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Rays Of Light
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  1. Thanks
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Ziploc in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    I didn’t like it. It looked as if a tipsy random person with a blue wig lip synched to Madonna songs.  
    it didn’t look professional at all. I have no problem with her hoops but with the fact that many of her more recent performances look absolutely cheap and unprofessional. I’m sure that 1990-Madonna would be ashamed of such a performance. 
  2. Wow
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    I didn’t like it. It looked as if a tipsy random person with a blue wig lip synched to Madonna songs.  
    it didn’t look professional at all. I have no problem with her hoops but with the fact that many of her more recent performances look absolutely cheap and unprofessional. I’m sure that 1990-Madonna would be ashamed of such a performance. 
  3. Thanks
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from milingo83 in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    I didn’t like it. It looked as if a tipsy random person with a blue wig lip synched to Madonna songs.  
    it didn’t look professional at all. I have no problem with her hoops but with the fact that many of her more recent performances look absolutely cheap and unprofessional. I’m sure that 1990-Madonna would be ashamed of such a performance. 
  4. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    I didn’t like it. It looked as if a tipsy random person with a blue wig lip synched to Madonna songs.  
    it didn’t look professional at all. I have no problem with her hoops but with the fact that many of her more recent performances look absolutely cheap and unprofessional. I’m sure that 1990-Madonna would be ashamed of such a performance. 
  5. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Homogenic79 in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    I didn’t like it. It looked as if a tipsy random person with a blue wig lip synched to Madonna songs.  
    it didn’t look professional at all. I have no problem with her hoops but with the fact that many of her more recent performances look absolutely cheap and unprofessional. I’m sure that 1990-Madonna would be ashamed of such a performance. 
  6. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from stefo in New Album Thread   
    Maybe because we all know that this is the only way to stop her career from further dwindling down? People don’t want her to do music people who are thirty years younger do equally well or better. People don’t want her to go all indie because that’s not why people used to like her. People expect an universally accessible Madonna who does great and timeless pop music. Sadly, most music that is done today will sound incredibly dated in a few years as there is hardly anything timeless about it. It’s like the early 90s again with all that Eurotrash. It was the hot shit back then but it sounds so bad and cringy now thirty years later. There’s a good reason Madonna has never collaborated with the Vengaboys or Ace of Base. 
    she doesn’t have to collaborate with Pat Leonard but she desperately needs someone with whom she does not follow a current trend but sit back and think about what Madonna used to sound like. There is golden thread going from Papa Don’t Preach up to Hung Up. Even though she has covered all sorts of genres you could always hear that it’s her. And that’s what she needs. A co-Writer and a producer who is able to make a Madonna-record and not a record that sounds like Madonna doing things other people do. 
  7. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from into the erotico in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    While she’s always been supportive of the gay community she’s always been a main stream artist though. Except for one promo performance during Confessions she’s always promoted her stuff in the middle of the mainstream. And she had to as she was not only the queen of gay disco but the queen of pop who managed to appeal to all sorts of people. 
    Don’t get me wrong, I’d love her to do such a performance as long as it’s not another cringe-fest her karaoke-esque Coachella-performance with Drake was.
    But for an artist of her calibre I don’t want her to shy away into the gay scene just because the number of her fans there is higher than elsewhere. She finally needs to get her stuff together and appeal to the masses again. She’s had such a huge non-gay fan base for two thirds of her career and she’s lost them entirely. She’s not some sort of indie artist, she’s a mainstream artist. And she has to act like one again. Because quite frankly, no one beats her if she’s playing with the masses. she’s the best then. But among all indie/underground artists, she doesn’t stick out particularly well.  
  8. Thanks
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from cosmicarlo818 in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    While she’s always been supportive of the gay community she’s always been a main stream artist though. Except for one promo performance during Confessions she’s always promoted her stuff in the middle of the mainstream. And she had to as she was not only the queen of gay disco but the queen of pop who managed to appeal to all sorts of people. 
    Don’t get me wrong, I’d love her to do such a performance as long as it’s not another cringe-fest her karaoke-esque Coachella-performance with Drake was.
