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Best Madonna Remixes


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I literally hate most remixes, haha. Even the one you posted, RebelHeart! I really hoped people would have taste around here :P :D (just kidding, babe, each to their own).Even though it's quite basic, I love thishttps://soundcloud.com/ocelot416/madonna-get-together-tonyIt's just a beefed up album version, but the best version of my favorite Madonna track, since the remixes on the single were abysmal.Hollywood (Jacques Lu Cont Thin White Duke Mix), of course. That one's iconic.Justify My Love (The Beast Within Mix) - iconic, as well.Frozen (Stereo MC's Mix), (Meltdown Mix), (Widescreen Mix)... it's all good.

The Power of Good-Bye (Dallas' Low End Mix)

BlankFormatted, the American Pie remix you posted would've been an awesome addition for the CD single, but they always pick the most random mixes. Like, I'll never get why they keep hiring Tracy Young for the mixes, I never heard a mix of hers I liked.As I grow older, I don't want to waste my time on music I won't be listening, and most remixes fit right in. I used to be obsessed with getting every version of a single she just released, and then, I simply stopped giving a damn, since at least 50% of them suck, and sometimes up to 90%, when I'm in a bad mood. Like, do you really want to listen to 20 different repetitive versions of "Living for Love"? I really hope the answer is no.Sorry about this rant!

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