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  1. yes! Thank you - the Fukuoka live version. 2nd verse. Thanks!
  2. Please help Looking for a version in which she sings at the beginning “Sitting on a park bench/I WAS thinking about the…” It’s the addition of “I was”. pretty sure I haven’t dreamt this and heard it somewhere one time…
  3. thanks, so it seems the 'chart' is updated by an hour? If so, I honestly don't see any esteem in such accolade. So all of the campaign effort just so an album can be screen-grabbed while showing at #1 at 2:59pm while it went down to #5 a minute later? oh, weird times...
  4. loving the discussion but no has still has addressed my question. OH well...
  5. that's what I was wondering about - if that chart is updated like every hour, or every second - what's the point?
  6. cool cool but I was wondering whether that chart was a daily one, not a weekly one? And is it/was it daily or just updated automatically, every second?
  7. Back in 2020 as a result of the #JusticeForBedtimeStories fan campaign- was it just for a day that it occupied the top spot? https://todayinmadonnahistory.com/2024/04/30/today-in-madonna-history-april-30-2020-2/
  8. Is it M's vocal in this 'cover' of Miles Away?
  9. thanks! If you spot anything else of value from the UK media, please post if you can. 😉👍🏼
  10. an elevated music-centred and not a clickbait discussion here: https://madonna-infinity.net/forums/topic/36646-singles-if-erotica-never-received-damage-control-treatment/
  11. Queer tribute to Madonna’s Sex book. “The book comes with metallic covers cut open with a glory hole matching the size of the average erect penis circumference. Drag artist and musician Bimini Bon Boulash takes the place of Madonna, as joined by an all-queer cast of models.” https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxDd5WstfyS/ More info-https://www.dazeddigital.com/fashion/article/60892/1/this-book-reimagines-madonna-s-90s-sex-book-for-2023-s-horny-queer-culture
  12. wow I didnt think this thread would be soooo busy.
  13. because then fans would complain it is not genuine. Kinda like they do when the live video recordings from each night are stitched together ...
  14. I got the same vibes. Very Trumpian, too.
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