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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. 19 hours ago, McDonna said:

    No I just realized that by responding to it, it only perpetuates the drama you are trying to create here. We all know he shouldn't be taken seriously.  So deal with it. You're not a moderator or administrator here.  If they deem there is a problem with a certain member they will deal with it.  Until then, learn to use the "ignore" feature.  Remember this is a Madonna fan forum.  We're here to share like minded interest in that, not cause drama and friction between members!  :)

    What drama? For God's sake, what are you talking about? Why do you want to make me look bad to make yourself look good if my message, in its entirety, was polite, respectful and without personal offenses. Something that cannot be said about the message that you wrote and then deleted.

    I just asked @Honey Little if she considered it appropriate to rectify all the false information she had said about this show in Brazil because many people, like me who was one of her victims, made the mistake of believing her words. At no time did I disrespect her like you who called her the forum clown, that absolutely everything she wrote was "bullshit" and other things that I can no longer remember. But seconds later you deleted your message, perhaps because it went against the politically correct image that you have in this forum. Or you don't remember when you said "negative bitch" to me and then, oh coincidence!, you deleted your message too. Assuming the consequences of what we write should be today's lesson for you.

    And as for @Honey Little ... now I know that I have to consider her in the same group as @Sweetmadonna and @Anaposis, or whatever his name is and no longer believe anything she says. Only believing in official sources is the best in this world of Fake News. That's today's lesson for me.

  2. 21 minutes ago, McDonna said:

    Have I said, how excited I am over this!!  So exciting!

    Why did you delete the original message from your post? Don't tell me that you were suddenly afraid of the reaction of the author of this topic. If he doesn't like being told his truths, that's his problem. I just wanted to expose this person so that some members of the forum learn to identify him and not take him seriously at all in the future.

  3. On 3/17/2024 at 8:18 AM, Honey Little said:

    Dear, It’s been in preparation for 3 years. She is most likely going to be using famous Brazilian dance troupes, musicians and all that have been planning this for 3 years. It’s going to be a special one-off extravaganza. People are not going to want to see Nothing Really Matters, dub versions of Deeper and Deeper and Bad Girl. THAT show ends in Mexico. It will be a one-off EPIC MEGA show for families and the masses like the Super Bowl. NOT like Tears of a Clown. 

    We are talking about hits like MUSIC. Family friendly. Not lezzed out masturbation songs. And Itau certainly doesn’t want a drag queen taking up stage time babbling on in English.

    Dear, have you already rectified everything you were saying for many days about this show? Like this for example.

    I remember that you claimed many things, as if you had some reliable source of information, that in the end were never true but that generated confusion and misinformation among many people who believed in your words. 

    I think the right thing to do in these cases is to rectify yourself and admit that everything you said were assumptions, hallucinations or that you simply dreamed it. Admitting mistakes is a gesture of humility and much better than those who use, with impunity, the passage of time to make people forget everything and get away with avoiding recognizing their mistakes. Like Pink for example.


  4. Just now, Lucas B. said:

    Ohhh boo, gonna cry little baby?

    It doesn't matter if you paid or not, you're gonna see her anyway. So what's the problem with the final concert being here in Brazil?

    Is so important to you that the final concert should be held in Mexico? You should be grateful that she's still travelling around the world with the tour, that's better than complain like a little child just bc the final concert won't be held in your country.

    That been said: grow up :)


    I think he hoped that the last show in Mexico would be the one chosen to be recorded on the official tour DVD. I suppose that could also be the reason for his exaggerated dislike.

  5. 1 hour ago, FeerOsorio_ said:

    because mexico is the best place to end the tour.  I will BOO her when i see her. she always do something like thi to her mexican fan. i think she hate us. or she love our money! 

    Oh God! The first troll has just appeared to try to break the positivity and joy of this beautiful news. But let's not give him the pleasure of getting his way people.

  6. Thank you God for finally making this dream come true!   And to think that from the beginning I was always in the group of those who believed in the realization of this concert despite the fact that others insistently highlighted how impossible this concert could be or the fact that Madonna did not say anything about it, making us feel as if we were some dreamers by letting ourselves be carried away only by rumors.

