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Rebel Hearts
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Posts posted by Lorx

  1. 5 hours ago, Honey Little said:

    They are both elderly. It happens.

    They’re about the same age as Madonna, but getting older doesn’t mean you have to lose touch.

    As for friendship, over the years it often happens that you lose contact with dear friends, especially when you lead a very dynamic life. I'm 30 and I notice this in my life... Imagine what it's like for someone like Madonna! 😆

    Madonna and Leonard both moved on, with Madonna still hitting it big (or even bigger) with other artists.

    But I think she’s had a harder time finding really groundbreaking musicians since Hard Candy. MDNA was a mess, even though she brought Orbit back.

    Rebel Heart is fun and all, but it just doesn’t hit the same level as her older stuff.

    I guess that’s why she brought Mirwais back for Madame X—she knows her previous producers got that special something.

    These days, pop music feels a bit stuck, not really pushing boundaries or mixing in cool, offbeat stuff from other scenes, which probably has a lot of fans wishing for a comeback from great musicians like Patrick Leonard.

    There’s tons of talent out there, but it’s rare to find folks in pop who really flip the script anymore. And nowadays she just looks for names in the pop mainstream scene.

    Even with her teaming up with big names like The Weeknd—who's definitely skilled but not the type to experiment much—you notice it’s not quite like when she worked with really inventive guys like Talvin Singh, Dallas Austin, Andre Betts, Richard Page, Guy Sigsworth, Patrick Leonard, Shep Pettibone, Babyface, Mirwais, Prince, William Orbit, or Nellee Hooper. Back then, her collabs weren’t just about big names, they were real artists and musicians pushing the limits.


  2. I think it really depends on who I'm talking to. If you're young and into super mainstream pop, I'd totally suggest checking out Rebel Heart. It's like, the ultimate pop album packed with potential hits.

    If you love both house and pop but lean towards more intricate, layered sounds, then Confessions On A Dancefloor would be your jam.

    If you don't like sad music and you think music is just something that must make you happy, then I'd still recommend COADF.

    Big on electronic? Into trip-hop, loving Portishead or Massive Attack vibes? Do you love experimental songs with electronic vibes and both happy and sad moments? Then you'd probably love Ray Of Light or Music.

    If rock, jazz, or R&B are more your scene and you also like good experimental productions, you definitely can't go wrong with Bedtime Stories or Erotica.

    Into pop punk? Then The First Album is a no-brainer.

    And if you're all about that polished '80s pop... well, you're probably already know classics like True Blue or Like A Prayer.

  3. 10 hours ago, stefo said:

    So apparently she is going around Rio with straight hair these days ... if she performs live with the Berlin hairstyle it will kill me :hearteyes:

    The London hairstyle was the best. Nearly straight and not too voluminous, but wavy (I'm not knowledgeable about hairstyles and might be using technically incorrect terms).

    I don't remember when, but after a few show, they started giving her too much volume and instead of being just wavy with small curves, her hair began to form prominent curls. And also, at some point, huge regrowth.

    In some shows, the hair came back a bit less puffy, but the trend was to make it very voluminous.

    She doesn't have a slim face, so in my opinion, she looked much better in London with her hair wavy but straighter.

    Berlin hairstyle was good too, though.

  4. 6 minutes ago, True Blue 84 said:

    First, i work like 40 to 50 hours a week, so im not always around. 

    2nd Im not the one who needs a therapist.

    3rd Sure, im over it allready... 

    We all need a therapist! I went to therapy for a few years ☺️

    Anyway no resentment on my part... end

    I will avoid commenting, at least in this thread, on her poorly done vocal performances.

    2 minutes ago, Brendanlovesu1 said:

    does Rosie O'Donnell still live in Florida? I know she's already seen the show in London though

    I love Rosie, she would be a great guest!

  5. 21 minutes ago, True Blue 84 said:

    Can you chill?


    I just pointed out that everytime you comment on here that other member pops up , agree with you, saying the exact same things like you, liking each others comments, thats it. I didn't murder anyone jeez... And then other members seem to agree and took the conversation further, thinking the same thing, that's it... 

    I think it's just strange after weeks of silence some always pop up to defend each other. If someone would suspect me of beide a double member i would laugh about it while all of you get mad. 

    It was not my intention to hurt anybody, don't make such a big deal out of it.

    And we argue lots of time about things we don't agree on, that's what a forum is for. 

    But can we please let this one go now? 


    Next time i suspect things like this i will keep it to myself ok? 

    To much drama for such little subject, way out of its proportion... 

    Sending a virtual hug>>>>

    You haven't hurt or made me mad, so don't act like I am, it just appears awkward 😆

    The idea that I might be pretending to be someone else is pretty far-fetched. If I were around as much as you, constantly active, maybe then there'd be some basis for that kind of guess. But my visits here are few and far between.

    Every time I've shared a critique, you've pushed back. And now, it looks like we're diving into conspiracy territory. Sure, you can spin those tales, chat about them with your therapist or buddies here, but if you're going to post them, don't expect me to stay silent. I'll answer, but I won't get mad, I was actually smiling a lot while typing.

    Honestly, these theories don't bother me much, they're just awkward and a bit embarrassing.

