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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by kesiak

  1. It's the one Madonna child I find difficult to love.
  2. I've definitely seen some crazy stuff from her too (pro Trump, conspiracy theories, etc) - isn't it why she got banned from Twitter?
  3. That's a completely false equivalent. And even if it wasn't - two wrongs don't make a right .
  4. I think US radio also refused to play Bedtime Story if I remember correctly, it was too weird, and they were playing Don't Stop instead.
  5. The podcast is actually great - really well put together.
  6. Tina Tuner (and her legs) say hello . https://youtu.be/EqIpkMDRjYw
  7. You can easily sync your iPod via Finder, a feature that's been available for quite some time now.
  8. It says in "Like A Virgin" liner notes that it was "fanatically recorded digitally from start to finish on Sony equipment" so I perhaps every album since then?
  9. Basically called her a liar, saying he doesn't believe she was depressed and suicidal.
  10. I actually really like Apple Music - I've tried Spotify and Tidal and wasn't crazy about either but Apple Music works for me. Got iTunes Match as well. I've got a slight OCD when it comes to my music library, naming, tagging, etc and I make playlists obsessively, even for albums, so when I wanna listen to, say, "Confessions..." I put that playlist on.
  11. Come Alive was stunning but the one that stands out in my mind is Batuka - chills, tears, the works. Madonna seemed genuinely happy and lost in music and it was incredibly powerful to see her with all those wonderful women.
  12. I love Netflix, there's some amazing stuff on it but there's just as much undoubtedly poor content as well, beautifully shot or not. And my life is fine, thank you, I appreciate you asking though .
  13. This is highly amusing to anyone with an active Netflix subscription - there's so much subpar product on the platform both, in their original content and the stuff that's licensed on it. SO. MUCH. CRAP. I also sincerely doubt anyone would and could dictate Madonna how she should present her content at this point in her career.
  14. Forgive me, but Pet Shop Boys are the most overrated band under the sun (OK, maybe second most overrated, after Oasis). Neil Tennant's "singing" makes me want to self-harm and apart from "Rent" and "West End Girls" their singles haven't aged very well. I'd defy any average member of the public to name 5 of their songs, despite having 22 top 10 hits in UK. Madonna had 3 times the amount. Not even in the same league.
  15. I'd love for Cher to explain what was the storyline behind the "If I Could Turn Back Time" video, where she's running around half naked on a navy ship. The nuance of the plot was lost on me somehow .
  16. How can something that hasn't been announced yet be already delayed? I sometimes worry for people...
  17. Again, you're welcome to dislike what he's doing, there are valid reasons for it and it's your prerogative. But claiming he ruined her reputation as a live act is so over the top (and objectively untrue) that it's simply amusing and it actually undermines your argument.
  18. Personally, I don't like Sticky & Sweet Tour much but it is in the Guinness Book of World Records, she's often mentioned as the best-selling solo touring act of all time thanks to it - it IS part of her legacy clearly. It's one thing not to like what Antunes does, quite another making over the top, dramatic proclamations that her musical director ruined her reputation as a live act.
  19. Every biopic sells "a certain calculated narrative", regardless of who's involved, and they rarely present an honest portrayal of their subject. "Rocketman", as entertaining as it may be, is basically a disneyfied version of Elton John's life. Same goes for "Bohemian Rhapsody" and Freddy. "Get On Up" shies away from James Brown's darker side too (I guess showing scenes of teenage Tammi Terrell being beaten and raped by Brown might've proven too much for the general public...). Madonna's story and narrative surrounding her have been hijacked by the press and misogyny from the very beginning, selling the general public a very skewed and narrow-minded version of who she is and what she represents. I don't doubt there will be artistic licenses taken while making her movie, and that there will probably be half-truths, etc. Still, I'd rather see her make up her own story and create her own narrative, however flawed, then have somebody else speak for her and misrepresent who she is for a hundredth time.
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