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Rays Of Light
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About Madvox

  • Birthday 08/07/1981

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  • Location
    Sao Paulo
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Borderline (6/89)



  1. Whatch here! No translation! https://globoplay.globo.com/madonna-the-celebration-tour-in-rio/ao-vivo/11019225/?origemId=1020&utm_source=gcom&utm_medium=home&utm_campaign=gcom-edit&utm_term=madonnalive
  2. Sigmund Freud, I can't stand this guy singing all the time.
  3. He's coming with the clouds and will take this guy singing away from the live.
  4. Yesterday after the show, The Ciccone's Human Resources solved the problems related to background and sound technical issues... YELLING. Tonight will be better and we'll have the complete show.
  5. Rocco's paintings. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. I want tour spoilers! Anxiety is killing me.
  7. Where did you read the word "problem"?
  8. I think she took the prosthesis off her buttocks
  9. Madonna's songs that I hate. I know it Shoo-bee-doo Pretender Jimmy Jimmy Love makes the world go round Love Song Dear Jessie Did you do it? Shanti/ Ashtangi Incredible Some girls Superstar B-day song Falling Free Hey You Santa Baby
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