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Rays Of Light
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  1. I already did my video-teaser! Hope Ricardo read his DMs : https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs8yCh8sb7k/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  2. Great photos! The interview is nice, but there's nothing new - beside she's still working on the movie (!!!) and its not a Ricardo Gomes pictures. That's nice.
  3. Great interview! Great photos (thank God new photographer!) Great looks! Full interview here: https://www.vanityfair.it/article/madonna-icon-issue-italia-francia-spagna
  4. I Loved it! Sounds like fun, a great beat and mood. Even the single cover is great! Someone was learning procreate....rs Can't wait for the music video. BTW, I love this new dance:
  5. I know the winning could be impossible, specially because of the fan favorites TAYLOR, BILLIE AND OLIVIA, but we have to try. Let's stop the hate and give some respect for her! let's vote!
  6. A "collection" with the same vibe from the last collection? Jesus Christ, Aldo! - paper (old and ripped) - the lyrics impressed - madonna and album name on boxes With plus features: - bad diagramation on the cd, booklet and cover - poor Typographt choices
  7. omg, 50 box?! it is the price of a double vinyl product! This is sooooo disrespectful with the fans.
  8. Omg, another frozen remix?

    I think she's uploading, slowly, the "frozen remix ep", maybe we'll have mores feats. 

    I don't know what to think about it. It's Cleary a way to show new faces, new artists that she like. She always made that kind stuff. But, I know...as a fan, I'd like to have more love and care with the old material. Like the videos remastered, even mounts new "old" videos...you know? special eventos from the past. Would be a nice way to respect us, the old fans. 


    queen of pop wink GIF

    1. MDRA


      Here's the respect you deserve: ..|..

    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      M a y b e she thinks or has been told,
      the 'older' fans will have the mixes on CD/Record,
      and these streaming thingies are for her newer fans ?

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