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Posts posted by Lorx

  1. 4 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

    Live broadcasts happen with sports events and all sorts of things all the time without issues. I’m not saying everything should be expected to be perfect but with today’s technology syncing up multiple audio sources shouldn’t be complicated for an entire team of professionals with a 10 minute delay up their sleeve. 10 minutes is very generous, in fact, it is not technically a live broadcast really.

    They had to sync multiple audio sources and they miserably failed. And they also had to switch between at least 5 audio sources (which had to be synched).

    I guess it was not that easy to do it in 10 minutes, because they failed. And one of these sources (the audience sound) was not synched from the beginning to the end of the show.

    There are two things: Either Madonna relied on a team of amateurs with little knowledge of editing audiovisual material (Ricardo Gomes? 😆) or it was not so easy to do so and notice in ten minutes such blatant inconsistencies


    Totally agree with this:

    4 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

    In those parts where her lips didn’t match the audio instead of trying to adjust the audio they could very easily have cut to a wide shot or some dancers to cover it up. I really think they did a bad job protecting Madonna’s reputation at times because there are moments where it appears she is just terrible at lip syncing. Holiday she is literally singing different words at one point. That shot should never have gone to air like that.


  2. 9 hours ago, DJ N A said:

    I'm not arguing about vocals. I don't care.

    I'm answering his question about why the AUDIENCE is seen seemingly singing out of sync with the performance.

    That's all.

    Y'all can argue about polished vocals but leave me out of it.

    The consistently out of sync audience should in fact be due to merging the audience recording with that of the soundboard. The timing might have been misaligned from the start and remained so throughout.

    While the audio feed directly from the mixing console has no delays, the audio reaching the audience through the event's speakers has a slight delay, causing temporal incongruence. They must be synced, because even if you record them simultaneously if you merge them together they're not in sync, obviously.

    In my opinion, they attempted an endeavor that no one had ever tried before. I believe it's the first time someone has tried to modify an entire show's audio in just ten minutes and then immediately broadcast it. The likelihood of making mistakes or overlooking certain things, in my opinion, is extremely high.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Sheridan1980 said:

    For the Prince Tribute at Billboard, her voice was absolutely perfect, it was 100% live and it was in 2016 :cute:

    That was the last vocal performance she really studied for, prepared and put effort into.

    After that, she was always vocally mediocre or ok at best. And sometimes she was even really bad. So bad like she wasn’t even a singer but some random drunk girl at a cheap karaoke bar

  4. 13 minutes ago, True Blue 84 said:

    Because he's a man.... sad but true 

    Not exactly. He had an amazing voice and showed for more than a decade that he sang incredibly well. That was his reputation. He started lip-syncing when his voice got damaged and couldn't keep up the same level, because he was an obsessive perfectionist (and honestly, it annoys me if it implies losing humanity and authenticity), but nobody doubted he could sing even when lip-syncing because they all knew he delivered perfect vocal performances.


    Madonna always sang pretty much in tune even though she wasn't always perfect (she sounded ok at BAT, accept it), but she was never at MJ's vocal level. So, every time she lip-synced, it was in a context where her reputation as a good singer wasn't established yet.

    And they've always been tough on her, even though she didn't sing worse than other popstars in the end. The reason is also that she was always a controversial figure, a woman who exposed her sexuality (even in a religious perspective) and defended the weakest. Plus, she built a reputation as a "mean diva" who treated everyone badly. She's always been a very divisive artist.

    And through the years she got worse and became a "bad" singer. So for the general public she's either a bad singer or the queen of lip-syncing 

  5. 28 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

    I think most non fans believe she lip syncs at this point and/or that she cannot sing. The expectation of great vocals is so much higher these days than it was 20 years ago or more. The Internet gives people so much more opportunity to scrutinize and dissect these things. And unless Madonna actually makes the effort to be 100% live and sound her best then this perception will continue. 

    Mariah is now copping it for the same things and she was always known for her vocals. Unfortunately, that’s a result of her choices too. People are not so naive anymore as they were in the past.

    It’s kind of bullshit because MJ blatantly lip synced 80% of the time and yet nobody ever talks about that at all.

    She must be extremely insecure about her singing abilities (for good reasons); otherwise, she wouldn't go through all these maneuvers to mask her voice in a live recording. Sometimes I'm almost surprised she chooses to sing live, considering all of this.

    And the cover-up is worse than the crime. She's really shooting herself in the foot.

    I was so into this Rio show that I didn't even notice these screw-ups she made with the recordings. That's my super-fan side getting all hyped up and loving her no matter what, but then I take a step back after reading your comments, and I'm like, "Whoa." If it was just a little autotune on her real vocals, I'd get it, 'cause let's face it, she's been off-key in this tour, and her voice would sound awful coming out of a soundboard. But swapping it out with other performances? Disaster.

    And forgive me for saying she's not as much of a perfectionist as she used to be. Many things she does are extremely contrived and sloppy. Instead of doing this, she could at least work on her technique a bit, or she could just be authentic and unmasked, letting her true voice be heard.