    But for an artist of her calibre I don’t want her to shy away into the gay scene just because the number of her fans there is higher than elsewhere. She finally needs to get her stuff together and appeal to the masses again. She’s had such a huge non-gay fan base for two thirds of her career and she’s lost them entirely. She’s not some sort of indie artist, she’s a mainstream artist. And she has to act like one again. Because quite frankly, no one beats her if she’s playing with the masses. she’s the best then. But among all indie/underground artists, she doesn’t stick out particularly well.  
  9. Thanks
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from azrael in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    While she’s always been supportive of the gay community she’s always been a main stream artist though. Except for one promo performance during Confessions she’s always promoted her stuff in the middle of the mainstream. And she had to as she was not only the queen of gay disco but the queen of pop who managed to appeal to all sorts of people. 
    Don’t get me wrong, I’d love her to do such a performance as long as it’s not another cringe-fest her karaoke-esque Coachella-performance with Drake was.
    But for an artist of her calibre I don’t want her to shy away into the gay scene just because the number of her fans there is higher than elsewhere. She finally needs to get her stuff together and appeal to the masses again. She’s had such a huge non-gay fan base for two thirds of her career and she’s lost them entirely. She’s not some sort of indie artist, she’s a mainstream artist. And she has to act like one again. Because quite frankly, no one beats her if she’s playing with the masses. she’s the best then. But among all indie/underground artists, she doesn’t stick out particularly well.  
  10. Haha
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Shoful in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Well, that would be very random. It’s as if she was releasing remixes of Mer Girl. 
  11. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from brank000 in Is IDSIF her best song since Confessions?   
    It sounds like a well fan made dub version of aVogue. Definitely not her best track since Confessions. 
  12. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from scallywally in Is IDSIF her best song since Confessions?   
    It sounds like a well fan made dub version of aVogue. Definitely not her best track since Confessions. 
  13. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Levon in Is the Madame X tour her worst tour?   
    Funny as I’ve always thought RHT lost a lot of its energy towards the end. To me, RIT had the best set list. She managed to perform several song from her most recent album and most of her biggest hits. Seriously, she should have ditched GHV2 and release properly mixed studio versions of the RIT versions as a new Greatest Hits compilation.  
  14. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Papa Zelko in Rocco's debut single?   
    Actually that’s the sound I‘d love Madonna to re-create if she ever wants to make another experimental album. I take organic over autotune, vocoders and samples everything. Plus, as a guitar player, such a sound would come natural for her. 
  15. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from PlayPause in Where Do We Stand: Madame X   
    That's basically how I feel bout it including having replaced LAV as my least-favorite album. The only song I really like is Looking for Mercy. There are a couple of other songs that I'm quite fond of but they have all have things that irk me. The rapper in Crave, the autotune in Extreme occident, the muffled vocals in God Control, everything that follows the Beautiful Game-part in Dark ballet. 
    I think you can tell what she wanted to achieve with the record – an avant-garde record with an organic production that touches real issues. But in the end, there is too much autotune, the songs have no hooks or melodies, the lyrics are way too repetitive and banal in many places and the production leaves a lot to be desired as many interesting parts are buried way too low in the mix (why hiring a choir if you turn it into an autotuned mess that is way too much in the back of the mix?).
    But mostly, I miss her beautiful voice. Listen to American Pie. That was a beautiful vocal production, there is so much warmth and emotion is  her voice, she really manages to elevate that cover version onto a whole new level. 
    And as a concept album Madame X doesn't work either. When I heard her talking about all the different personas of Madame X (she's a teacher, a mother, a whore …) I thought that each song would reflect one of the many faces of Madame X. That wouldn't have been cohesive either but at least it would have made sense. However, the whole concept of Madame X was pretty half assed. She wore an eye patch for no reason and barely made an appearance. 
  16. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Renato Iodice in What Is Your Worst Madonna Albums?   
    Not really. Especially on MDNA, most songs were basically ready before Madge got her hands on them. Music, lyrics, production, everything was already in place more or less. All she and the producers did during the actual recording process was changing a word here and there or adding a few layers to the production. On MDNA, all songs except for Superstar, Gang Bang (same lyrics but entirely new production) and I‘m Addicted (where she most likely wrote the lyrics as her co-writers speak little English) were written and produced more or less entirely without her.
