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Unapologetic Bitches
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confessed last won the day on February 23 2021

confessed had the most liked content!

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    Beijing, China
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Papa Don't Preach

Papa Don't Preach (15/89)



  1. I met Dave on a train from Paris to Cologne last November, the weather was terrible and we got stuck in the middle of nowhere, but we had a very good chat and he's a very nice guy
  2. After having rewatched Nothing Really Matters a hundred times I think it's the best and the most powerful opening of all her tours. I would cut Bob's intro though, it's unnecessary. You don't have to introduce MADONNA 😂
  3. NRM really got me crying. I can't! its just so freaking powerful, I can't wait to see it in Paris in a few weeks
  4. Why’s the crowd so dead? I mean they’re just standing with their phones up, they don’t even dance! 🙄
  5. I would love to buy it, but I am arriving to Paris on the 12th! Flying all the way from China
  6. Seriously though? You can’t actually tell whether they had eye contact or not lol! People just need another drama
  7. Lmao that guy has very poor photoshop skills. if he's the 'art director' I'm gonna skip it. PLUS it does look like Celebration!
  8. A remix by The Blessed Madonna is a dream come true. I absolutely love her ❤️
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