    You're spot on when you say we're not in the MJ days anymore, where nobody cared about singing to a playback. Nowadays, almost everyone sings live, or at least tries to. People are WAY more tuned in to this stuff now.

    Some people aren't, but they're minority right now. Or they're just happy fans who watch without paying attention to such details.

    She's gonna end up being labeled as the queen of lip-syncing when it's not true.

  6. 5 minutes ago, FraP said:

    It's pretty much confirmed that they used vocals from other concerts. Maybe when they did not have time to autotune her voice, they replaced them and they did not check. In Don't Tell Me, when she kisses her daughter, her voice continues and it didn't sound like backing vocals to me.

    (The video has timestamp of the moment I'm mentioning, if you press play it plays that moment)

    In this video, if you watch the screens, her voice stops when she kisses her daughter and there's no backing track



    Being pretty observant, I totally missed the mark on this one. Initially, I figured the vocal-video mismatch was due to the strong backing vocals, but on second look, they're not backing vocals at all. You guys are really sharp!

    After checking out the Holiday video and this one: yeah, they've definitely done some autotuning, cranked up the backing vocals, and in spots, swapped out her live vocals with pre-edited recordings.

    Pulling all that off in just ten minutes must've been quite the challenge.

  7. 1 hour ago, MCL_1993 said:

    'Wasn't of my taste' is a very PC way to put it. Lol.

    the build-up, the mix, the rehearsal and the wonderful incorporation of traditional Brazilian music and young musicians playing was something to hold your breath for… the execution was a hot mess at best

    My question is: Madonna's choreography in that performance looked something I've already seen before. The question is "Where?"


    1 hour ago, Sheridan1980 said:

    I don't understand why. The Drowned World Tour DVD is 100% live vocals and her voice is perfect

    She nectlected her voice after AL/COADF. And 20 years have passed.

    1 hour ago, Angelo said:

    from DWT she's using rehearsal voice, she knows that she has a poorly live voice every year...it seems like she doesn't care to take lessons again

    Nope, DWT voice is real.

  8. Just now, SuperBicycle said:

    I noticed during the Vogue rap you could hear her speaking voice over the recorded rap. Did anyone else notice this?

    Even in the other shows her speaking voice was always noticeable above her old recorded rapped part, only it was a bit lower. Fortunately, they kept it high for this live performance. Also because she had to introduce Anitta and everybody had to understand what she said.

    48 minutes ago, martassak said:

    I don’t mind the layered and processed vocals as long as it sounds natural, for example live to tell, everybody, into the groove, and bad girl sound like just the backing vocals she’s supposed to be singing over. 

    On the other hand the vocals in Hung Up and La Isla were completely fine. 
    Erotica sounded amazing on the non spoken parts
    Open Your Heart was okay sounding

    All this needs is a little bit more prominent lead vocal on some songs to make it a perfect recording 

    Everybody was a total mess, it sounded like Madonna was lip-syncing when she wasn't. Bad Girl was better, but the backing vocals drowned the live ones out. 

    I hope they release the concert worldwide and fix these issues, but knowing Madonna, the audio might only get worse! 😆

    59 minutes ago, MCL_1993 said:


    "You know, I didn't really have a say in that. I approached it in a similar fashion as Stuart did with the previous tours. I took a good rehearsal day and mixed the vocal stem with the soundboard from Argentina but we quickly ran into the issue of her being out of tune a lot during those shows. You need to understand that we were almost at the end of the tour and Madonna's voice wasn't getting enough rest during the south american dates. So, we decided to pitch her speaking voice up a little to mix better with the rehearsals. Then when the label reviewed it, Madonna's tour director requested a clean-up of all the instrumentals we recorded during filming of the footage in Buenos Aires. It was very unfortunate because after that clean-up, everything sounded more studio-esque, which apparently, Madonna aimed for. With our PA system, it was very easy to work on that tour because our sound was very consistent across the board. If we didn't run into issues with the venue or technical stuff screwing us over - which rarely happened, anyway- the show in Berlin would sound just as good as the show in Los Angeles, for instance. I also did a version of the soundboard using stems from shows in which she gave good vocal performances and played it to her but she didn't like it very much. So, at the end of the day, a more artificial sound was preferred over a more rough mix. Sadly, for the audience noise, I had to use stock recordings to get it right sometimes. "

    It's a shame she rejected Kevin Antunes mix of S&S, opting instead for a fake-sounding studio-like version. 

    I used to think he was the guilty one, since her previous tour have live vocals (I'm Going to Tell A Secret and Confessions Tour audio have some autotune, but they are very similar to the real thing). 

    I think she's very insecure and she doesn't not believe in her voice.


    Anyway, this audio is still better than MDNA/MX/S&S and RH audio. So I'm quite happy. And I wasn't expecting her to go full live on live TV

  9. 1 hour ago, Frank said:

    Some rehearsals pics from last night:























    She looks AMAZING without the wig. I'm sure she's gonna wear it, but if I'm wrong I'll be so happy. She looks so young and fresh, I think Hung Up would really benefit from this hairstyle.

