceremony compared to the Mtvs where everything is merriment and uncontrolled emotions. That's why I think that Madonna shouldn't have been too challenging with the public by demanding more emotion and intensity in the applause.


    By the way, I just have a question: does anyone know who this artist is who appears with a disgusted look on his face after Madonna finishes her speech? I personally don't know him (I only know artists who transcend outside their country and globally) and I was surprised that they focused on someone making that gesture of disinterest and annoyance when the ideal should have been that they would focus on someone clapping with an approving smile on their face. . Only that detail displeased me, but Madonna's participation in the Grammys was, for me, excellent.


  15. well, I think that The ridicule and the merciless criticism will always exist. It is human nature to make fun of others: many people make fun of the poor, the fat, the unattractive woman or man, the old person, the color of the skin, etc. And in many of these cases I don't think it has anything to do with insecurities or resentment because many people with money make fun of the poor and their customs and tell me how I can identify envy or insecurity in those who make fun of it. Wishing for a world similar to Disneyworld where there is no evil is a bit of an exaggeration on the part of certain groups. The best thing they can do is disconnect from social media and be realistic and take proper precautions so as not to be affected.

    Who in their right mind walks alone at night on a dangerous street and later regrets having been robbed by thieves. We must be a little consistent in our actions and not pretend that we live in a perfect world because later we will end up regretting it.

  16. 18 hours ago, Edward I Longshanks said:

     I understand that womens appearance tends to be scrutinized more then men in general but that does not mean its exclusively an issue women face, nor can I honestly think of another woman who gets so much hate and backlash for her appearance, its more that people have a massive issue with Madonna herself than some instinct to criticize any woman who had had work done or is getting older. The real reason she is facing such widespread attention for this is because whatever she had done to her face looks pretty awful and since she is Madonna, its bound to make headlines.

    For a long time, women have worried about looking beautiful using countless beauty products or excessive makeup that gives them a completely different appearance (the same thing that Instagram filters do) and this to feel comfortable with themselves or to like sex. opposite. That is why if women are apparently the most criticized for their appearance, it is because they outnumber men in this obsession with beauty and this leads to misunderstandings and generates the false belief of misogyny or contempt for women. But soon men will also be criticized in the same proportion as women, since more and more are resorting to botox, surgeries, hair implants, and beauty is increasingly valued in this modern world, both for the man as well as for women and when everything is leveled perhaps these concepts of misogyny and patriarchy will begin to go out of style because they will no longer have a place to support themselves.

  17. 6 minutes ago, SecretProject said:

    I get Botox and my lady makes sure that I get the results I want without it being too much. I have very expressive eyebrows and I was worried I’d lose the ability to emote. No problems here. There is a way to get a smooth face without it being overdone. I’m also 35 and for the most part have very little wrinkles. My lady even laughed at me when I wanted to start. ‘What am I even going to do for you?!’ But she agreed that prevention is best. 

    tbh I didn’t start doing it until my husband expressed interest in opening up his own clinic after grad school. I figured he better know what he’s going to be doing on people and in willing to be a Guinea pig. I like Botox because it fades after 6 months and you can get a touch up. But filler is the real issue. Your skin can be stretch so much that it can start to sag. And some filler you can’t dissolve. That’s what happened to Simon Cowell. He looks like a deflated balloon. I had to look him up after reading this thread. Haven’t kept up with him since the first American Idol, a show I never cared for. I did the cheek filler but I didn’t like it on me. That was about 6 months of a slight shelf on my face that made it more heart shaped. Didn’t hate it but…eh. However, I do love lip filler! Again, conservative is the way to go! I have a chronic medical condition that unfortunately made one side of my lip droop really bad. My lady told me that you can’t take anything out (like actual tissue) but can add filler. I love the final more symmetrical result. Big confidence boost for me. 

    If all the celebrities in Hollywood and around the world followed your example but many lose their compass like the case you mention of Simon Cowell that I just googled and he definitely changed radically. By the way, I don't know why but it made me want to listen to this beautiful song by Madonna: Human Nature. "Express yourself, Don't repress yourself ..." so difficult to apply today by the way.:lol:

  18. 18 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

    You talk like she owes you something. Really, seek help. You don't realize how silly you sound. You're what ? A man in your forties i guess,  re-read what you wrote, you're not a teenager anymore. If you still don't find a problem with it then wait until tomorrow an re-re-read it. If you still don't find a problem with it then i'm gonna tell you exactly how your post reeks of male privilege. Like for example that part about women at the gym, you're not only justifying harassment but rape as well, they deserve it because of the way they dress. 

    You don't deserve to be a Madonna fan. It's like you never got anything she ever said from the beginning. 

    Speaking of coins look at yours. REALLY. LOOK. AT. YOURS. 

    If you can't relate to someone because of the way they look then you never liked them in the first place and you are just a shallow person. Again. Re-read yourself in the morning or maybe later when you did a little soul searching and really measure what you said because you really sound like a bad person here. 

    My God. How much aggressiveness in a single post. It seemed like the sermon of an exalted priest trying to convince some unwary to adhere to his doctrine. Breathing deeply before getting carried away by emotions is always good advice. Thank you.

