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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by wtg1987

  1. Maybe time to bust out a remastered video to this you’ll see too then seeing as current one looks like crud 🤮
  2. Exactly and tiktok is aimed at tweens with no real music taste or funds - no way they are going to buy expensive box sets for albums released 30 or 40 years ago … I feel like she has just forgotten about her die hard fan base and just moved on 🥹
  3. I think we can assume that all her maxi CDs single content will be dumped on streaming - it’s the easiest thing her and Warner can do with not much input …
  4. How about a petition for the LAP demos ? Who cares about the rebel heart demos still seeing as they all leaked 🙄🤔
  5. I think Madonna must be the only artist around now that STILL hasn’t released an album reissue with demos and remixes on it which considering her legacy is very disappointing….
  6. i dont know - i just have a bad feeling shes not into this at all ....
  7. Exactly 🙄 bad girl needs a proper remaster . It’s her most cinematic video along with oh father so needs to be done well - why does M hate her videography so much ?
  8. i thought she was working with pat leonard in LA ???
  9. i was wondering that too - from what i saw it looks shit ...
  10. So Madonna and Warner still cant put out a set like this then ??? wtf !!! after 18 months ...
  11. the fever edit one bitches will be pleased now its on streaming ! this Bad Girl "HD" video looks like crud to me though ? does no one know what HD actually means in 2022 ??
  12. Now Queen are releasing a lavish box set containing, vinyl, cds and and a blu-ray dvd :(


    Madonna/Warner - please get your act together !!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. survivalartist


      I like Queen but they have been milking fans for cash since the 90s. They may have actually set that trend.

    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      There's an Argentine bootleg deluxe and delightful set of this.

    4. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Madonna and David Bowie were mentioned in the same article all over 't web recently.

      Every act has always tried to suck cash out their fanbase.

      'Use Your Wallet' was almost the title of Tin Machine Live.

  13. hopefully there is footage from the legendary wtg concert paris, sceaux park :))) xx
  14. her voice sounds great here ? shame this wasnt pro shot for igttyas :(
  15. If that’s true then Naomi has some huge feet ! 😂
  16. This is why I don’t use social media anymore …. Who needs the abuse and scorn . If I was M I would just come off and use her time more constructively 😘
  17. What i would give to have a Q & A with M about all this right now ....i was really excited when this deal was first announced - as a fan since 1987 this was a dream to have unreleased stuff and nice box sets but now for some reason im really worried :(
  18. I just want a nice shiny box set like Prince has been putting out - unreleased songs and a full concert in best quality 🥺
  19. Its just scraps because they know certain fans will buy whatever crud she puts on a vinyl or download/stream whatever we can buy the irony is they can’t even master 2 measley Songs right 🥹
  20. Yes it will be announced along with the like a prayer 4cd/dvd package and blond ambition tour Paris blu ray - 🥰😜
  21. if her heart is not in it then she should pass the job onto someone else - i have always said it should be fans who should be consulted on stuff like this - not the artist - after all its mostly FANS who will be buying these expensive deluxe sets - not these tiktok tweens she seems so desperate to impress- we will only ever really get one shot at this so it needs to be done right - yes we are impatient but the most frustrating part of this whole campaign since it was announced (way too prematurely) is her going off on a completely different path with these (mostly) shit remixes - someone here thinks its because of the sickick remix but seriously that cant be the reason - a multi million dollar deal was changed because of one crud 3 minute remix ??? she obviously doesnt need the money at this stage so i dont really know why she bothered to sign this deal if all we are going to get is vinyl, t-shirts, remix collection(with nothing new on it) and thats it .....
  22. I think she says “ artists are here to disturb Madonna-infinity “ but I could be wrong ? …
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