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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by vesalii

  1. 16 minutes ago, madonnagreece said:

    "I will never be what society expects me to be" do your research. Your post is disgraceful. 

    Truth? People get bitter cause they grow old and are ashamed or give up and cant enjoy life. she does and good for her.

    Believe it or not I'm a massive Madonna fan, I spent money on her blah blah blah and would say something that she said, "love the art not the person",or something like that, and that's what Madonna has become to me, just art, I love her music but the person that she has become, I'll pass. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Blond Ambition said:

    More and more I am getting the feeling that you are a troll on here and not a real fan at all. You dont seem to understand that as Madonna fans we dont want her to at like she is 100 years old and knit, that would be boring and a drag. You are obviously ageist and think that society has the right to tell a woman how to act, it does not and I am getting tired of you.

    This has nothing to do with being a woman, is for everyone, I'd love to see many of you acting that way when you're 63, in real life. Anyway, I guess that each and one of us loves a different angle from her and is an endless discussion. 

  3. 50 minutes ago, Andreo said:

    Sorry but this is SO extra. You can say anything about Madonna but she ALWAYS had that fuck you attitude. Just because she says that shit on stage now, it doesn't mean she's regressing mentally or she's "slaved" by the industry, you really had the audacity to call her an industry victim as if she's got destroyed and killed by fame (example is the poor Britney), just because some fans don't like her "fuck u hater I do what I want" attitude, bro are you even ok? How is that even a bad thing. She has always given 0 fucks and that's why she has always felt free to say whatever she wants, including the "get pissed lmao" comments like the grill one. I understand fans getting annoyed at her attitude sometimes, totally, but comments like this are something else Imo no offense, sometimes fans really describe Madonna as if she's an old rotten lady suffering of dementia, really, you guys make her appear WAY WORSE than who she's actually is, someone who never gave a fuck about not being liked and just having fun with this

    When some one don't give a fuck what other people says they just simply don't react to it, it's like I'm gay, and I'm gay because people hate it lol. I don't even care about homophobic people, is just who I am . Sorry she is just tantrum so...

  4. 1 minute ago, yeezuslovesmypussybest said:

    Also this weird elitist heirarchy among fans, where people can be unnecessarily rude and hostile and sometimes team up to bully other fans, but still get support from other fans because they are popular (I assume).

    One being the Inside the Groove guy who regularly provides a new hot take on why Madonna actually isn't very talented/smart/deep etc and seemingly gets more fan support than Madonna herself in any given scandal.

    And not only are most Madonna fans not prepared to fight for her on social media, but I have experienced loads of fans actually turning on the few people that do defend her.

    This is a perfect example of @madonnagreece point. 

    Madonna has evolved since the 80s/1990. If you haven't, that is not her fault. Much of her work, legacy and reason to continue her career is intrinsically linked to her political art (female empowerment, sex positivity, fighting ageism) and it has been that way (on and off) for at least 30 years.

    You don't have to engage in fan forums or even view her social media if you're only interested in her 80s persona. But to come out and attack the woman she has evolved into just because it doesn't suit your personal expectation of her, is not "a healthy way to react".

    If you don't understand the depth of her provocative art and how it addresses and challenges misogyny/ageism, maybe you should educate yourself before casting judgment. To call it cringe is just embarrassing for you, especially as a Madonna fan.


    And this is the perfect example o what @Blond Ambitionsaid "a group of zombies who worship the ground she walks on and says she can do no wrong", like for real?, everything she does has to be an statement? C'mon that's ridiculous, then evrything I do is a statement. I did not even born in the 80's lol, and that's not my favourite persona, I became a Mafonna fan since Confessions. And it does not suit every human healthy reaction lol

  5. 30 minutes ago, madonnagreece said:

    Sassy? yes. Rude? yes. Daring and faithful to the Icon they love ? Till death.

    I'm so SO f disappointed with some of the comments I read here. Is this community dying or like we are left we the bad leftovers?

    the name calling, the over the top attitude, the addiction with 1990  even tho its 30 YEARS LATER now.