  19. 18 hours ago, PaperFaces said:


    I support her message but women can be just as toxic as men

    Definitely. Women can also be misogynistic and make fun of other women. For some reason the definition of the word misogynist does not distinguish genders: anyone can be. Just look at the comments on social networks where we see both men and women ridicule other women for their appearance or their way of thinking. That certain groups try to exclusively label men as misogynistic is something else, but fortunately we have plenty of examples in the real world to refute them.

    18 hours ago, PaperFaces said:

    One of the reasons Ive always related to her is because she could emote feeling and angst and fear and love and passion in her eyes, her face, her smile.

    When I cant read those emotions on her face anymore, when I cant even tell if SHE feels her own music, then I disconnect and find it hard to re-connect to her and her music.

    I understand your position because it is not only Madonna, many famous artists (MEN AND WOMEN), singers, actors and actresses who have succumbed to this fashion of using certain substances (I think it is botox) to delay the passage of time, but it seems to me that the time comes when the use of this substance gets out of hand and they end up reaching excess, altering that image. original that their fans adore so much that logically they end up baffled by the radical change of that star they admire so much. I admit that I am ignorant on the subject of botox, I do not know if after a certain time they will recover their original features, although I have seen cases of people who never recovered their original expression, but in the end that is the price that many celebrities pay to keep their youthful features. which unfortunately already have an expiration date.

  20. I love Rescue Me and its unconventional structure. However, I feel that 1990 was the best time to sing it live because at that time Madonna's voice had reached its maximum power. If Madonna decided to sing it on this 2023 tour, perhaps it would be better if she omitted the final part of the song since it is the most vocally demanding. Although on second thought it would be a good idea to bring back this group of unknown women who appeared in Batuka's video and who accompanied her on the Madame X tour to sing that final part of the song all together. I remember seeing a video where they appeared sitting down singing Rescue Me and I really liked the result. What a pity that in the end nothing that was seen in the previews made it to the final version of the tour.

  21. On 1/31/2023 at 9:07 AM, Celebration said:

    Okay, fact that fans don't know. I read somewhere that Madonna suffers from panic attacks. It sometimes happens when she performs in arenas. It's like she feels like the place is running out of air and she can't breathe. She can handle it, but it's still tough.
    I don't know if it's true.

    It's actually true because she herself admitted it in an interview.

    As we all know, Madonna is perfection personified. That is why many of us were completely baffled to see her performance with Maluma in Medellín, Colombia. I remember that on that occasion many forum users tried to explain the reason for such a disappointing performance: some said that Madonna was drunk, others that her prostheses did not allow her to move freely, others that she did not rehearse enough, others that she was intimidated by the Colombian dancers, others that it was not really Madonna but a double, etc. Totally subjective and unsupported justifications.


    The only explanation that I found credible and acceptable was the one that I myself gave on that occasion and it was this of the panic attacks that Madonna herself admitted to suffering in an interview but that I personally doubted was true since I had always seen Madonna with such overflowing self-confidence but definitely after their performance in Medellín I learned a great lesson: that our idols are as human as we are and sometimes fanaticism blinds us to the point of believing that they are perfect beings when they can have the same or even more flaws than the commonest of mortals.





  22. Something that Madonna fans and the general public have in common is the memory we have of her music videos, images that were recorded in our retinas and stored in our memories. In fact, there are many times that Madonna decided to promote a song using the same wardrobe used for the video: Nothing Really Matters, Bedtime Story, Sorry or Frozen are some examples that come to mind. 


    That is why seeing her wearing those costumes again on this new 2023 tour would be something very sentimental for both fans and the general public. Seeing her wear the same wardrobe she wore for her most iconic videos would be like going back in time without using a time machine, a very significant emotional blow as it would also remind us of how we depended on music video channels to watch our favorite video.

    Personally I would love to see her wear the same outfit she did in the videos for Lucky Star, Material Girl, La isla Bonita, Sorry, Human Nature, Nothing Really Matters and God Control. Well, finally it is a suggestion that I would like to be taken into account by the Madonna team since I am sure that it would have a positive impact on the public in a tour where the main idea is to remember and celebrate the 40 years of the Best Artist of all the Times.


  23. She definitely will. It's already like four consecutive tours that she has done and I don't think this 2023 tour is the exception. Personally I am between two options: Time Out from the World by the Goldfrapp duo or Toxic by Britney Spears. I think that either of them would be welcomed by the public since they are very catchy songs although I would prefer that Madonna sing Toxic because that could cause Britney to appear as a special guest in one of Madonna's shows and it would be beautiful to see them sing together again as well happened on the Sticky and Sweet tour.

  24. I see many accuse Madonna of being unprofessional for delaying the start of the show, but I think that it is precisely because she is professional that these delays occur, since no one can deny that since the Confessions Tour, she has always been concerned with offering an impressive show in terms of technology is concerned and that it has no point of comparison with the five-cent shows offered by other artists, in which case the public's indignation at hours of delay would be totally justified.

    I think that there may be extremely serious problems or setbacks that fully justify a certain delay. A failure in electronic devices or a problem with her wardrobe or with her hair and makeup could be some examples. As a fan I will always try not to get angry at these last minute inconveniences and if 4 or 5 hours of delay is the side effect of being able to see an amazing show and that I will remember until the end of my days then I will not mind at all waiting.

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