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Posts posted by Lorx

  1. On 10/30/2023 at 7:54 AM, Future Lover said:

    Whenever I see people on here waxing poetic about her vocals I sometimes have to wonder what vocal peak they're referring to when they talk about a decline. Love this woman to death but at no time have her vocals ever been her strongsuit. There have been periods and moments all throughout when she's sounded great but some of y'all act like she was once a Celine level vocalist who's collapsed down to barely being able to hold a note. 

    Let's say that until the Confessions Tour she was a good singer, though not Whitney Houston. At DWT her voice was in excellent shape, as well as at the American Life Promo Tour. 


    23 hours ago, Redha DBL said:

    I don't know if i'm totally missing the point but to me she sings way better in this tour than most of her tour since Confessions. Now a backing track is nothing new and it's a good idea on a show where the artist performs and dance. For example, some live videos i've seen of Sticky & Sweet tour are a real nightmare for the ears. Next to it the Celebration tour is sublime. I'm honestly really surprise i keep reading fans concerned about her vocals on this tour because to me it's just the opposite. 

    In my opinion, her vocals were a little bit better during the RHT. Madame X wasn't bad either (loads of autotune left and right), and the MDNA Tour was okay (with less technology, she relied more on her own voice in songs like LAP).

  2. On 10/29/2023 at 3:57 PM, acolyte said:

    She may significantly struggle vocally during some portions of the show for reasons that @Lorx explained really well, but I do have to say that I find it remarkable regardless that she's singing live at all on this tour.

    Yes, her vocal performance for the last ten years or so hasn't been particularly impressive from a technical point of view, but I think we all should bear in mind that three months ago, she didn't only find herself in an induced coma but had also been intubated. Vocal cord paralysis and prolonged hoarseness after intubation are very frequent side effects.

    I had my doubts as to whether she'd be able to sing at all. Given that she's only three months into her recovery from all this, most of it spent resuming rehearsals and actually kicking off the tour, I'm surprised that she doesn't actually sound worse than she has in the past few years which makes me wonder if she's had specific vocal coaching this time. 

    It's possible that she had a vocal coach who gave her some advice because she doesn't actually sing worse than in the last two years. In fact, she sings a little better! However, I would say she didn't undergo a full-fledged training with a vocal coach and didn't attend lessons once or twice a week, otherwise things would be way different. Her voice is still weak. She might have received some specific advice for this tour, but I guess her voice is gonna get worse during this tour.

    I was afraid she would perform much worse; I was actually hoping for a super lip sync. Instead, she managed to strike a good balance thanks to technology.

    On 10/29/2023 at 4:23 PM, Frank said:

    Do u guys think i could get in the venue with a not too big Canon cam with a zoom lens?

    If it's a compact camera, I think you could get in. If it's a reflex or mirrorless, no.

    But I would put it in my jacket or pockets, not in my bag.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Anapausis said:

    One more Easter egg!!! I do love finding other detectives here!!! (Much likely it was rather Price's idea than M's own...)

    EDIT: @Lorx, maybe M's singing CFY very badly on purpose given this theory by acolyte, cause STR, and BS too, were essentially artificial and forced-by-label projects... Now I believe this is solely M's idea!

    I don't believe this theory is true. Madonna put a lot of herself into STR and if a label ever pushes her to do something, she tries to do it her way. I also don't think she sings poorly "on purpose." However, I believe here CFY is a tribute to her rebellious side, to the Madonna we see in Human Nature.

  4. 3 hours ago, True Blue 84 said:



    All different nights, all sounds good to great 


    If one is still following Madonna in 2023, they should know that her vocal abilities have objectively declined since the Confessions Tour, and she has evidently stopped her vocal training.

    It's quite objective that, vocally, these performances of CFY are frequently unsuccessful. In these three videos, the only successful one is the third from Antwerp, where she manages to hit the note "One" correctly at the beginning of the song. In my opinion, she also has a slight autotune with a 20% cromatic pitch correction, which clearly doesn't work miracles.

    Her issues are of a technical nature, and they significantly affect her vocal delivery. Her voice lacks proper diaphragmatic "appoggio", she has poor breath control, leading to a lack of pitch control and tuning.

    And she approaches high notes from below (which is also a psychological issue), and as a result, they often fall flat. Her vibrato is uneven, and she experiences scratchiness in her throat, a clear sign of forcing air through the vocal cords.

    She performs way better in the mid-low range. This is why I believe @FraP hit the mark. Madonna lacks good technique; vocally, she's almost at the level of the RHT (a bit worse) and certainly nowhere near the level of the RIT, where her vocal technique was far more solid. Now she does what she can, but evidently without the guidance of a vocal coach and with the help of technology.

