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Leandro Gomes

Rays Of Light
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    Leandro Gomes reacted to momosfantasy in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    This is not the first brilliant post of yours, and I hope it's not the last.  You have a really well-reasoned, intelligent, humane way of expressing yourself.  They are truly a joy to read.
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    Leandro Gomes got a reaction from momosfantasy in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    All that nonsense garbage you just wrote tells A LOT about you...
  3. Thanks
    Leandro Gomes reacted to Ian in The Grammy’s 2023   
    " thisismariamckee
    She’s a marketing genius, a visionary, a fashion icon, a pioneer of LOUD and unrelenting LGBTQ allyship, one of the hardest working entertainers of all time, a super mom, and a survivor. She went on stage last night to show her unequivocal support of Queer artists, introducing Sam Smith and Kim Petras who went on to be the first Trans Woman to win a Grammy (thanking Madonna, thank you). She still lives a giant life, donning full drag daily and having what appears to be a blast despite the haters. I guess it still blows my mind that despite all of this, all the internet chatter about her today is focused on…her face? Her alleged plastic surgery? What is wrong with people! You need to LEAVE WOMEN’S BODIES BE! Growing old in general takes a big dose of courage most of us need to muster within our selves daily. And growing old in the public eye takes nerves of steel and iron will. Becoming invisible as we age is one of the heartbreaks of time that we are reminded of constantly. One of the reasons I serve loud fashion most days is because as I approach 60, I don’t want to be muted as most all of us are. If Madonna would rather broadcast her image as a walking, dancing work of sculpture and design, I say POWER ON. It’s her body, it’s her CHOICE. And Queer folks if you throw shade at aging cis women for choosing to seek procedures that align their face and body with their true selves isn’t it just that much more adjacent to judging Trans Women for doing the same? BODILY AUTONOMY IS A QUEER ISSUE. As someone who has struggled with eating disorders my entire life, BDD is pervasive and takes a lifetime of recovery to live in peace with. All women have been given a heavy load in this life. Please leave us alone and let our bodies be🙏#Madonna #IsStillOurQueen  "
  4. Like
    Leandro Gomes reacted to Prayer in The Grammy’s 2023   
    I still love the look. Fierce as only she can be. I love seeing Madonna still being Madonna, older but her, not Madonna turning into your lovely nice grandma. She was never that, I don't expect her to be that now.
    She's a living inspiration.
  5. Haha
    Leandro Gomes reacted to steady75 in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    After this week I can just see her performing the MAXI single of Human Nature in its entirely with an encore of Candy Shop and you will all deal. 
  6. Like
    Leandro Gomes got a reaction from acolyte in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    All that nonsense garbage you just wrote tells A LOT about you...
  7. Like
    Leandro Gomes got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    All that nonsense garbage you just wrote tells A LOT about you...
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    Leandro Gomes got a reaction from kesiak in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    All that nonsense garbage you just wrote tells A LOT about you...
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    Leandro Gomes reacted to Blue Jean in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I can’t believe there are people in here basically saying women at the gym are “asking for it.” A new low for infinity.
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    Leandro Gomes got a reaction from sara94 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    All that nonsense garbage you just wrote tells A LOT about you...
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    Leandro Gomes reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    They don't attack women with no public point of view though. They get a pass. As long as women stay in their lane, it's ok.
  12. Thanks
    Leandro Gomes got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    All that nonsense garbage you just wrote tells A LOT about you...
  13. Like
    Leandro Gomes reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Ok. You're that person in your comment. Don't need to know more. I did not insult you, i said you presented yourself as a bad person, i call what i see and i gave you many chances to clarify your view about justifying women being sexually harassed at the gym because of the way they dress. You stand by it. You're a bad person. Deal with it, to quote you, you're responsible for the way you presented yourself.
  14. Like
    Leandro Gomes reacted to Robertthenurse in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I think just in general our words affects us and us only. It is true what we project is simply a manifestation within what we are fighting within ourselves. I read a really great book called "The Four Agreements". 
    "Be Impeccable with your Word" literally changed how I view the world. It really is great advice (for everyone) to look back on our words. Have you ever re-read your journal -- that's some awesome shit. Forgive me, I'm a book nerd.
