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Rays Of Light
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About xpressyourself

  • Birthday 07/31/2003

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  1. I don't know, but I hope he was able to transfer the tape digitally. If you're still here, @club78boy, let us know!
  2. Technically, we already have the Reggie Lucas version with the Sigma Sound sessions. All that was added in comparison was a guitar track.
  3. same, especially the 24trk Steve Bray demo and the Mark Kamins version.
  4. Even if the unreleased demos sucked, they're still a decent look into the album process. And who knows, maybe a song Madonna didn't like will be loved by people who aren't her. Remember, different strokes are for different folks, and if people can find, say, "Warning Signs" to be more interesting than "Shoo-Be-Do," then so be it. Also colored vinyls are really gimmicky to me. The people who like it only care about the style of the packaging, not the substance of what the packaging holds.
  5. I was thinking of going to the studio and having it baked + digitally transferred.
  6. Two months ago I found a listing for the Caledrone remix of Madonna's "Ray of Light" on eBay. It was for the original 24-track master reel, which was made sometime in March. https://www.ebay.com/itm/195700486951?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110013%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIMRXI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D251791%26meid%3D4100f5e82fc44f78a4bdd0efac85be95%26pid%3D101196%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D7%26sd%3D295801397878%26itm%3D195700486951%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DPromotedRVI&_trksid=p2047675.c101196.m2219&amdata=cksum%3A1957004869514100f5e82fc44f78a4bdd0efac85be95|enc%3AAQAIAAAA4BFMeJ9vNoeV5R6diewUBS0lc9ql%2FlqRn%2FPCzTVToXkHWhgGOO1%2By2ySZqRGQudWE63IVGBNwKE6nJxw3b7%2BSuLRzFeO9BrkG4docTRLSkOaCLKh4btBsTczXGX9WTGzSiTlkdbBEIdM%2F0GdDZNVo%2BqMVZlC08S2Had0jYYJ8tau8m6resXGJ5FhnKa62bITX%2FVaL56R2%2FCL0DLqI3kRLaaYjNb5A04q8siXykV6kG3kf8WPe%2BwufPaj2ALkkbRkWie%2B4gbaZue5Rw4eHKPQoAmQeVaSkhuvjMqbOx%2FjdvHb|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2047675 Should we make this our next crowdfunding project?
  7. Real talk, outtakes from those three artists would be just as sweet as getting demos/outtakes from Madonna's own contributions.
  8. Wait, do you mean Janet's planning on doing a deluxe edition of .janet? Man, I seriously hope it isn't just a calvacade of B-sides and remixes and actually fulfills her promise to make unreleased music (one she made back around her self-titled documentary). EDIT: Nope, spoke too soon.
  9. Makes sense. It's not out of the ordinary for Shep to re-use elements from his mixes for other songs, like how the remix for Janet Jackson's "Miss You Much" ended up becoming the musical bed for Madonna's "Vogue," albiet in an altered form.
  10. Agreed. This isn't like Michael Jackson, who once lost an entire multitrack tape to one of his songs and has missing songs in his estate's official vaults. Madonna has her organizational shit together.
  11. Be patient, the owner's most likely in the process of digitizing the tapes so he can share it with us.
  12. Just got a new profile pic! Try to guess where the character comes from!

    1. theglamorous


      Is it Taylor smothering Madonna with a pillow?

    2. A. A. Aardvark
  13. I'm kinda surprised that the seller has had literal rarities on his person for years. Was he some kind of engineer who worked with Madonna, or someone whom she trusted enough to give him something as rare as this?
  14. I was talking about the crowdfunding for the Everybody multis, which just fell apart right before the price was reached. I cannot remember how it happened, but I know that it did not end quite well.
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