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Honestly speaking, her Super Bowl performance in 2012 was so amazing and literally close to the perfection... I ABSOLUTELY don't MIND she has never done this or that song previously.  Gosh, it was so amazing it even made me like GMAYL for a moment... Very short moment, but still! It was like.. Imagine having BDay song from MDNA album as your the absolutely most favorite Madonna song for a moment (I know pretty unimaginable, but it happened.. For like 3 seconds to me with GMAYL after her 201


It's been highly reported that she was supposed to perform but backed out due to recording commitments. Her manager Carese at the time issued a statement that she just wouldn't have enough time to put together a performance that would be up to the standards of the Superbowl.  I'm actually glad she didn't perform it because her version of "American Pie" really got a lot of mixed reception and I'd think she would have gotten ridiculed for it.  And these years later, we now know she really never wa


True, she was already in "f**k the past" mode even before the album was released (when talking to MTV's Kurt Loder she was very clear about it), but when the album exploded and got universal acclaim, she felt even more vindicated to not look back at all. Warner wanted to do a greatest hits compilation in 1999 but she managed to block that and only do a video version ("93:99") while promising them another whole studio album for the next 12 months (what ended up being "Music"). Also, she could hav

14 minutes ago, Adonna said:

Says the guy who just reacted and laughed at my post above while making a juvenile ultimatum that I can't quote or comment to anyone who may disagree with you.  What are we in Junior High?  Grow up!   Just ignore me  if you don't like my posts. I have given that respect to you for months, yet you kept reacting and shading anything I posted.  I'm not going to stop responding to other people's post I may agree with just because you don't agree with it.  It's not always about YOU!  Learn that not everyone is going to agree with you.  Just stop your bullying! Enough is enough! 

Practise what you preach McDonna.

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2 hours ago, Adonna said:

I don't think she really did have a lot of choice in the ITG and Beautiful Stranger strategy. I believe that was all due to the record labels choices. And at the end of the day, it's about selling more albums, but in ITG case, the song never appeared on a released soundtrack.

ITG I agree.


The Spy who shagged me soundtrack was release by Maverick so they wanted to sell those and not Beautiful Stranger single

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42 minutes ago, Adonna said:

Who remembers this ICON magazine cover that came out in 2000?  Clearly a photo shoot that came out of the same that was for American Pie single cover.


THIS PHOTOSHOOT was used in soo many magazines back then and gossip stuff and websites . I also rememebr you could download as a wallpaper from madonna.com

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45 minutes ago, LongIslandTea said:

Maybe because it's not her song? and refused to promote it for another artist?

Well, we know she was hesitant in recording the song in the first place.  Something else to keep in mind, the Superbowl usually starts lining up their Super bowl acts the summer before.  So she had to been asked months before the song was even released.  She recorded the song in September of 1999.  That is usually after they start asking for their acts to perform. The song wasn't even released yet when that year's Superbowl took place which was January 30th. Though it doesn't mean she couldn't have use the even to debut the song.  And if I recall she didn't even film the video until sometime in January which wasn't long before the Superbowl took place.  So if Madonna was just simply asked to performed, but it never was discussed what she would perform and people just assume it was "American Pie" being that was released nearly around the same time as the event?  Furthermore, The Next Best Thing wasn't released until March, more than month later after the event.

From what I gather, she wasn't supposed to be the sole act that year. And if I recall, i believe she was planned to open the game, rather be part of the Half-time as other acts were already planned for the Half-time event.  By then, she was already preparing for the Music album, so I can see the conflict. 

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