    Her issues are with the higher chest notes and register shifts. She shouldn't sing this song in a higher key than in RIT and RHT because it makes it even more challenging for her. The mistakes she makes are almost always the same in all three of these videos, and you can hear that the approach in Antwerp was similar even though she managed to deliver those notes in that show.

    Fortunately, she has a very expressive timbre and manages to convey a lot of emotions even when she sings off-key. Typically, singers with poor technique have fewer expressive registers. This is not the case with Madonna; she has a wonderful timbre, especially in the lower notes, and she can still evoke emotions.

    Love for an artist goes beyond vocal performances, but if she were to resume her vocal training, it would be a wonderful gift for her supporters. Her voice is beautiful, and we know what she has been capable of; just look at the American Life Promo Tour or the Drowned World Tour, with not even a hint of autotune.

  5. 20 minutes ago, frozenonadancefloor said:

    I don't know what's up but people on the press are probably complaining about lateness because the venues lie that the show will start at 8pm or 8.30pm. I got an email today saying bob and madonna will start approx at 20.00 which I don't for a second believe but people who don't follow her as much might go wait for her even before 8 because of that and be upset when the show starts at 21.30. I don't understand why they don't just say that it will start at 9.30 PM because it seems clearly to be the time they aim to start at. Why go the extra mile and lie, even the tickets had both times 20.30 and 21.30 for the starting, it's all very confusing to me. The backlash is so easily avoided by just telling people what time she will really start and not lie  

    I, as a fan who has known her for years, also expect that she will start at 10 p.m. on some dates.
    She has always done that. RHT used to start at 10 p.m. on average.
    Sometimes she even opened the show at 10:30 p.m. and beyond, other times at 9:30 p.m. If there was a curfew she clearly anticipated the time.
    I, too, wonder why in tickets for stops where there is no curfew they do not indicate a more realistic starting time

  6. On 10/26/2023 at 11:46 AM, True Blue 84 said:

    Im not saying she would sing better without the support but singing with those backing vocals and ear monitors ect is different, just singing without any of that someone would definatly focus more on their voice. And we have little proof because as i said the acoustic or accapella parts she sounded good, no ear monitor things there, and no moving around ofcourse, wich is also a thing if your singing. I think she is sounding good on this tour, with or without the backing tracks. Vogue for an example in Antwerpen does not have a backing track, look it up because she starts singing to late and there are no vocals on that part so when she starts singing it definatly sounds good 

    I also noticed that during this tour, she doesn't always have her prerecorded voice underneath, but I'd say in about 70% of the show, she does. And she also uses a bit of autotune live in some parts. Her voice is not good shape, but she doesn't take many risks in this tour. Singing acapella, however, is still singing with IEMs. From there, you still hear your voice, acapella or not.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Anapausis said:

    I don't get why the issue with IEM audio from Saitama, it's pretty understandable any singer with the amount of worrying while doing a show needs to be guided somehow, and even so M gracefully missed some Rebel Heart (the song) lyrics, but she wasn't booed by audience or something like that, in fact she was understood and even cheered she was singing live and in her own pace of memory.

    I know how, being a perfectionist, it's awful to get caught in such trap, but it's part of being human. Isn't it what M sings in Joan of Arc? Even me who has a photographic, elephant memory to most M songs sometimes I feel myself struggling to some of them (even some hits).

    Wait, the issue of Madonna's poor memory is a different one; we were discussing her current vocal abilities. It's known that Madonna has a terrible memory. 

    Or more specifically, she might have poor procedural memory... Or perhaps with performance anxiety, she gets confused and makes mistakes. I never mess up song lyrics unless I haven't listened to them in a while.
    I have ADHD and often experience brain fog; my memory doesn't always work perfectly.
    But when I've sung in public, I've never forgotten the lyrics, except for one time when I was very anxious.
    Everyone is different. Madonna knows this, and that's why she has a prompter (for me, singing with a prompter would really irritate me and affect my performance).

  8. 7 minutes ago, True Blue 84 said:

    Some things you say I dont agree with. She sounded good in the acoustic sessions on rebel heart, and to say she struggled when the soundboards leaked is because those vocals are not supposed to be heard like that because those vocals should be heard blended in with those backing tracks vocals, if you filter them out they will  sound less good in most of the times, because when singing with backing tracks you don't focus the same on your vocals as when you have no backing track because you will always know there is something to back you up.. So if she sounds good with a backing track she sounds good with a backing track, no need to filter them out. And again on the accapella/ acoustic parts she sounds good to sometimes great. So i do agree that her vocals are kinda like the rebel heart tour because she sounded good with backing vocals and good to great accapella/acoustic just like on this tour. But backing track vocals should not be filtered out. 