    Who is Rod Stweart? I don't know him but he better say goodbye to his record because I'm sure that Madonna will manage to attract many more people than him. Because let's be realistic: there is no artist in the world today who can be compared to Madonna in terms of both draw power and media coverage like her. And I don't say that as a fan. Of course not.

  7. I was going to comment something on this topic but I decided to give up for fear that the author of the post would delete my comment. Something he has already done several times before. It was not something against PInk, an artist whom he seems to admire, but to criticize the fact of turning the passage of time into the perfect accomplice to erase from people's memories certain outbursts committed in the past and for which she never asked for the excuses like for example when she spoke badly about Madonna.

    Anyway, I better not continue because it is not pleasant to see your comment deleted. And I'm just saying that I hope Pink is sincere this time and above all CONSISTENT with her words from now on.

  8. If you ask me what is the most comical and fun part of the tour, I would say that it is the intro of Holiday where Madonna tries to enter the nightclub at all costs but is prevented by Bob who plays the role of doorman. Seeing Madonna trying everything to get in is quite comical. But the one who definitely steals the show is this dancer with a blonde wig. His exaggerated body movements and overly dramatic behavior to the point of fighting not only with Bob but with the other dancers who are also trying to enter make me laugh.



    It is curious that this dancer achieves something that Bob does not achieve throughout his participation despite being someone dedicated to comedy and who should have many more resources to make the audience laugh but that always repeats his same lines over and over again, becoming a fairly predictable character on this tour. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to change Bob for this dancer in Brazil where people love comedy and would definitely laugh at this character's occurrences. I can guarantee that.

  9. 1 hour ago, Honey Little said:

    For the millionth time from Madonna and her channels: the Celebration Tour ENDS IN MEXICO.


    The Brazilian concert has a completely new stage, new set list, new costumes, etc. It’s a ONE TIME SHOW. (Even Bob is back to his day job on the 5th at a solo show in the US.)

    You say it with so much confidence that I dont know if i should believe you.

  10. This "negative bitch" always knew. Madonna couldn't disappoint us and leave us without the opportunity to celebrate her 40-year career with her. And what better way than with an exclusive show that will probably make other fans envious. What a pitty! 

    However, I think it is fair because we Latinos have always been "the last wheel in the car" when it comes to touring. We were always the last to be visited by Madonna or we were simply discarded in favor of giving preference to the United States and Europe when our money is worth the same as theirs. Anyway, now all that remains is for the protagonist to finally confirm her presentation on her social networks so that the party can be celebrated in its entirety. And if we talk about celebrating, Brazilians are the best specialists in it.


    After the cover of the Hard Candy album that left many fans, like me, dissatisfied due to its simplicity and lack of originality, Madonna decides to surprise this time with the cover of her next album (Mdma) using a photo of her but with a special fragmentation effect or vertical lines that resulted in a unique and quite striking cover.

    Curiously, 5 years earlier, an unknown Chilean artist named Sergio Lagos had released an album with a fairly similar cover. Looking at the photos, the resemblance is undeniable, so we can come to the conclusion that Madonna was inspired by this Chilean artist for the cover of her album Mdma. Because inspiration doesn't always come from world-famous artists or works. And this could be a good example of that.


  12. 7 hours ago, Nahash said:

    EDIT: I used to be Anapausis member - but now I am something better.


    for being a carioca da gema.

    So you were @Anuspuajsis. No wonder your writing style was familiar to me. But tell me, why did you decide to change your name? The previous one was more fun although I don't know if it meant anything in particular to be honest. Anyway, I'm glad you're still on the forum. Your extensive knowledge not only about Madonna but about culture in general is necessary here, especially for people like me who do not have the same level of knowledge as you. 

    It's your birthday? I won't ask your age out of respect and discretion, although I seem to remember that you said you were 60 years old in previous posts. In times where people in their 30s are already considered old for these new generations, we know that age does not matter, but how we live life. And enjoying it as much as we can will always be the best option, my friend.

