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About chaosmen1984mk

  • Birthday 07/12/1984

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    Somewhere in South America
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    Play video games: my favorite video game is Mortal Kombat
    Listen to music with my headphones at full volume and forget that the rest of the world exists.
    instrumental music especially of the genre of suspense or horror.
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  1. Survival has always seemed like a wonderful composition to me but unfortunately the style of music chosen (R&B) does not do it justice by turning it into an opaque song without the necessary power that could well have been solved with the use of synthesizers and greater quality in the bass. In general I feel that all the songs on the album lack power. I would have liked a production more in the style of Rescue Me. Unfortunately, that style of music was fashionable in the United States and, as always happens, the rest of the world had to adapt to the musical tastes of that country. Although not always with success because I remember that the only song that was popular in my country and broadcast on the radio was Take a Bow, which was the closest thing to pop that those of us who live in this part of the world are more accustomed to hearing.
  2. I love Beautiful Stranger. It's one of my favorite songs. Unfortunately, it has gone unnoticed over time, not by the fans, most of whom (99%) adore the song, but by Madonna herself, who, as always, decides to perform the songs she likes instead of listening to the opinion of her fans. Like for example the boring and soporific Human Nature that doesn't make anyone dance and only serves to reproach the defects of a society that will never change. As for the Beautiful Stranger video, I love seeing that sensual and provocative Madonna who, compared to some videos from the 90s, decides to leave everything to the imagination. That is the level of sensuality that I can find acceptable and inspiring. The only thing I don't like about the video is the participation of this comic actor, Austin Powers, who doesn't make me laugh at all but rather total dislike and rejection. Maybe because I'm allergic to the silly, the absurd, the ridiculous. He is the only flaw in a video as perfect as Beautiful Stranger and that symbolized hope in all those who thought that the spiritual and demure Madonna would last forever.
  3. I love music videos! It is the opportunity for artists to unleash their creativity and achieve true works of art if they so desire. The Scientist (Coldplay), Come into my world (Kylie Minogue), Hole in my soul (Aerosmith), Imitation of life (REM), Bleed like me (Garbage) are some examples of excellent videos. Unfortunately, Madonna is not an artist who has wanted to stand out in this aspect and has only limited herself to delivering mostly acceptable videos that have not stood out for their originality or for breaking molds but rather for their simplicity. If I had to choose a particular era it would be Bedtime Stories. With the exception of Secret, which didn't offer me anything new, the remaining 3 videos stood out for their varied themes. From the story of the impossible love between the superstar and the bullfighter in Take a Bow, the social criticism in Human Nature using the least expected figure for it (that of a prostitute), and the personification of various works of art using the figure of Madonna in the middle of a mysterious and at times terrifying environment in Bedtime Story. The best era so far because I can't find filler videos (Give it 2 me, Get together), silly videos (Sorry, Turn up the Radio), boring videos (Living for love, Love Profusion) or videos that tried to be innovative but They failed in the attempt (4 Minutes, God Control). Despite being the best era, it is not that difficult to overcome. At least she tried to get back on the right path with Madame X and that for me is a good sign that perhaps this new era 2024 will be the best of all.
  4. Danielle is one of them. Another example could be Marvin or this beautiful female dancer who appears during Open Your Heart. Most of them are charismatic in my opinion, although I have to admit that the most iconic are those of the Blond Ambition Tour because they were lucky enough to be at Madonna's most media moment.
  5. Despite its simple and at times silly lyrics, I think that Don't Stop would have been a better choice instead of Human Nature and of course much more successful. The song would have served for the world to see again that Madonna, Queen of the discos and finally away from so many controversial songs. Dont Stop would have meant a kind of respite and fresh air for many fans who just wanted to have fun and have a good time without complications. Don't Stop was created to dance and if we analyze the entire album this song was like an oasis in the desert because even though Bedtime Stories was no longer as sexual as its predecessor, the dark and symbolic songs still predominated. However, Human Nature was finally chosen and fans would have to wait until Music to be able to enjoy a danceable and superficial song again. And the wait was definitely worth it in the end.
  6. I love Orbit. It seems to me that he is one of those people who likes to say what he thinks without caring that his words may bother some who are not used to being told their truths. As for what he said about Madonna, I think it's something we all know. I have no reason to react negatively against him or attack him for his sincerity and lack of hypocrisy. Orbit is the only producer who could make Madonna surpass herself in terms of the best album because to this day all the albums released after Ray of Light have not been able to match its impact. And this is the right time for these two to get back together and create magic in the studio again. It's with Orbit or no one.
  7. But what made this group of dancers from the Blond Ambition Tour so iconic? In my opinion I think it was thanks to the overexposure they had in those years, especially in Truth or Dare. With so much media exposure it was almost obvious that this group would stand out above the other dance groups that Madonna has had to this day. A similar situation would be repeated with the Confessions Tour dance group. That is why I think we should not detract from this last dance group on the Celebration Tour because if they are not as iconic as the previous ones, it is because of their lack of exposure and not because of a lack of personality or charisma.