    It's evident that the audio we heard came from her in-ear monitors (IEMs). The Japanese have the capability to intercept frequencies from her headphones or microphone. A few years ago, I was trying to figure out how they do it because I wanted to learn it myself, haha

    It's evident that in her IEMs, she primarily hears her own voice and, to a lesser extent, the backing vocalists.

    I'm unsure if she would sing better without any support, and I'm uncertain about how much better she might perform.

    Nevertheless, with the backing vocals, she sounded good because her voice wasn't as subpar as it has been on previous tours.

  9. On 10/26/2023 at 9:52 AM, scion said:

    This is her first tour since 2004 that she could actually afford vocally to sing with minimal support.

    I should preface this by saying I haven't listened to the entire show, but I've listened to many performances, and this is my opinion. It seems to me that vocally she is about where she was during the Rebel Heart Tour. Not perfect, but decent, and with a good backing vocals support, she manages to make a good impression. I remember that during the RHT, due to Monte Pittman's mistake, she sang Open Your Heart two semitones above the original key (which she had lowered quite a bit on the MDNA Tour, if I'm not mistaken).
    And even though she wasn't confident with those notes, she did quite well.

    During the RHT, she seemed "perfect" to almost everyone. Then, soundboard/audio from her IEMs came out, and it became apparent how she would struggle without backing vocals in many songs.

    During the Re-invention Tour, her voice was a whole different thing; the sound emission was much clearer and freer.
    She was more trained.

    Yes, I also think (even though I'm not sure) she could sing "Bad Girl" without backing vocals or only use them in the chorus at a slightly lower volume. At least at the beginning of this tour, I know her performance are going to be worse in the next months.

  10. Georgina is extremely likable to me; I've watched many of her reactions, and I enjoy her videos. She's a very nice person. However, she isn't as skilled and knowledgeable as you may think.

    She's neither a sound engineer nor a highly accomplished voice teacher.

    The method she teaches, heavily influenced by EVT (Estill Voice Training), is based on scientific models that align more with 19th-century science than contemporary scientific principles. Furthermore, her method neglects the rich tradition of Italian bel canto, which has always emphasized the importance of breath control, vocal attacks and cultivating an "inner smile" for vocal development. It's not a terrible method, but it isn't the best one either. Her opinions are ok, but not perfect. 

    And she's not a sound engineer; she doesn't notice some of the subtleties, otherwise she wouldn't have said this.

    With careful listening or by watching videos with superior audio quality, it becomes apparent that Madonna isn't lip-syncing in these instances. Instead, she appears to be using a pre-recorded voice that, at certain points, reaches the same volume as her live singing or even a higher volume. It blends seamlessly, but at times, it almost overshadows her live vocals.

  11. 4 hours ago, Redha DBL said:

    The padding gets bigger night after night. She went overboard with it last night in the Versace jumpsuit. I don't get why she does that, she looked phenomenal in that costume the first night. Now it looks like that horrible shaped ass she had on that New year speech a few years ago... I really hope she doesn't get a new procedure after the tour cause she seems still obsessed with having a huge bizarre shapped ass.



    Do you have a photo of her in a side profile, wearing the same outfit in the opening night?

  12. 3 hours ago, rga98 said:

    Calm down wtf. This is a forum. People can discuss anything they want. Anyway, in my opinion, implants or no implants, mole or no mole, she looks stunning. Better than she's looked since 2016. Most importantly, she looks happy and excited. I didn't see her like that on Madame X. I feel like she's enjoying herself and that gives her even more stamina and I'm here for it. If some people want to discuss her butt or something they noticed on her lip IT'S OK. That's what a forum's for. Discussion, not blind worship.

    I don't care much about her butt; I still love her even if she gets implants ten times larger than what she has and can't walk anymore.

    But I'm curious and I wanna know how she looks and if her butt is as big and disproportionate as it was.

    I'm happy she's alive, looking stunning and always smiling, but I love gossiping.

    Few weeks ago I wrote something like "everybody stay calm, don't be so sure she got her implants removed" in order to prevent useless drama... and I got attacked. 

    The point is, since talking about it is a touchy subject (many say she's removed it and won't accept different opinions, others say she still has it, and many people hate discussing it critically and they're very sensitive on the topic), maybe it's better to avoid it here. But we should be free to express our opinions here, we're fan, not fanatic.

    So... Let's create a topic where people who don't get bothered by it can discuss among themselves. That's my proposal, lol.

