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Candy Shop or Body Shop?


Candy Shop or Body Shop?   

66 members voted

  1. 1. Which song do you prefer?

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"Body Shop" is beautiful and actually the first time she ventured into some kind of new music territory for her IN YEARS. It's the early prototype of that same delicate nostalgic feel she used again later in "Medellín".

I've come to like "Candy Shop" over the years cause she's made everything she can to make us to, of course. I was even surprised it wasn't included on the last tour!

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If Candy Shop didn't have such "cheap" musical production and lyrics, it would definitely be the winner because no one can deny the catchy and pleasant rhythm of this song. However, Body Shop is better worked on a technical level and is more pleasant to my ears, especially when I listen to it with headphones. Pharell is a good composer but his musical arrangements end up being quite simple and predictable and that is why he will never be considered a producer on the same level as others like William Orbit or Mirways.  I don't want to imagine what Music would have sounded like if Pharell had been the producer in charge of this song. Thank God Madonna didn't know who Pharell was back then.

In conclusion, my vote goes to Body Shop for having a better musical production even though the lyrics… Was it necessary so many writers for that? God!. Anyway.

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