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Posts posted by MDNA22

  1. She seemed like she had no patience after the guitar thing when she threw the water just before open your heart she tossed the bottle into the audience without looking at them lol and in Bad Girl Mercy barely smiled once - imagine is some tension/tiredness from the tour and her voice seems to be going now - hope they filmed it already in Los Angeles those shows looked perfect 

  2. People who don't like her just say she can't sing because they don't like her  - but her voice is amazing in how she puts a song across and the emotion and story telling in her voice and the fact it is not technically as perfect only increases her connection and realness when listening to her songs - her voice is so unique like Freddi Mercury you know straight away it is Madonna when you hear her. Even her star quality and charisma comes through in her voice wether singing or spoken word part of songs. Think her voice sounds great on dance/pop tracks and ballads too but she doesn't do them much now.  This was why Madame X and MNDA were so frustrating as you hardly heard her sing or her real voice because the vocals were so overproduced in the case of MDNA or over use of vocoder on Madame X

  3. 18 hours ago, Rebel Hugo said:

    Guys, this morning I was thinking about something interesting about the live broadcast of this big free show...

    What if?... This show will be available in the next months through one popular streaming site or many popular streaming sites (just like Taylor Swift did with her Eras Tour last year) and that version that is going to be distributed is the "fixed" or "Madonna's Version" (you know what I mean) version of the show and after that we are going to get this version of the show in physical media (DVD/Blu-ray/CDs/LPs) 🤔

    I said this because to this day we have had no official confirmation that any of the Celebration Tour shows have been filmed in their entirety for a future release, I know that the LA shows were supposedly recorded for a future release but we didn't get any confirmation about this more than a photograph by Jonas Åkerlund assisting the cameramen at the Kia Forum or maybe they were actually recorded to be a "backup" concert film if the Rio show ended up being a total mess? 🤔

    I have a feeling the Los Angeles shows were filmed as Jonas was there talking with the camera crew and from the clips on YouTube the shows looked the most on point yet  - Erotica looked amazing and like she was trying even harder like she does when shows are getting filmed plus with the multiple nights they could have got all the angles they needed over several nights in the same venue and had time to film a rehearsal for close ups - will be interesting if they film in Mexico though as the last arena shows and is there for multiple nights same as LA

  4. I hope the live show goes well as the last live performance that she nailed was really the superbowl but agree it means we are likely to get a recording of the show that is actually like watching the show unlike the last over edited recordings  - I hope she doesn't change the set list 

  5. Sounds like it could be amazing with the best audience ever  - but she now gets so nervous with award shows and anything televised live and is rarely as good as when on the actual tour and relaxed so hope she has the arena version of the show filmed professionally too in case it's another Maluma/Eurovision moment and are relying on this show for the official recording.  

    Then again she nailed it with the superbowl live performance and the atmosphere is a massive crowd in South America will be amazing and if this will be the official recording of the show  - will hopefully restrict the editing process to 1 show and not footage from every night getting mixed in and spoiling the edit.

    Hoping Jonas will be in charge of filming and editing this show for the official recording. Would love it if we had one version in the arena setting and one from Brazil from this free concert if it is true

    Nothing is ever free - and wonder if this 'free' concert could be a promo for a second leg of the tour 6 months later like she did with S&S and the recording was broadcast on the night of the start of the second leg? Or a promo really for re-release of the Celebration hits album or to convince studios the interest is there to go ahead with the biopic film?

  6. There were final edits made of Die Another Day, Burning Up and recently Don't Tell Me over the 2 nights filmed in Lisbon and think the leaked full show was a rough cut of one of the shows only without taking shots from both nights

    Loved the rough cut from Lisbon as it was 1 show only and no continuity issues and felt like you were there watching the show and prefer it to the over edited more recent ones 

  7. 12 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

    I think this album killed her reputation as a recording artist. Hard Candy was uneven but even though she was accused of chasing trends it turned out it was the sound that Robin Thicke and Daft Punk used a few years later. 

    It's not that i don't like MDNA only but i absolutely dislike the music from that era as well when they cheapened dance music by rebranding it edm for douchebags and Jersey shores fans. Even the track she bought from Robyn's producer is pure trash, probably the worst on an album full of worst, whenever i hear Some Girls i feel like i'm at a fairground in south jersey. Orbit now says he regrets joining that school of writers shit. Love Spent is great but deconstructed totally....but the vocals, her voice never sounded so thin until Living For Love. Thx Demacio for his shitty recording.  I mean LMFAO, gangnam style...she was using Rocco as a reference or what ? (She did work with Timbaland because of him)

    Really the worst era, the ill advised cover of BTW, the silly Secret Project.

    The only thing i liked from that era was WE (she should have picked someone else than Abbie Cornish, i've been told she wanted Gwyneth and her turning down the project after M put it on hold to match her schedule is the real reason their friendship ended) the mdna tour, especially lav/ls, and the cover of Behind the bars at the Deitch gallery plus the pics. 


    Agree especially about the cheapening of dance music at the time and that cheap lowest common denominator sound is all over this record 

    Think William Orbit said about how bad Demacio recorded/mixed the vocals and album and was out of his hands  

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