    I'm hoping we can get past all this drama and get back to why we're all here in the first place: our shared love for the music and the artist that brought us together.

    I won't write another single message about this stuff.

    13 minutes ago, Leona Helmsley said:

    maybe the judge for Vogue in Miami will be.......... Ron de Santis? or melania trump?

    Melania Trump? 😆😆😆😆

  6. 8 minutes ago, True Blue 84 said:

    Some people on this forum...😂

    Love And Hip Hop Reaction GIF by VH1


    Let's get back to the subject, It's a celebration bitcheezzzzz 🥳


    Have you ever taken a moment to look in the mirror?

    You're the one who shifted the conversation with baseless assumptions. I'm here occasionally to share my thoughts, often critical of certain vocal performances, which seems to irk you to the point of absurdly conflating me with another user who shares similar views.

    I've been a member for years, dropping by every so often.

    This forum isn't my life... I find this entire charade quite ridiculous and amusing at the same time, actually.

    Interestingly, there are others who've reached out to me privately agreeing with my stance but choose to remain silent to avoid your dramatics and immaturity. Let's remember why we're all here and try to get back to meaningful discussion.


    9 minutes ago, eXtremeOccident said:

    Are some of these members here children? What in the world is going on? This forum used to be a lot more fun and have way more in-depth conversations. Wish the few people going back and forth here didn't have to ruin it for the rest of us. Sigh.

    I couldn't agree more. It's disheartening to see how the tone of our discussions has shifted. This forum thrived on vibrant, in-depth conversations, and it's unfortunate that the dynamics sometimes change, affecting the overall atmosphere. In this topic, in particular. 

    Let's hope we can find our way back to insightful dialogue

  7. 1 minute ago, Leona Helmsley said:

    welcome dear!!!!

    different people on this forum in 4 months here tell me that :

    i am anapausis now @Nahash

    that i am @Would You Like To Try

    that i am @Honey Little

    that i am someone else i don't even remember who......

    think about this.......

    Btw come back to THE CELEBRATION TOUR.......

    Yeah, maybe they're the ones who do so

    Just now, Leona Helmsley said:

    i want a new era tooooooooo!!!!

    New songs a new album!!!!

    Yeeeah, new album would be amazing

    It's ok to celebrate her life and career, but I don't want her to stop doing new things

  8. 47 minutes ago, Joseebus said:

    Some of y'all do too much, honestly. She sounds fine here. Not OMG AMAZING, but not nearly as terrible as all that. Come on now.

    No, they are right. She's completely off right from the start and misses the mark almost from the beginning to the end. Normally, she performed it decently, with a few tiny mistakes, but here she's completely out of tune

  9. It's clear that if you don't go early in the morning or the day before, you'll see Madonna from very far away. My point is that it should be a beautiful experience in itself.

    I imagine a crowd of people dancing, even very far from the stage, but still enjoying a moment of music, of Madonna, all together. And this, in my opinion, is beautiful in itself.

    It's not just about seeing the show, but about there are so many people together enjoying a great moment connecting each other.

    And in my opinion, that's why she should sing Music, because the song's lyrics are perfect for such an eveny

    Maybe as e finale after BIM/Celebration

  10. 1 minute ago, Blue Jean said:

    I don’t think the people in Brazil will be as harsh critics as other countries. From what I understand she is loved there. Maybe too they will fix the vocals before it is broadcast outside of Brazil.

    I didn't know about Brazil. In Europe they care so much about pitch.

    Anyway, I'm hapoy they're broadcasting this amazing show!

  11. Is it confirmed that there will be a live stream? Maybe it would be better if they broadcast it the day after, so they can fix any little mistakes and all. Kind of like what was done when the duet with Kylie Minogue was released, where Madonna's voice was autotuned to correct minor inaccuracies (though it wasn't really necessary there).

  12. I think she needs to watch her pitch. TAB got better with every show, but it's still not perfect. She's off key a lot on Crazy For You, same with the verses of EY.

    On TV, every mistake is gonna sound 10 times worse than it does in a fan video or being there in the arena. Sure, she uses live autotune, but that autotune fix isn't magic, it corrects just by 20%. In fact, sometimes when she's very off, the autotune just makes it worse. She knows this.

    Other than that, I think the show's great as it is, even outdoors in front of a million people. She just needs to make sure she doesn't mess up big time in front of millions of viewers.

  13. I would be thrilled to see Madonna put on such a massive event with hundreds of thousands of people. However, I honestly find it very unlikely. First of all, an outdoor concert at that time of year is unthinkable. It's a time when concerts are held in arenas because the temperatures are not high and there's a risk of rain. If she were to do it, it would be around December, but that's too late.

    Rod Stewart set a record in '94 by holding a New Year's Eve concert in Rio De Janeiro. It was a free concert that drew an audience of 3.5 million people. However, it was for a different occasion, hence with a much larger potential audience and organization. And most importantly, it was during another season (the Brazilian summer).

    Moreover, this show can't be replicated exactly the same outdoors. Yes, it can be adapted for an outdoor stage, but there would definitely need to be some changes. So, I don't know, it seems like a made-up story to me. Then again, I hope I'm wrong.


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