  8. Seeing the dancers dressed like Madonna is one of the best moments of the tour. I can barely recognize some of them as Marvin, Donnie or Jal because their identity is quite camouflaged under those suits and wigs. I just hope that some of them haven't felt uncomfortable having to dress as a woman because it's embarrassing for those who don't like this kind of thing. Like for example this dancer from the Blond Ambition Tour, Oliver I think was his name, who I'm sure would not have accepted having to dress as a woman for anything. In my case, I would not accept wearing even a wig, whether as a joke or to attract attention during a party. It's not my thing at all. As for the costumes, I think that some did not deserve to be selected, such as the baseball player costume or the 4 Minutes costume because they were never popular. Instead I would have preferred the cheerleader outfit that Madonna wore on her Mdna tour or the outfit she wore at the MTV 2018. Beautiful suits that many would like to have in their wardrobe but unfortunately conspicuous by their absence.
  9. Sounds good. Especially now that I have rediscovered this album, LIke a Virgin, and it is becoming one of my favorites even though in the past it was not part of my top 5 of Madonna's best albums. Something that I doubt will one day happen with The First Album because its extremely long and monotonous songs prevent this important album from being one of my favorites. The First Album is an album that in order to "digest" it I have had to replace the long songs with edited versions of some of her compilations such as Inmaculate or Celebration. Anyway, the idea of seeing Madonna singing the entire album Like a Virgin including the songs Crazy for you and Gambler sounds pretty good to me. I vote in favor.
  10. I just watched the full show on YouTube . Everything came out impeccable and perfect just the way I like it. Madonna showed what material she is made of and won the hearts of even the most skeptics who did not believe that at 66 years old she could be capable of surpassing herself. I only didn't like some things, such as the audio used for the TV broadcast because it gave the impression that she was not singing live. On the other hand, I would have liked more camera shots giving a little more prominence to the dancers and the audience. And finally, something I didn't like was when Madonna and Pablo Vittar simulated that sexual practice called Anilingus in a quite explicit way while singing Music. What the hell? I mean, I've always accepted this kind of thing when there's a context, but in this case, was there a context? What was the context? Anyway, as I have always said: if you are a fan of Madonna, prepare for the unexpected. Who could have imagined months ago that she would give a mega show in Brazil and break a new world record by bringing together almost two million souls in one place? What other things will she surprise us with in the future? Sometimes I would like to be a seer to know, but no, come to think of it, surprises are better enjoyed when they are unexpected.
  11. Madonna is a business woman and knows very well that time is money, so it is not unreasonable to assume that she will take advantage of this entire media wave in her favor to promote any new project she has in mind: an autobiographical film, a new album , a book, a reissue of her past albums, a facial beauty product, etc. Personally, I prefer a new album. I think I speak for 99.99% of the fans when I say that it's been too many years of waiting and we want to hear something new from her. As fans we want to see these last years of unconditional fanaticism rewarded with a wonderful album that breaks molds in the world of music. And that people can see how a woman with more than 40 years of career can compete and even surpass so many young artists who, after 10 years of career, are forgotten in such a way that not even their family remembers them. Madonna is on everyone's lips worldwide. She is at her best in the media. For God's sake, she must take advantage of this opportunity that may never be repeated again. It's now or never.
  12. As I said before, this show has to go perfectly because not only is it sponsored by an important bank, but millions of people are going to see it live. On this special occasion the choreographies must be perfectly executed, Madonna's voice must be perfectly modulated and it is out of place to forget the lyrics of her songs as has happened on previous dates. So I am sure that both Madonna and her quality team will not want to take risks with the use of a wig that could detach from Madonna's head and generate ridicule from the public. In conclusion, the wig represents a danger so the smartest thing would be not to use it on this occasion. Besides, almost no one is going to miss seeing Madonna wearing that thing because apparently almost all of us agree that she looks much better and sexier with her natural hair.
  13. Does anyone know if the kisses between Madonna and her dancer throughout the course of this tour have been simulated or explicit? I have seen many videos of this presentation but due to the distance of the cameras I have never been able to check if during the kiss there is, I don't know how to say it, let's say it in a certain way, interaction of their tongues? Personally, these types of kisses have always seemed excessive to me because I feel that they should only happen in the privacy of four walls. However, these days it is almost common to see this type of kiss in movies, plays and in this case musical tours, which I can tolerate as long as there is a context or justification involved. In the case of Madonna there is certainly a context: the story of a woman overloaded with excitement due to excess alcohol and who cannot control her instincts when having her girlfriend in front of her. Something totally different from the case of those who only do it to attract attention because let's remember that sexual freedom is not the same as debauchery. They are totally different concepts.
  14. I had heard about Pablo Vittar but only superficially. Thanks to Madonna I have been able to get to know this person better and the truth is that they have made a very good impression on me. A talented, charismatic artist with very good energy. Since the beginning of the tour, Madonna has supported the gay community by inviting various personalities and the final representative definitely could not be Wendy Guevara in Mexico because her participation was a complete disaster because of her bad attitude. Something that Madonna herself was wisely able to solve by pulling her against the chair to make her calm down and realize who the real star was. Pablo Vittar, on the other hand, receives my approval from this moment and I am sure that this Saturday they will be the best representative of our community and together with Madonna they will give an unforgettable show.
  15. I couldn't agree more with Madonna's decision to stop wearing that awful wig because it didn't favor her at all, but quite the opposite: it made her look older. Plus the wig made her look more like she was a housewife instead of a sophisticated, sex-addicted woman, which was the image she wanted to show during this part of the show. And not to mention the multiple times this horrible wig came off Madonna's head due to movement and choreography. Definitely, this unsightly wig should not be worn this Saturday because Madonna must remember that everything must be perfect because millions of people will see her live and will be attentive to the smallest detail and it would be imprudent to persist in using a wig that has already caused several problems in the past.
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