    On Hard Candy, we know that at least Heartbeat was more or less ready before she got her hands on it. Several other songs went through all different kinds of stages though as demos have proven so her input was definitely bigger here. 
  17. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Enrico in New Album Thread   
    I want another pop album. Catchy melodies, great choruses, harmonies, string, guitars, synths. 
  18. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from dubtronic in The Power Of Goodbye (Dubtronic Wanna Go Higher Remix)   
    i know. Nevertheless, your remix is much better than the dodgy official ones
  19. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from dubtronic in The Power Of Goodbye (Dubtronic Wanna Go Higher Remix)   
    Lovely remix. i know the full stems have not yet leaked but I wish you would have used the original strings for the bridge and the final choruses. Imho, these strings are everything and the song is not the same without them.
  20. Thanks
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Redha DBL in Where Do We Stand: Madame X   
    That's basically how I feel bout it including having replaced LAV as my least-favorite album. The only song I really like is Looking for Mercy. There are a couple of other songs that I'm quite fond of but they have all have things that irk me. The rapper in Crave, the autotune in Extreme occident, the muffled vocals in God Control, everything that follows the Beautiful Game-part in Dark ballet. 
    I think you can tell what she wanted to achieve with the record – an avant-garde record with an organic production that touches real issues. But in the end, there is too much autotune, the songs have no hooks or melodies, the lyrics are way too repetitive and banal in many places and the production leaves a lot to be desired as many interesting parts are buried way too low in the mix (why hiring a choir if you turn it into an autotuned mess that is way too much in the back of the mix?).
    But mostly, I miss her beautiful voice. Listen to American Pie. That was a beautiful vocal production, there is so much warmth and emotion is  her voice, she really manages to elevate that cover version onto a whole new level. 
    And as a concept album Madame X doesn't work either. When I heard her talking about all the different personas of Madame X (she's a teacher, a mother, a whore …) I thought that each song would reflect one of the many faces of Madame X. That wouldn't have been cohesive either but at least it would have made sense. However, the whole concept of Madame X was pretty half assed. She wore an eye patch for no reason and barely made an appearance. 
  21. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Shoful in Masterpiece Sessions?   
    It’s badly produced and I’m sure she hasn’t contributed anything to it except for changing a word or two here and there – she didn’t recognise her co-writers when she received the Golden Globe – but it’s a lovely track and a true masterpiece on the otherwise more than mediocre MDNA-album.    
  22. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Homogenic79 in Single Reissues Campaign - Angel - OUT NOW   
    Sadly, that’s never going to happen. 
    It’s equally sad and funny that Express Yourself is a much better feminist statement than any of her „look how badly patriarchy has treated me“-speeches. How I wish she’d rather let her music speak. 
  23. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from PanditaRulez in Single Reissues Campaign - Angel - OUT NOW   
    Sadly, that’s never going to happen. 
    It’s equally sad and funny that Express Yourself is a much better feminist statement than any of her „look how badly patriarchy has treated me“-speeches. How I wish she’d rather let her music speak. 
  24. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Pootz333 in Happy 13th Anniversary “Hard Candy” ?   
    Well of course that's just my opinion. The same way what you have posted is just your opinion. I thought it was clear that forums like these are mainly for own opinions. This is not the BBC news outlet.
    I wouldn't say so. She was able to come up with a unique and original follow-up to Ray of Light which was arguably an even bigger phenomenon. 
  25. Like
    ShantiAshtangi got a reaction from Pootz333 in Happy 13th Anniversary “Hard Candy” ?   
    To me, the record and the era were a major let down. In Germany, the public was so excited for a new Madonna song after the success that Confessions was. And then she basically decided no to promote it at all. No TV-appearances and only a few interviews in which she looked nothing but the the persona she used for the little album promo. Production-wise, the record was a huge step down from Confessions. I never thought that thus rather urban sound did her voice any favor and many songs would have profited from a more poppy production. Songs like Incredible and She's Not Me go on forever and sound quite empty at places. The distorted drums didn't add any magic either.
    I can't help but think that a follow up produced by the Pet Shop Boys – even if it consisted of the same songs – would have been much more exciting. This way, especially the Timbaland songs sounded quite dated the moment they were released.
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