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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1.  The bore of this era is unprecedented, have to say ... :sad:

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    2. Voguerista


      3 hours ago, Enrico said:

      Actually my sleep problems came with the night spent on Periscope!

      But I miss the excitement of those nights, I can't follow the schedule this time.

      Problem is we won't have another era till 2022, if we are lucky.

      I keep hoping for a greatest hits era in a year or two...or I'll take anything. Lol

    3. stefo


      My same problem @Enrico, as the fact that she will be 64 then. And then the setlist guys, I have no doubts that this show is amazing as it is, at the same time I'm missing her gorgeous reworkings of the old tracks very much this time. It would have been different if she had reworked some of the new tracks to adapt them for the live performances, as she did with the Erotica tracks in the Girlie Show. The only surprises here are Human Nature, Sodade and Future.

    4. Voguerista


      It would help if she'd release a full video performance from the show every now and then. I would think it would help ticket sales? But it's like she is going to do this era how Madame X wants and that's that. Lol I do love that about her though. 

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