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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Winn

  1. 46 minutes ago, stefo said:


    I think it's interesting and beautifully executed, it's one of the many highlights of this show. I think it comes after The beast within, wich is about moral and mystical conscience, and shows the way, the forms of a different perception of being human, through the integration of all our elements and energies (wich is also represented with Sefirot and all the graphic symbols you noted). Actually both numbers are coreographed by the genius Damien Jalet (who also coreographed JML, other incredible number). The strange thing is that, if I'm not delirious, under a narrative perspective, after that Bedtime story would have had much more sense than Don't tell me :lol:

    (I'm curious to know who did the coreo for Like a Prayer, by the way, wich is not at the level of these three but very very effective for me, also the idea to represent these neon crosses and masked dancers, wich makes me think to a kind of BDSM atmoshere, wich leads to Erotica).


    Edit: I don't remember if I already posted this, but it's the best video of NRM I watched since.


    Agreed this is the best so far. Outstanding.

  2. 2 minutes ago, scion said:

    She was brilliant but I'm very concerned about her health. She sounded very very strained tonight and barely managed Crazy For You. I was however directly facing an under stage sound monitor speaker and could tell exactly what was live and what wasn't, and let me tell you, it's pretty much all live. Erotica and JML are not live, neither is the chorus to Everybody or part of LAP from what I could tell. 

    The concert was amazing and tbh I'd say it's the best of hers I've been to, but vocally she is sick. Because of the speaker position we could hear her very very clearly, the issues started during Open Your Heart but she still sounded good. The only song that sounded awful vocally was Hung Up.

    Vocally she is sick but still sounded good?

  3. There's something about Bedtime Story the masses never really went for. When that single came out I was living with a Billboard DJ and he used to get promo vinyl all the time. When he got the Madonna remixes, I kept on him about spinning them in the club he worked at and he always did until Bedtime Story. He said the mixes just weren't working, the crowd wasn't into them. He gave me the vinyl right then and there, which I cherish to this day bc it's the rarer Chapter II. He wouldn't give me Frozen though, which had some kind of rarer drum dub I'd still like to have!

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