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50ft Queenie

Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Haha
    50ft Queenie reacted to Blue Jean in BREAKING: Stuart Price Joins Madonna!   
  2. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to BuggedOut in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Do any of us have the same face we had 25 years ago?
  3. Haha
    50ft Queenie reacted to Starchild in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    You know what I mean!
  4. Haha
    50ft Queenie reacted to SweetMadonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    She looks just amazing in that photo. I truly love it. 
  5. Like
  6. Haha
    I can't believe there's over 150 pages of absolutely NOTHING here. This campaign has been a total bust 
  7. Thanks
    Girl, it's been almost 2 YEARS since this was announced. I've BEEN relaxing 
  8. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to milingo83 in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
    06/03 - 24,389,824 New Peak (+85,524) 
    WW #161 (+3)
  9. Haha
    50ft Queenie reacted to Robertthenurse in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    I'd die. Literally melt on the spot.
  10. Thanks
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from poodle in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    If real change occurs in the world regarding racism, homophobia, sexism or ageism, it wont be because I choose to dismiss or listen to a random post on a site dedicated to a musical artist. In regards to your words on screaming opinions on social media, you are not telling me anything I have not known forever, there is a reason I don't use the cancerous stuff anymore. If I wanted to have a meaningful discussion about these topics, this is the last place I would choose. Forums are full of pretentious, pseudo intellectuals masking themselves as experts on issues like racism, ageism and homophobia when in reality they are simply coughing up the same dumb talking points as mainstream politicians and media.
  11. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I don't know about you guys but i witnessed a change in the tide today, i saw people, non fans and media influencers, journalists and artists defending her and expressing their disgusted at the vicious way she has been treated and i'm talking about people i don't suspect to be closeted fans at all, the great thing is that they are influencers in culture. I think she's winning, her unapologetic post on Instagram, her defiance and fuck you attitude, some articles in serious press asking to leave her alone... haters gonna hate but they are being shamed now and since i'm talking about culture influencers it may soon be a trend for followers. People say they may not agree with what she does but they admire her defiance. I think it's just the beginning. Girl has made the world focus on her once again and, again, she's shaking the culture and conversation. She's not crying at home, her job is done.
  12. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to momosfantasy in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I DO believe it!  Same thing here.  It's not like I come here to discuss politics. I'd MUCH rather be talking about how Erotica is the best album ever made, of all time!  But when people want to spread toxic beliefs or prejudice (and that's not directed at you, per se), I feel like I should at least address it.  I wouldn't say anything if people would stop making terrible, judgemental comments about this woman that I admire so much.
    The thing is, I don't need to join an "activism forum" or seek out people and places to discuss things like ageism or misogyny when it's literally right in front of my face in so many comments on this site.  And that's what activism IS in many ways.  It's recognizing these things as they're actually happening, and speaking out against it.  Silence all too often equals approval, or at the very least complacence, and I absolutely refuse to allow anybody to think that I agree with or condone some of the virulently awful personal comments people make about her or about other board members.  
    Remember, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.  
  13. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from Ziploc in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    If real change occurs in the world regarding racism, homophobia, sexism or ageism, it wont be because I choose to dismiss or listen to a random post on a site dedicated to a musical artist. In regards to your words on screaming opinions on social media, you are not telling me anything I have not known forever, there is a reason I don't use the cancerous stuff anymore. If I wanted to have a meaningful discussion about these topics, this is the last place I would choose. Forums are full of pretentious, pseudo intellectuals masking themselves as experts on issues like racism, ageism and homophobia when in reality they are simply coughing up the same dumb talking points as mainstream politicians and media.
  14. Thanks
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from poodle in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I actually agree with some of the things you say but stop acting like you are a teacher educating the rest of use with your longwinded posts, your opinion is just an opinion like everyone else has an opinion. Just because you live in France and got educated by a feminist does not make you special.
  15. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Ziploc in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    This often gets repeated, the same as men aren't criticised for trying to look young but it's simply not true, for example the current headlines about Leonardo Dicaprio dating a 19 year old. 
    Feminism has made massive headway in the last few decades and that should be celebrated, not denied. We need to recognise the fact that men and women both face pressure, some the same, some different. Blanket statements can diminish the point. 
  16. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I'm really more curious about a non authorized biography from 2007 onwards than anything else. A lot has happened. By 2006 she was on the top of the world after the Confessions era.
    Then, everything that made her life fell apart. 
    The betrayal of the church of Kaballah (whom it seems not only laundered her money using Raising Malawi but Philip Berg tried very hard to chage her mind about divorcing Guy Ritchie)
    The betrayal of Christopher
    Her friendship with Gwyneth falling apart
    Her life in London
    Her dream of being a moviemaker which led to little interest in making albums : Hard Candy suffered from her being more interested in Filth&Wisdom and IABWA, first album in years where she wasn't credited as a producer on some tracks (Timbaland's) but as executive producer. Then MDNA, an album that seemed to have been forced on her, every song on it were bought, from Orbit's accounts she was more involved in other activities and post prod of WE with Weinstein was draining her while they were recording. To her admition she recognized she wasn't interested in her last few albums while promoting Madame X. I think she's very bitter and angry her career as a filmaker did not took off.