    I'm angry, I'm disappointed and I wonder how some of you call yourselves fans. You are not fans, you just love a ghost of the past and are obsessed with not keeping up with the times.

    so take notes from the Britney Army.


    honestly, so disappointing . 


    Yeah, but Britney was in need, she has been punished for suffering mental health issues (which is stupid and ignorant) and literlly has been forced to work non-stop like someone who is trafficked. But Madonna... She's is just a tantrum reach old woman who is trying to fight back everytime people critize her, is like really? why? some people wont like you and nothing will happen just do your art, how empty is just to do your stuff only and exclusevily cuz ppl don't like you, when I saw that part in the "Madame X" film when she says "ppl don't like that I wear grills so I wear it, they don't like that I wear and eyepatch so I wear it, you don't like me I don't like you, fuck you" is like really? That's not a healthy way to react and the only thing that she is doing now is just to bore people.

    And don't come to tell that she has always has been this way cuz is not true, now is cringe.

    She is just an industry victim.

  6. 1 hour ago, Blond Ambition said:

    First of all she does have some experience directing. Secondly, she has not confirmed if she is directing the movie, all we know is that the script is almost complete. I was reading some of your previous comments that have been posted and you seem like sore grapes all the time, who will write off anything she does now as shit just because its not set in your precious 80's and 90's. How about you lighten up and stay positive. Things are looking up for Madonna fans right now, we just had the Madame X Tour documentary which was much better than previous releases, we have the biopic on the way, better social media lately to keep her causing a stir, the 2022 reissues, Warner is back which will mean actual decent promotion for future projects and im hoping a new album to be released in 2023. With all that in the pipeline, its obvious she is getting back into working hard again and Im tired of all the bitching from some so-called fans.   

    Zero f*cks about what you say BUT I'm fan, I collect stuff and I follow her since 16 years from now but I have a brain and not going to eat all the things she tries to do claiming that is her story blah blah blah, she's not a director, she did not studied for that, is like if she says that she is a doctor you are going to believe it just cuz is Madonna?, that's stupid. And hello, I did not born in the 80's lol. And yeah this Madame X Concert Film was amazing and I did not expect nothing from her, but the audio, at least the live audio the one that is on spotify, is bad cropped, so...


    But if you want to keep praising whatever she does even if is good or not, keep on.

  7. 18 hours ago, Autotuneheart said:



    Although I’ve been criticized her for her recent artistic choices and plastic surgery and stuff… This is THE Madonna wildest performance I ever seen,  she is becoming weirder and weirder and, I’m enjoying it, I always gonna expect nothing but the best because that was the Madonna I was used to, but up to this point, I don’t know what to expect from her, some choices will be awful and some others will be weird and stunning at the same time. She is far from giving up, and I’m here for it.

  8. 10 minutes ago, PanditaRulez said:

    In my case I am not using VPN and I can see the show from amazon prime paying the paramount + subscription with the Brazilian link.

    Just rip it pls, I'm going to stream it anyways

  9. 9 minutes ago, GregVsMatt said:

    I flew to London and saw the show twice, she was injured however she still danced and moved very well.

    Your statement was stupid and ignorant, just like your reply. You don't know anything about me.

    Neither you about me, but by your manners I can tell that def, I'm not the stupid one here ;)

  10. 1 minute ago, Fabiolous said:

    The American Life clip looks amazing. 

    The colors are perfect, the vocals are live, the editing looks amazing. This is perfection! 

    To all the people complaining that the camera isn't always on Madonna and there are "fast" edits: do you know what year this is? Lol the 90's called, they want you back

    Have you ever seen a Taylor Swift/Arianna Grande/Whatever modern artis you want concert? There are no fast edits like this, is just to cover that M can't move/dance anymore, which is cool, let's just own it, natural process of an aging human, that will happend to us, spot pretending and traying to defend the indefensible. 

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