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About jtrover

  • Birthday 10/31/1977

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    Windsor, ON Canada
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Like A Virgin

Like A Virgin (7/89)



  1. MX. I respect it, but sonically I absolutely couldn't get into it whatsoever. I love every other album however.
  2. I was at the filming of The Virgin Tour in Detroit and the DWT. Of course nobody knew we'd be filmed when we went there. The doors had notices that cameras would be filming. On June 1st, 1990 (the 2nd Michigan BAT show) we sang Happy Birthday to her Dad after Holiday.
  3. I used to love Boblo. I had a summer pass from 89 till 92. The summer of 93 I was 15 and applied to work there like my dad and sister did as a teens. I wasn't hired as since it was the last summer being opened, they had a limited amount of staff was my understanding. I actually remember my neighbour friend and I in Amherstburg, Ontario Canada where I lived at the Boblo dock to catch the boat to go to the park on August 5, 1990. I was excited because my parents' friend who lived in Michigan was recording the BAT that night for me on HBO, and I was beyond excited as a 12 year old Madonna fan, still thrilled from seeing her live in June across the river. I always got a kick out of that Boblo shirt she wore. I wish I had one, lol. Perhaps not a crop top though... Glad to see it back in whichever capacity.
  4. She very well could be allowed to have medical home care rather than be in the hospital. I just want her to fully recover. She'll probably need close monitoring and assessments to see if any lasting damage from her infection has occured.
  5. Where's the Party. The TB album mix sounds like a demo now when I hear it.
  6. It also her best selling studio album in the US, isn't it?
  7. Personally I consider it a studio album, but I can understand why some say it's a soundtrack. To me, if it was an actual soundtrack, all songs should be in the movie - not just 3 or 4. I remember when it was in stores new. It was often placed next to the actual Dick Tracy soundtrack AND the Dick Tracy score CD. The majority of the songs are just inspired from the movie or era the movie was set in, and the singles released from this album weren't in the movie either. https://www.discogs.com/master/102528-Various-Dick-Tracy https://www.discogs.com/master/174743-Danny-Elfman-Dick-Tracy-Original-Score https://www.discogs.com/release/292244-Madonna-Im-Breathless-Music-From-And-Inspired-By-The-Film-Dick-Tracy
  8. Speaking of Burning Up versions, does anyone know if this is official or not? It seems legit to me, but I could be (more than likely) wrong. https://youtu.be/oX87Hkh8JXw
  9. First it was the original LP 4:48 version, then I heard the video version (revised album version), then the 12" version. Many years later I download the Japanese singles boxed set and then heard the 7" version. And of course all the various demos online thereafter...
  10. I got the debut and Like A Virgin LP's for Christmas 1984. The 4:48 version is the only version I knew of for years. It wasn't until we got cable TV in 1990 that I got MuchMusic here in Canada and saw the video with a different version in which I never knew existed. Then I bought myself the debut CD later that year and was surprised to hear this "new" version on it. Then a couple years later I bought an international CD single of Burning Up and heard yet another "new" version lol. I was so confused but naturally over the years learned how and why it happened. I'm sure everyone might have a similar/comparable story.
  11. My God, I hope so, lol. I pondered that, but wasn't sure. Tone is hard to deduct with text. I love Blue Jean and their YouTube channel videos, I was really taken back.
  12. If you read my post, you would know your assumptions of me are completely inaccurate (although it was too long, so I wouldn't blame you)... My post wasn't negative at all. It was personally-speaking and actually non-divisive. I encourage anyone who likes the song and video to celebrate it! Not to mention, calling me "too old" kind of goes against what the video is trying to prove, isn't it? Insulting me doesn't change anything. Do better.
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