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Rays Of Light
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  1. Beginning to think we’re only getting silver vinyls for vinyl reissues.
  2. Wasn't the master reel for the virgin tour lost on 9/11? I could've sworn I read that somewhere they were storing the reels at one of the Trade towers. edit: ive tried scouring the internet to see if my memory of what i read was correct but so far i've found nothing. sorry if i gave any of you a panic attack.
  3. Idk why theres so much discourse over his sexuality. For all we know he could be anywhere on the LGBT spectrum. Not that that matters though. He's a very creative individual and it's clear M has instilled the best values in him. He doesn't seem like the spoiled bratty celeb kid type. A down to earth kind of guy. Hats off to M, a wonderful mother who gave her children what she craved for in a mother.
  4. ugh this is so disappointing. i absolutely loathe hydrangeas ai
  5. Bush wasn't president until 2001.
  6. when im feeling upbeat, defo candy shop. when i feel a bit downtempo, body shop.
  7. But madonna isn't straight shes a queer woman.. literally had experiences with both sexes..
  8. call me crazy but i think if she plays her cards right she could totally have a madonna inspired era. shes got the looks for it.. shes got that je ne sais quoi.
  9. my dream is to just be able to say thank you and talk about all the things that we're commonly interested in.
  10. even if she did have a mice issue is it really the end of the world? i mean come on lmfao.
  11. i would say she was more so slurring with the grillz than mumbling lol
  12. literally my thoughts like that is so 80's madonna.. her voice does NOT sound like that anymore
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