  13. 18 minutes ago, dankpepe said:

    Regarding the MJ tribute interlude, I think the point of this interlude is to represent the King and Queen of Pop. Since this setlist chronicles Madonna's career in order, the final segment is meant to say she's now the Queen. In royalty, when the King dies, the Queen takes the reigns. Plus, the silhouettes are meant to say that we don't even need to show Michael or Madonna or name them for them to be recognized because they're so iconic now, unlike the opening where she drops her name and won't even get on the list to get in the club.

    A queen does not demand her throne, it is hers.
    That's what I didn't like about this interlude. 
    Additionally, Billie Jean isn't seamlessly mashed up with Like A Virgin. While it was perfectly mashed up during the Virgin Tour, here it feels haphazardly added.


    1 hour ago, Dazedmadonna said:

    At the end, we all have our preferences and things we like or don't about the show, but seeing Madonna so happy and full of energies is everything to me. :fantasy:

    I completely agree. She often smiles and appears happy, much like the mood she had during the RHT.

  14. 34 minutes ago, EgoRod said:


    The use of unauthorised cameras, video and/or sound recording equipment is prohibited and such items may be confiscated at the Ticket holder’s own risk.

    In all concerts it's like this, so in theory, you shouldn't even be able to film with your smartphone. Then, in practice, some people bring compact cameras with superzoom (like 300mm).

    29 minutes ago, Dazedmadonna said:

    This is basically a recap of what me and @Lorxsaid yesterday here.

    Back That Up, 4 Minutes, Ghosttown (with David) and Mother of Creation were also tested but were scrapped along the way, just like the original Live To Tell choreo and a few remixes which were changed.

    Oh, I forgot "Back That Up." 
    I didn't know about "Mother of Creation," and I'm not sure what it is 😄

    33 minutes ago, Valdu25 said:

    Even if I love Frozen as it is one of her best songs, the fact she had not sung Rain for 30 years makes it a better choice to me.

    I prefer Frozen, I absolutely love Rain, but I find this version ugly. If they had done the original version, I would have preferred it to Frozen.

  15. Just now, Lucky Star said:

    I have a feeling she may perform a song here and there to treat fans at her concerts around the globe. Fingers crossed she does so! She gets bored easily, so we'll see if she rehearsed them to do so in future shows.

    Maybe she'll do Frozen instead of Rain sometimes, but I'm not sure.

    Perhaps it was a definitive decision and seeing the fans happy to hear Rain will confirm her decision (I would prefer Frozen because I hate Rain without the bridge, so I hope I'm wrong).

    No live band, it would be more challenging to make changes, and maybe she won't want to take the risk with songs she hasn't rehearsed in over a month.

    The songs she removed from the setlist, she might have removed them permanently. Also, keep in mind that until May, her show was supposed to last between 2 and a half to 3 hours. I had heard it would be her longest concert ever, but maybe she realized it's exhausting for her (not to mention the delays, curfews in some places). And she made some cuts. Maybe in the middle of the tour, she might add something. But don't hope for it too much.


    11 minutes ago, Prayer said:

    From Pop Justice forums:

    "Apparently these were some of the ideas and rehearsed songs:

    - The Power Of Good-Bye (planned as an encore with Frozen or just as songs in the final section).
    - Frozen (replaced with Rain).
    - Candy Shop.
    - The plan was to open the show with Celebration, followed by Nothing Really Matters.
    - They also suggested Nothing Really Matters as the finale and leave Everybody as the opener.
    - Papa Don't Preach.
    - Music.
    - Hold Tight was supposed to be in the cowboy section.
    - Celebration was always rehearsed an outro and it didn't have Music elements.
    - Oh Father (supposed to be performed before the cowboy section).
    - Sorry (supposed to be performed before the cowboy section)."

    Sort of.
    They forgot about 4 Minutes and Ghosttown

  17. 1 minute ago, Angelo said:

    In the erotica act?? And hold tight??

    I don't remember for sure, anyway. I saw the whole setlist in May, but it wasn't sent to me, they showed it to me from a cell phone.

    And I seem to remember that Sorry was next to Hung Up and Oh Father was there in the middle (or after Like A Prayer, I have doubts about it.

    Hold Tight, if I'm not mistaken, was in the Don't Tell Me section.

    And then I asked to see the setlist and I was sent a list of songs she was rehearsing in no particular order. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Immaculate said:



    Now I understand why they say BIM is a terrible closer. The concept of having drag queens in her iconic career costumes is nice, but the performance is awful. It seems entirely improvised, as if she's trying it on stage for the first time. Furthermore, it's a short and really low-energy closing, almost like a transitional moment, as if she's taking a rest before another performance. She could have closed it differently, especially considering the other performances on the tour are significantly more energetic.

    It has nothing epic, nothing impressive. It's just a bad moment.

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