    During ROL and Rain I think the wig looks good, though 

  10. 22 minutes ago, Angelo said:

    I think for this one is different..performing only the singles

    I don't know, the show is about her life, like her story. I don't think it's gonna be a different show. But I understand she make changes.

    She could have changed Mother And Father by replacing with Oh Father... But that would have been a dream ahah

    Anyway, we'll see!

  11. 2 minutes ago, Angelo said:

    Maybe in 2004, not today. She had so many shows on friday night 

    True. Anyway, there's another woman wearing her costumes. I saw the pics.

    And it's not the first time. Even in 2012 before the opening night there were videos of one of her dancers playing Gang Bang with Madonna's costume and choreography.

  12. 4 hours ago, Magic Pussy said:

    No wonder this concert is free- there's no flying box! I’m so glad I didn’t waste days of my life getting to and from Rio just to see such a disappointing show which it definitely will be without that flying box. Cue the lawsuits from “enraged fans” who traveled to Brazil and feel Madonna misrepresented the appearance of the box in Rio. I’ll be hate watching it all tomorrow night ;)

    Love your humor 😆

    I think the flying box is not fundamental at all. I mean, it's cool, especially during Live to Tell. But she can make a great show without it 😆

  13. 34 minutes ago, Honey Little said:

    I feel like Mirwais was always fresh, unlike Orbit.

    Same, Mirwais sound was fresh in both Music and AL, we can't say the same for Orbit in Music. And I think Mirwais did a pretty good job in Madame X too!

    47 minutes ago, Prayer said:

    You got some points there but... the fight between "real" and not real producers is useless, in my opinion. Shep wasn't a "real" musician either, even Jellybean (both DJs), and she created magic together with them. She's not a "real" musician either, but has a great musical talent.

    It's always about the song. If the songs are not great no "real" producer will be able to lift them up.

    Great music is great music, doesn't matter where it comes from.

    Shep Pettibone wasn't just a regular musician, he was a DJ/producer with awesome musical taste and solid music knowledge.

    Creating good house pop music involves more than just technical skills, it requires a good sense for sound design, the ability to curate the perfect samples, and a knack for structuring a track effectively. While Pettibone surely did not have the technical virtuosity of Jacob Collier — who, despite his skill, can sometimes verge on tedious— he distinguished himself through his discerning taste, adequate expertise, and intuitive grasp of musical aesthetics.

    Madonna might not be the best musician, but she's always had great taste and knew how to pick the right musicians to collaborate with. Plus, she comes up with amazing ideas when she's inspired by the right people.

  14. 17 minutes ago, steady75 said:

    There’s no way she’ll do Faz that’s too many words to relearn for her in another language

    Totally agree. She could just sing the chorus, maybe. And I guess she would just sing "ele faz tao gostoso" because she doesn't remember anything else 😆

    19 minutes ago, steady75 said:

    Bedtime Story is probably at risk and Ray Of Light remains to be seen. 

    BS is confirmed, she rehearsed it

  15. 55 minutes ago, Prayer said:

    Thing is, when she came back with William Orbit in 2011 they didn't capture back the full magic of the "Ray Of Light" album and when she came back with Mirwais they didn't bring back the magic of "Music" album. And I love both "MDNA" and "Madame X" albums, but expectations are created and never met. Lightning only strikes once.

    I don't know, going back sometimes can be more disappointing than exciting.

    It all comes down to the actual songs, really. With great songs half the work is done, that's where Patrick Leonard was king in a way. They were great together but it's been 25 years since the last one.

    Sure, Orbit had no really fresh ideas. I'm a Sinner feels like an outtake from Ray Of Light. And the other productions, though they have nice ideas, are confused and lack clarity.

    Falling Free is the besy song, written with Joe Henry, indeed.

    Orbit's contributions on Music were not up to what he achieved in Ray Of Light, he lost his magic after ROL. Indeed, Amazing and Runaway Lover are the weakest tracks on that album.

    Certainly, MDNA was not just an Orbit project. He worked with low-level artistic DJs like Martin Solveig and Indiigo. Benny Benassi was slightly better but still not a top-tier producer, focusing on very mainstream and uninspired dance music, perhaps delivering his best ever with Madonna.

    As a result, MDNA turned out to be a mediocre album.

    Mirwais in Madame X wasn't at his previous heights, but he managed to inject some fresh ideas like God Control, I Don't Search I Find, Killers, or Extreme Occident. These songs are still superior to those Orbit produced on MDNA.

    The point is that revisiting collaborations with old musicians with whom you've previously succeeded doesn't always work, but I understand why she might occasionally look back. She's somewhat detached from the world of real musicians as she said many times, and if she collaborates with someone new, they tend to be mainstream DJs like Solveig, or at most Diplo and Avicii... And she doesn't like working with them.

    This doesn't compare to the musical talent of her earlier producers.

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