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Just 4

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  1. Well, I can definitely also be a tough opponent during ardent discussions. Precisely because I try to find the shortcomings and the inconsistenties in the argumentations of others. But right now I would rather see some peace return rather than to reignite the fire.
  2. Of course. But we are not going anywhere like this. From this point on, can everyone please try their very best to discuss these topics in good faith and only contribute constructive responses in the most "benevolent" way possible? Remember that all the other members also only have good intentions. You are not going to convince anyone of any viewpoints that are completely antithetical to their current viewpoints now. Especially not if your posts also contain insults or other cat-and-mouse fighting. So just try to learn more about the arguments that are used by people with different opinions, try to test them on their logical consistency or politely refute an argumentation on the basis of some objective counter-arguments. But please everyone, let us stop acting like we're all monkeys in a zoo where the peanuts have just been delivered .
  3. Well, you're welcome. But I am calling on you especially to help in bringing the tension of this very heated discussion down and to stop a further escalation of all the unproductive fighting and name-calling. Let's try to see eye to eye, learn more about each other and try to find a constructive goal for all this unchanneled passion.
  4. You are not being cancelled. Freedom of speech however does not include freedom of its consequence. Most other commentators have just been calling you out for your offensive discourse on this topic. Those reactions have been part of their free speech. You are entitled to your opinion. However, you should express your views in a much less demeaning way if you intend to have an honest and civil conversation with other human beings: Don't use derisive terms such as "ridiculous virtue signallers". Don't make personal attacks, direct or indirect. Don't describe others as the opposite of "proper people". Provide some arguments for your viewpoint instead of just expressing your disdain. Try to be respectful of others and their opinions if you want your opinion to be respected as well. Thank you. EDIT: It's really not about what you said, but how you choose to express it! No, because in this case, your opinion was based on your own personal appreciation of Tracy Young's remix work (which you have motivated by some arguments) and not just based on her identity.
  5. Watch the video above in fullscreen: What was actually going on off-camera, between 5:09 and 5:15? Just before this moment, she did of course mention that she wanted another shot of tequila. But if you ask me, she definitely did not drink a shot of tequila, judging on her visible movements and her facial expression immediately afterwards. She appears quite bent over forwards (not really a position suitable for 'drinking'), she seems to have some movement in her upper body and I hear something that sounds like a nasal insufflation. At least, this quick and sudden "action" – which apparently also needed to happen off-screen for some reason – comes across as very suspicious behaviour to me. I never would have expected before that she would do any drugs (again, of course, I'm not naïve), but I now can't shake the feeling that she seems to have adopted a much more "relaxed" attitude towards drugs and not just for shock value alone anymore.
  6. It appeared to me as if the problem during the performance on Eurovision had more to do with the sound engineering than vocal skills. The amateur videos from the venue itself sound much better.
  7. In a surprising turn of events, Madonna has now cast herself as a young Lady Gaga actually. Madonna hopes that her portrayal will do justice to the heart-ship, pain and emotional struggles that Gaga has suffered through the many, many, many years of constantly being compared to a much more experienced and better-looking competitor. Lady Gaga will however still provide the vocals for the theme song:
  8. I hate those expectations by some audiences that artists always have to play their most known hits. I have seen countless reviews, even by professional music journalists that complain that Madonna did not sing every classic. If you really want to hear hits, you should probably just listen to a greatest hits album, or better, buy a jukebox. I can imagine that artists that do stick to this principle must really be tired of playing the same song over and over again.
  9. Would have loved the Virgin Tour as her Farewell!! Honestly, ... I'm also totally over this kind of pseudo-melancholic nostalgia to the seemingly long-passed time in which "Madonna was truly MADONNA.". The exact same thing has obviously been repeated tiresomely, over and over again, ever since Madonna first changed her previously distinctive look of messy hair and colourful ‘street’ clothing and jewellery in a more mature look as Mrs Penn known for the iconic short, platinum hairstyle. Poor Maripol was left with a full warehouse of rubber crucifix earrings that were suddenly no longer selling and was bankrupted in 1987. The paradox is that Madonna simultaneously both always been as well as has never been "truly Madonna". Who is the true Madonna? A punk-influenced cheeky 80's pop star? A modernized version of Marilyn Monroe? An controversial activist for the feminist and queer progressive movements? A profound spirituality seeker? A fitness enthusiast and gym owner? A screenplay writer and movie director? A devoted mother? A posh estate-owner in the English country-side? A children's book author? A skincare ambassador? I hate to burst your bubble but the incarnation of Madonna during Confessions and this part of her life was just probably the way you had "discovered" her and it was what first attracted you to her, as it was uncovering before your eyes. You could just as well argue that the faux-English accent on the Confession Tour was no more "truly Madonna" than her grillz and Instagram selfies are nowadays. No one that has grown up with Erotica and Truth or Dare would not have been predict even remotely what the actual subject and content of a book called The English Roses would turn out to.be. IT'S ALL TRULY MADONNA TO ME ISN'T THAT REALLY THE BEAUTY OF IT ALL?
  10. There will never be a Farewell Tour. P.S. Don't you mean "no songs younger than the Music album" ?
  11. My take? Who would risk their entire reputation and twist Madonna's arm (to get her to do something that she does not agree without). If you would be proven wrong after all that effort, you would never hear the end of it!
  12. What about Hung Up? Lately it seems that younger crowds in Belgum has gone crazy for remixes of Gimme Gimme (with a quite distinct Hung Up beat). I get it, because this music just simply provides an epic sound, it's very upbeat and unapologetically nostalgic.
  13. I believe a part of that disillusion has to do with the fact that Confessions was such an incredible concept album. Even if you only consider the music, .... that record tried exploring a lot of interesting topics lyrically and really found a great balance in making older, disco-esque musical elements sound more fresh. Ideas such as the non-stop-mix were really thought-through. She spent a lot of time on these conceptual ideas for the musicals, but she think that she left a lot of the production in the hands of Stuart Price. He also has a great story-telling quality but he also seemed to challenge her. Hard Candy was on the other hand hardly a challenge. It could have a much better record, but, although most people will argue that there is always a simplicity to her lyrics is always rather low, but Hard Candy did not explore the same depth. Dance 2Night always felt like she came up with a cool title first and tried to make a song afterwards. I similarly imagine that songs like Heartbeat, Candy Shop (althought it could be cool) and Give It To Me had more a sort of tour performance in mind. She's Not Me is a real clever song , but I guess she also just thought about the opportunity of an ironic interpretation for a self-referential tour performance. 4 Minutes could have been a cool concept for a 'peace song' but it was just too abstract and "meta" to translate it to a song or a workable concept. I'll wont refrain form killing some of my darlings: Miles Away is a great song, I love it to death, but it seems as if she is not as present in that song as she was in "Sorry" and even later would be in "I Don't Give A". Just before the divorce, she did really gaven us the impression that "she just woke up from a fuzzy dream". It feels half-baked I do also found some "Devil Wouldn't Even Recognize You". While it still has the essential Timbaland sounds, I actually don't think that it really not overpowers the song.
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