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    Leandro Gomes reacted to Robertthenurse in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    With all due respect, we build our own reality (of others) through their words -- spoken or written. So in one way, we did learn something about you xo
  16. Like
    Leandro Gomes reacted to Donna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Totally agree.  The people replying that she's playing "victim" and twisting her words, need to just stop.  It's getting so old.  For years, Madonna rarely spoke out about the hate and criticisms.  So now that she does, some act like she's playing the "victim".  It's not she's playing the "victim", she's "clapping back" as you stated. She's taking a moment, showing how obsessed some people are about her, while ignoring all the messages she's conveyed throughout the years, regarding love and acceptance.  They fear what she doesn't which is not following societal norms and beating to her own drum.  People who obsessively criticize her, are only deflecting their own insecurities. They can't fathom not straying from what society expects, while fearing they will become an outcast themselves.  Meanwhile, they storm the social media, spreading more misinformation, negativity and hate.  For God's sakes, she's just an entertainer.  If you are bothered by her that much, than stop following her.  Ignore her!  She ain't going away, but why spend one's free time, blasting away at her?  Surely there are more constructive ways to spend one's free time, right?
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    Leandro Gomes reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    You still don't get it. Maybe spend less time at the gym and more at the library. I know some fans are triggered by the word patriarchy, especially when they are men because they think it's about all men and men only. Patriarchy is a state of mind, it's the society we live in that has been made by men for men, hetero white, wealthy men, christians i would add. Everything is from their point of view. Poitics, economy, religion (any religion) etc...everything that is not that group are subordonates and if they want to be more than subordonates they have to play the game of patriarchy hence why so many women go after other women, fighting to be the fave. 
    Your age has everything to do with it because if by now you have not realized this then you have not paid attention...because you were not concerned, because you were not a subordonate, because you had the privilege to not suffer from it. 
    You work out, obviously. Why ? To look good ? To feel good about yourself ? To have authority over your body. It's your choice. And that's what irks me here, i don't think she looks good but the reactions, including yours, are just about controlling someone, having authority over what another person is allowed to do with their body. That's the core of the subject, wether it's abortion, a sex change, plastic surgery, tattoos, wearin a veil or ugly Desigual clothes, i don't have to find it great or want to do the same, i just want people to be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want to do with their bodies and lives without having little patriarchy soldiers telling them they can't because they said so. That's what patriarchy is, people who think they are allowed, entitled to tell what to do with your body and life. could be men, could be women. Enough of that ! Not just for Madonna, or me, or you but for everybody. That the cycle we must break and not engage in because one day it's gonna bite you in the ass when someone will come to you and tell you you are too old to do or dress the way you do...and since you did not get what i said previously and how your words will hurt you one day because they are like a brick you bring to the wall you're gonna hit yourself soon enough.
    Saying people should take responsability for the way they present themself to the world is wrong, it's rape culture lingo. You believe people should take responsability for the way they present themself, i say people should mind their own business before their business, one day, becomes other people's business because they should have never allowed that can of worms to be open. I say people should take responsability to nurture their superego and build boundaries, respect otherwise don't expect people to respect you and your boudaries because you have allowed them to piss on yours by pissing on other's.
  19. Like
    Leandro Gomes reacted to teammadonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    YAAAASSSSSS Queen!!!! YAAAAAAASS our Goddess!!!! Teach them! Teach haters!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!
  20. Thanks
    Leandro Gomes reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I have nothing to do with it. Re-read yourself. Get off the internet and comeback tomorrow and re-read it again. Because what you did here is reveal a whole lot about yourself, maybe something you did not even know you had in you. I hope, because it's not a good look.
  21. Thanks
    Leandro Gomes reacted to HNS in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    This can’t be serious
  22. Thanks
    Leandro Gomes reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    You talk like she owes you something. Really, seek help. You don't realize how silly you sound. You're what ? A man in your forties i guess,  re-read what you wrote, you're not a teenager anymore. If you still don't find a problem with it then wait until tomorrow an re-re-read it. If you still don't find a problem with it then i'm gonna tell you exactly how your post reeks of male privilege. Like for example that part about women at the gym, you're not only justifying harassment but rape as well, they deserve it because of the way they dress. 
    You don't deserve to be a Madonna fan. It's like you never got anything she ever said from the beginning. 
    Speaking of coins look at yours. REALLY. LOOK. AT. YOURS. 
    If you can't relate to someone because of the way they look then you never liked them in the first place and you are just a shallow person. Again. Re-read yourself in the morning or maybe later when you did a little soul searching and really measure what you said because you really sound like a bad person here. 
  23. Haha
    Leandro Gomes reacted to Roland Barthes in The Grammy’s 2023   
    Sometimes you have to laugh at the lack of self awareness...

  24. Like
    Leandro Gomes reacted to DiegoLCL in The Grammy’s 2023   
    She should go naked, except for wearing grills, to see if those who wishes she looked like 20 years ago would just combust with rage and finally give up and leave, honestly. 
  25. Haha
    Leandro Gomes got a reaction from Would You Like To Try in Give some Madonna facts that some fans don't know   
    Her sugar is raw... 🤪
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