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Unapologetic Bitches
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    nito84bcn reacted to Joseebus in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    This is absolutely exhausting. I'm just glad that I had a fantastic experience at my show in NYC before the rollercoaster started. I sincerely hope she pulls through whatever this is and continues the tour as scheduled.
    BUT JESUS CHRIST, WHY did she ever agree to let Live Nation make this a full-blown world tour's worth of dates when this ONLY EVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN a very limited engagement thing. From the beginning I guess I just assumed she would do these few little theater shows and then kick off her standard arena thing some time next year or something.
    And for all the talk about "loving the intimate experience with her fans" thing, I don't think she's enjoying this format much at all. She can't just phone this show in if she's having a rough night or whatever like she could with a big arena thing that you just wind up and let run, you know?
  2. Like
    nito84bcn got a reaction from Jitterbug in What Songs Would You Have Wanted As Singles   
    Amazing from Music was n promo radio single after What it feels like for a girl, in Europe and some other countries in the world. In fact I hearded it more at that time than WIFLFAG...
  3. Like
    nito84bcn got a reaction from dylanlioncourt in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Well... but we are still without an official statement... Rude is the first word that comes to my mind. 
  4. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    You are right, but IG is like an official statement, like it or not.
    It says how she feels.
    So today, while people have lost money and time and most of all their chance to see her, and while other fans are afraid the tour might be canceled because she is feeling bad or she is sick, to post everyday pictures from backstage is not nice...
  5. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    But one more thing I have to say before I go.
    M is not a martyr nor a slave to Live Nation. She chose to do these dates. 
    Life in show business is hard. I saw an actor falling from the set (a terrible fall on his back, from so high) and finishing the show before an ambulance took him away. I saw another one coming on stage and explain why the show was cancelled. If she was at the venue, there could be other ways to announce it better than leaving without explanation, so the audience can accept it somehow... Sorry, she can be a queen, but a queen respects her subjects.
    I miss this:
    per favore non spingete, no, no
    vi vo(g)lio tanto bene tutti quanti (no motherfuckers then)

  6. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Come on...it doesn’t make her look bad? Again, there are 2000+ people who got screwed very last minute last night because of this incident. Would you empathize with them if every person who was supposed to go last night collectively decided to never see her again? I would — Last minute cancellation without an explanation, now the Insta posts with a complete lack of acknowledgement...
    Sure, Live Nation may have scheduled too many dates, but the ball is in her court — This has been going on since NYC. A proactive business strategist, as we’ve all been led to believe is Madonna, would have taken a look at the itinerary right then and there, worked with Live Nation to reorganize, issued one mass press release, and left it at that. This fly-by-the-seat, “will she or won’t she show up?” behavior is nothing short of disastrous for her attendees. Couldn’t she discern that the late starts were bad enough? Believe me, any non-mega fan I’ve gone to shows with in the past won’t go again with me as a direct result of the late starts. It’s an absolute shame.
    Let’s face it, the woman cannot afford to continue losing fans at this point.
  7. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Daphne Du Maurier in Will Madonna Ever Have A Hit Single Again?   
    Even a fantastic single like "Ghosttown" (or I Rise) was not a big chart success.
    Young people who believe that Ed Sheeran, Drake or Justin Bieber are the greatest musicians on this planet will not be interested in a 61-year-old artist.
    And 99% of the tracks in the charts are almost identical stupid : DJ Kane feat Justin Bieber feat MCJ feat Lolly-Girl feat feat feat feat feat feat......
    Today's music is just as stupid and monotonous as most movies. Every week a new fucking Marvel shit....
  8. Like
    nito84bcn got a reaction from eXtremeOccident in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Well... but we are still without an official statement... Rude is the first word that comes to my mind. 
  9. Like
    nito84bcn got a reaction from Alan Leggate in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Well... but we are still without an official statement... Rude is the first word that comes to my mind. 
  10. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Well then I'd rather have silence than silly IG Stories with M putting makeup...
    I am sorry but I find it a little insensitive.
    And LN UK advertising ticket sales earlier today!
    This strenghtens the "diva" theory. Rage is over, back to normal.
  11. Wow
    nito84bcn reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    There are a bunch of posts on her story now. Makeup pics of her and vids of dancers opening gifts. All hash-tagged with Miami.
    And still no explanation. Wow.
  12. Wow
    nito84bcn reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    But then she just posts 5 IG Stories with crew saying "we're going home" and exchanging Xmas gifts like nothing has happened...

  13. Like
    nito84bcn got a reaction from DiegoLCL in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Not at all... I would say really bad marketed and planned. 
    When she said that she wanted to do theatres, I was thinking something more organic, more acoustic, more experimental (including old and no-hits material) less focused on screens and the f*cking dancers. What we had in the end was an arena type show inside of a theatre, but duplicating dates (trying to have the profit from an arena). So that meant, Madonna working 3 or 4 times MORE AT 61, than with Girlie Show or DWT 2 decades ago!!

    Someone has to think really good after this debacle, everytime that the tour seems to be going well, a cancelation happens again, and she seems exhausted and not in a good mind state at all. 