    Rebel Heart leaking
    That 360 deal
    The scandal following David's adoption. Her work in Malawi.
    Plastic surgery ups and downs
    Her activity on Instagram
    There is like a slow and constant descent into hell as if everything she touched that once turned to gold was now dead on arrival
    The only good thing, and that's the most important thing of them all in the end, is she seems to be very very loved by her children.
    Moving to Portugal was random and that's when she really changed physically. 
    We could thread together every little events that occured since 2009 and it feels like she has been cursed or something. 
    At one point i even wondered if she was still interested in being Madonna, it felt like she did not know how to be that and instead rehashed some clichés from past incarnations : Madonna is supposed to be that super sexually charged and invicible with an iron will entity in her mind but i don't think most people had that image in mind. 
    And Madonna's most recognible assets were her face and voice and it may not be coincidence she has altered both as if she wants to erase Madonna. I'm not trying to be super psychological here hence why i'm curious about these years and what was going on behind doors and because to me it's fascinating, she's still fascinating maybe more now because the resistance to her is so strong that she may have turned into a symbol of the decline of our societies or something. 
    Again, she really is like a Rorschach test, when i read the critics and attacks or even our praises, we project more than we actualy see and we reveal more about us than about her. Like a work of art.
  17. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Blue Jean in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    She does rock the boat that is true. As she should. But what was strange about this occasion is that she did literally nothing other than show up. Her entire body was covered up. And all she did was support younger artists. It was the most PC appearance she’s done in years.
  18. Thanks
    50ft Queenie reacted to FallingInLove in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    It may not happen as often as with women, but when a man makes a fool of himself, people notice and comment too: 

  19. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from poodle in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I think that trying to explain away all the criticism Madonna receives by claiming its just sexism and ageism is extremely lazy, sure those things exist in the world but they don't play as big of a factor as people seem to think in this situation. Like @Blue Jeansaid, Michael Jackson was ruthlessly mocked for his appearance, same thing with Simon Cowell who honestly looked like he was a melting wax figure at one point. I understand that womens appearance tends to be scrutinized more then men in general but that does not mean its exclusively an issue women face, nor can I honestly think of another woman who gets so much hate and backlash for her appearance, its more that people have a massive issue with Madonna herself than some instinct to criticize any woman who had had work done or is getting older. The real reason she is facing such widespread attention for this is because whatever she had done to her face looks pretty awful and since she is Madonna, its bound to make headlines.
  20. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Seriously get off social media for your own sanity and well being, I had to make that life change myself. Social media is pure poison that eats away at happiness and gives us a false reality, its all an illusion. No matter how many trolls you argue with and get to delete their posts, therenwill always be thousands more, arguing about Madonna on social media is a complete waste of time.
  21. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Jackie in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    For real? That would be amazing! Would make sense given her 'you won't break my soul' reference - 
  22. Wow
    50ft Queenie reacted to steady75 in AI Madonna (Artificial intelligence) George Michael does Live To Tell   
    So not strictly Madonna related but I thought i would post here because it’s only a matter of time before someone does this. 
    An AI software program has managed to recreate Mariah Carey’s 1994 vocals singing along to a bunch of different artists songs 
    Run To You by Whitney
    Together Again & Escapade by Janet 
    And a few others but the one I’m posting below is truly breathtaking. This is a computer !!! 
    singing Michael Jackson’s I Just Can’t Stop Loving You as Mariah Carey 94
    I’m gagged. 
    Imagine the implications of this. 
    What songs would you like to see Madonna cover in AI ?
  23. Thanks
    50ft Queenie reacted to MattyMads in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I can't wait for tour rehearsals to start so that we can finally get away from talking about her face all the time
  24. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Madonna has always had naturally gorgeous facial bone structure, her face looks so strange to people these days because it sometimes looks bloated even though the media does deliberately find the worst photos to spin a narrative it looks worse than it actually does. Part of the issue is the truly awful styling as well, we have seen that she can still look very good when she wants to such as the most recent pride appearance.  The structure of her face is not all that different now than it ever was, if she started doing better styling, reduced the bloated look and ditched the grills she would hear less complaints from the public about her appearance. On a positive note, she looked like she was physically fit and had slimmed down at this grammy appearance, she has been working out for her tour I assume.
  25. Thanks
    50ft Queenie reacted to Blue Jean in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    A post on a forum is hardly the same as a newspaper article. People that write long essays about Madonna on forums are in most cases just rambling.
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