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A. A. Aardvark

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by A. A. Aardvark

  1. nothing really matters....

  2. One of the Kylie groups on Facebook asked if I'd like to mentor Someone.
    Or be a 'mentee'.

  3. Such a shame no-one does Madonna remixes...:laughing:
    Anyone know Someone who does only extended re-edits ?
    Like Jimmy M who has done a few or John Morales style who sadly hasn't !
    Master-tapes Only kinda thing and not Updated ??

    1. Certified Fuck Up
    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Don't Stop is the most 'obvious' one.
      You know how there's a rap-less edit of American Life ?
      There's a very short edit of Erotica, I just wondered [going the opposite way] what are the shortest edits that folk have done too.
      Plus things like the Drum Mix of Secret, has anyone just looped the intro ?
      A great idea but the whole thing sounds like it's going to be an extended version but isn't.
      Stuff like that, can't think of anymore just now, I'm literally just up. xx

  4. Ta Da !
    'my thoughts'.....

    Some People have nothing better to talk about ?


  5. Thanks for the nice words over on Soundcloud. xx

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      LOL !
      Listening to 'Something To Remember' is ever so slightly different these days if your in the boat I'm in. :angel:

    3. Voguerista


      I hope you are ok? Hang in there. 

    4. A. A. Aardvark
  6. That's the 3rd time I've read 'are you on drugs' in here as some sort of Judgement.
    Madonna claims not to have 'enjoyed' drugs but has tried all manner of them.
    I suppose losing control of everyone and everything for even five minutes could be a problem for some.

  7. The 10 second clip is just proof that not all Americans thinks as One.
    On a slightly happier note, 
    Madonna - Living For Love (Michael Diamond Remix) is as her Madgeness says THE SHIT.
    The best 'mix' yet as it's the very first time I've ever sung along to this track !
    The video/promotion/'styling' = all wrong and detracts from The Song.
    It's kinda good if you can get past all the fluff.
    This is a bit more like Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies after she's wet her hair etc xx

  8. The View from Across The Pond.


  9. The web is awash with supposed 'fans' of hers who all they wanna do is moan about what an effing cow she is.
    Tour programs, lateness, no cameras and now 'using' children.

    1. Enrico


      Criticism is ok as long as they don't state people who think differently are idiots.

      I think I am a fan although I criticize her lateness or the tour book already sold out.

      What is really annoying is members insulting other members and sometimes not even realizing that.

    2. emanon


      Children labour is a crime :lol:

      We always knew sometimes she is a total bitch, or that she isn't fun at all...and honestly that short dick man joke, is no longer fun...even if it's about Trump cause "everybody knows the damm joke" already!:tongue:

      Showing up so late actually shows no respect for the people that came to see the show. 

      Yeah, bitch she's is Madonna, but she is not above everyone or anything. Yes, I applaude those who don't agree with something and say it. Those can have my respect. Others that always say yes to the Queen, can actually kiss my S (no they can't, dirty mouths)..."oh she is Madonna, she can do everything she wants.." no she can't.

      About no cameras, it's just her selfish ego that wants "the exclusive" for her instagram account. :lol::lol::lol:

      She's not me, and she never will be (thank God):lol:

  10. This is probably the wrong place but of all the re-jigs of her previous this is amazing...
    mp3 only though ?


  11. Vogue 30th ?
    Can whoever did the fabulous Immaculate Collection re-creation knock-up a sorta DJ Double-Pack 12'' 'release' of all the official mixes of Vogue ?
    You could have A Thread....
    "I'd LOve To Buy This....but it doesn't exist...."

  12. Was the Blues Brothers movie b4 or after Star Wars ?
    They mention his psycho-ex-wife 'to be' in it occasionally and doesn't Carrie Fisher appear as her at the end ??

  13. What's this ?


    1. jross
    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      I did see this, I was hoping someone new any more about it.
      I didn't d-l it...U C.

  14. Who was asking about Kate Bush ? 

  15. WOW...a 2 year old link still works !

  16. Yes Captain Obvious.
    What Madonna chose to leave as demos and not release is just as interesting as that, that made The List.

  17. " Noticeable difference on the original 7" remix - at 3:20 the chorus is repeated. On the album version, it's just "la la la la la...".  "


    1. survivalartist


      I was hoping they would have made Ola Ray Arnold's face too.

    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      "Was this when Michael Jackson was black ?"
      I count at least three movies I've heard that in.


    1. RUADJAI


      This is crazy

    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      "Write me a David Bowie song in the style of Frank Sinatra !"

      "What do you mean 'he already has' ?"


    3. MartineX


      Where do people make these? Chatgpt?

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