  14. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Personally, I think that the knee issue is real and she cancelled shows for health problems. Previously. But not this time. If it was an health issue they would have announced it like they did every time. So I fear these diva rumours might be true, because security people are talking about it. As for Neil @andifeel, we all know he is a loyal and respectful fan so if he says she did the soundcheck I believe him, so something unexpected must have happened...
  15. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Neil in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Just to be clear: all I know is that she is not ill. And that she hates hates HATES it when people are sat down. And has done since 1985 as we all know. She completed her soundcheck. Then I have no idea. So let’s not be all MadonnaNation-like and start putting words in my mouth that were never there just to bully me and call me a liar. Lol. 
    My only concern right now is for the many many friends I have over there - some who flew from Australia for closing night of the US dates, who have missed out again. I’m lucky in a way  - i did the NY and Chicago runs and because I’m caring for my mum full time at the moment I couldn’t make it over. 
  16. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Sorry, but....as a HUGE fan for the last 20 years...this whole era and last few years have left a terrible taste in my mouth, and I’m starting to want to turn in the fan card, as it seems a lot of fans are starting to consider...
    This isn’t the Madonna we’ve come to love and respect. She was always revered for being a professional and, though a diva, always considerate of her fans and, at the bare minimum, able to put on mega-force concert that the pop stars just couldn’t compete with.
    All of these Madonna characteristics seem to be gone lately.
    Look, if I had been at the show last night, I’d be over the woman. It’s ludicrous she hasn’t provided a proper justification to the audience who was supposed to attend last night. These are *not* cheap tickets — And not everyone attending is a super fan. This is the holiday season where flight prices to the show would be jacked up, and furthermore, people likely made cognizant decisions to change their holiday plans so that they could see this show.
    Why is she acting like this? Between the ridiculous late starts since 2012 (I’m sorry — none of you would wait that late for any other artist, and you know it), the complete disorganization and mismanagement of both her current tour and her legacy, the lack of interest in pleasing anyone with her show but herself, the tacky af photo auction, the rumors of what happened last night (I hate to say it — but I believe it, given the sources)....how can we go on continuing to defend all of this?
    If these incidents were isolated and rare, fine. But they aren’t anymore — She’s clearly adopted a personality lately that just...isn’t what I used to idolize in her. 

    I swear to you all, this isn’t an easy post. I absolutely adore and love the woman, but I’m exhausted of defending her. Lately, her attitude has become inexcusable. 
    Ultimately, us members can fight in between ourselves and agree or disagree. I’m sure this post may spark some strong responses. But realistically, where does she go from here? I don’t see how she has a public comeback at this point. She’s spent almost a decade subjecting herself to regular bad press for decisions *she’s* making, rather than for the artful controversy that she used to produce. I don’t want to see her doing this to herself. I’m so sad to see her dwindling like she is lately, but she had complete control over that.
    And, frankly, it seems she’s just over it at this point.
    I truly hope she proves me wrong in the near future. I will always cherish the music and performances she has given us. 
  17. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to scion in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    If Neil himself says her health is fine, which I can't verify as I am no longer on Tribe, well, I have absolutely no reason to doubt it. 
    I may not always see eye to eye with the guy, but reliable he is.
    I don't believe there is ANYTHING wrong with her knee to be honest, but that's personal speculation in that her knee seems to flare up on shows less likely to draw a profit. 
  18. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to scion in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    The thing is, some of the cancellations probably have been because of the knee, but some have certainly because of poor sales disguised as other issues. 
  19. Wow
    nito84bcn reacted to digitalfreaknyc in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Two members of middle management were fired and M stormed off, canceling the show. One of them is Molly, a VIP manager who's an amazing worker and ran VIP for the Megan Trainer tour.
    She threw an absolute fit during sound check, fired them and left. 
    That's why there's radio silence. No one knows what's going to happen with the rest of the dates.
    She hates this tour. She wants the whole thing over with.
  20. Like
    nito84bcn got a reaction from Voguerista in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Not at all... I would say really bad marketed and planned. 
    When she said that she wanted to do theatres, I was thinking something more organic, more acoustic, more experimental (including old and no-hits material) less focused on screens and the f*cking dancers. What we had in the end was an arena type show inside of a theatre, but duplicating dates (trying to have the profit from an arena). So that meant, Madonna working 3 or 4 times MORE AT 61, than with Girlie Show or DWT 2 decades ago!!

    Someone has to think really good after this debacle, everytime that the tour seems to be going well, a cancelation happens again, and she seems exhausted and not in a good mind state at all. 

  21. Like
    nito84bcn got a reaction from Joan of Marc in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Not at all... I would say really bad marketed and planned. 
    When she said that she wanted to do theatres, I was thinking something more organic, more acoustic, more experimental (including old and no-hits material) less focused on screens and the f*cking dancers. What we had in the end was an arena type show inside of a theatre, but duplicating dates (trying to have the profit from an arena). So that meant, Madonna working 3 or 4 times MORE AT 61, than with Girlie Show or DWT 2 decades ago!!

    Someone has to think really good after this debacle, everytime that the tour seems to be going well, a cancelation happens again, and she seems exhausted and not in a good mind state at all. 

  22. Sad
    nito84bcn reacted to Madonna_Alltheway in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    I've spend literaly all my money (I'm 19) to travel to Lisbon (2 shows) with my girlfriend and London (1 show) to see this tour. I'm so fucking nervous now that she'll be cancelling I mean it's actually the only reason why I'd go to these cities. Fine there are other things to do but I've been looking forward this since June...
    I hope she's okay! This silence is making me nervous and especially that Batukaderas video on her insta...

  23. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to apj in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Unfortunately in the absence of any explanation people will speculate and make things up
    ..actually even when a reason is given people still do that.
  24. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to MattyMads in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    On a serious note The best solution now is to cancel the rest of the tour and take a break for a bit, try and salvage what she can of her touring career, sack her management and crew and start a fresh. In regards to her health and business relations she isn't in a good position at the moment and it's affecting her professionalism 
  25. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Synchrone in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    I hope she knows when to admit she has to rest and recover. Shows until almost 2 a.m., injuries, lack of sleep, 61 years old....it’s ok Madonna you have nothing to prove you have proven it all before. Don’t push yourself to the limit
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