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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by vesalii

  1. 1 minute ago, mikenmark said:

    I've never said you should lack objectivity.

    For the third time I'll give you the pont I was making. I'll make it real simple so you can understand. 

    Calling a woman's body parts "the ass", "the lips", "the boobs" is disrespectful towards women.

    A point which you either don't understand or have chosen to ignore


    OMG you open my mind, but I understand when people objectify her since she decided to objectify herself first and show her ass all over the screen.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Prayer said:

    It doesn't mean to have the right to vilify her - or any other public figure - either.

    I'm not vilifying her, actually I think that EVERYBODY looks bad when they try to take a selfie or whatever. But criticism always should be allowed. I assume that in a praiser's mind there are barely options: if you like what she's doing praise her, if you don't, praise her, if she gives birth shit, praise her. Never evoke thought, criticism, and discussion, that's forbidden. And that is something that she never did in her carreer. 

    Anyway,  she's a big girl, she'll be fine.

  3. 42 minutes ago, mikenmark said:

    Interesting how people refer to *the* lips, ass, boobs etc it's almost as though we aren't discussing an actual human being and their body parts. It isn't because they are "fake" because   nobody refers to *the* hair even though it is undoubtedly extensions/weave/wig.

    I'm not clutching pearls or calling anyone sexist, but these small words really do make a difference.




    She decided to objectifies herself at first.

    Going viral for all the wrong reasons, as usual.

  4. 5 hours ago, Skyline Pigeon said:

     So recently I had a bunch of my friends and family over to my house and we were talking about music and who our favorite artists are. When I mentioned Madonna I was instantly met with a bunch of rude comments directed at her, nobody even wanted to acknowledge how important her classic period was. Why is Madonna so disrespected musically?

    Same here, I'm at the point that I prefer not to mention her, because they start saying rude coments and I get mad lol

  5. 1 hour ago, cosmicarlo818 said:

    People who think her live vocals are "horrendous" "ugly" or "not good" really are either not longtime fans, fake ass fans, don't know music/vocals/music theory... or just don't have great ears.

    MADONNA is a fucking great studio vocalist and also has shown on multiple occasions that she can sing live so powerfully and decently. This is a fact. Concert tours, live performances, acapellas. On top of that, that great versatility and range that she has.

    That is why we have the Virgin Tour, the Who's That Girl Tour, the Girlie Show Tour, the Drowned World Tour, and many others to prove this. Madonna is a decent live singer, though she may have had mishaps, yes, but when she does well, she fucking delivers.

    Go watch these concert tours again and get your damn ears checked or study music/vocals.

    LMAO some "fans" I swear. Fucking hilarious. 

    Great ears? Lol an example (listen the REAL soundboard recordings, not the edited final product):

    Sticky & sweet tour: "My sugar is raAaAaaaAAwwwW" in Candy Shop, Borderline, and all the concert in general.

    Rebel heart tour, remember those leaked soundboards? Awful

    Tears of a Clown, the WORST vocals of all the time

    Madame X (fanmade recordings shown how horrifying auto tune can be)

    I love how brainless some fans are when it's time to be objective, being a fan does not mean that you are blind or deaf. Madonna STOPPED caring about her voice, why? Cuz she is surrounded by praisers, such as many fans here.

  6. 1 hour ago, thegoldencalf said:

    Lol I’m not looking down on anyone. Everyone’s entitled to spend their time online however they want.

    You’re the one who demands we should all provide free labor for Madonna just because we’re fans. Nevermind most of us are spending a small fortune on her releases and tours

    I’m spending time here because I enjoy most of what Madonna does (past and present) and I like to read what many of the members have to say. 
    Unlike some of you, I’m able to respect peoples opinions even when they’re not worshiping Madonna.

    Praise this ? 

  7. 7 hours ago, PaperFaces said:

    I feel like they couldve released a single and more remixes with the live cd. Future or God Control, or even Crazy. Keep the attention on the album. This whole 3-single run is getting kinda old. I was also hoping for Dark Ballet remixes. 

    What about Bitch I'm Loca - ItsMiggs Remix?

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