  13. 58 minutes ago, litemakr said:

    I have to say after seeing it live Take a Bow really works much better at the end of the main show. I don't see why she'd change back to Rain or Frozen. The ending is still abrupt tho. People were standing around in Phoenix at the end looking confused and waiting for something else to happen. I'm really surprised she hasn't changed that. 

    It's true. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that the VAST MAJORITY consider this ending inappropriate because it is so simple for such an impressive show. And something that surprises me is that Madonna, knowing all those opinions, has not decided to alter or improve that part of the show when on other past tours she has been receptive to change.

    Anyway, I think it's too late to wait for any modification since the tour is about to end but as compensation for this very simple ending I hope that the end of the next tour is impressive and manages to surpass the Mdna Tour that it is until now, for me the best ending of all her tours.

  14. 12 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

    Is this a joke ? It's a prank, right ? Or is it a total and absolute lack of self awareness ? 

    Waka, waka

    And don't get me started on Wall Mart Britney.

    And IT dares come here to talk about taste in music ?

    say Joni Mitchell or even Lana del Rey write better lyrics but not these two effing rancid products.. I know taste is subjective but in that case it's not about good or bad taste, it's about having none. is IT deaf ? 

    And IT comes here, keeps going on about that nonsense with no self awareness at all. 

    I mean that's the most outrageous ase of trolling i have seen here, and that's saying a lot.

    How can one take it seriously ? It's like saying McDonald's is better than a Michelin restaurant. Well you're free to believe it but don't get surprised if you get your ass handed to you by reality. 

    Some people really live in a parallele world and i don't want to know how they wipe, this must be something else too.

    I'm sorry but I'm not going to take seriously the words of a person who boasts of defending women. But seconds later he calls two women like Christina Aguilera and Shakira rancid (oh coincidence! they are both Latinas) and also makes fun of the size of men's penises. It's like someone defends black people against discrimination and seconds later makes fun of Asian people and their oriental features. That is called inconsistency and with that type of people it is preferable not to argue or interact.


  15. 1 hour ago, PHIL said:

    haha... love it. am i the only one who didn’t know ?? 😅👻

    Don't feel bad for not knowing friend. I also made a similar mistake due to ignorance when I posted the image of a person who apparently made a gesture of displeasure during Madonna's speech at the 2023 Grammys. It turns out that this person was Nile Rodgers, the music producer of the album Like a Virgin whose name I had in my memory but who, until that day, had never seen an image of him. And I had to apologize for the mistake like every humble person.

    Humility that apparently lacks the know-it-all gentlemen who tend to make fun of those who do not know or are unaware of apparently obvious facts about Madonna's life. These know-it-all gentlemen probably even know who is in charge of cleaning Madonna's house or who her driver is, but there are many fans like you and me who don't know many things, such as who writes her songs, either because we are fans of Madonna since recent years or because we don't have the free time to investigate all that. So don't be afraid to ask and give a heart to those who clarify your doubt or correct the error in a good way. Those know-it-alls who make fun of you by saying "How do people not know this" or "How Strange" or like the person whose post is before mine better not take them seriously and ignore them.


  16. 41 minutes ago, ron92 said:

    Your example are songs that don't need any level of poetry to be valid. The whole reason of why Madonna became so big it's proprably because she was always capable of making song with simple lyrics but with a strong impact. Holiday, everybody, into the groove are all song with lyrics so simple that everybody can connect with, and that's the essence of popular music. Simple lyrics are not necessarly bad or less meaningful that lyrics more poetry. Where life begins for example is a song about orale Sex for women. Admit in a song for a women in the 90s that she want a partner that satisfay her in that way after a day of work (like most Men in the past that come back home after work and find her wife ready to do it) it's not so ordinary. Sometimes songs can assume new meaning in some contest. Michael dango explain in his book why Erotica was so related with AIDS even though only one song really talk about it. 

    By the way she is co-writing her songs not every songs but if she decided to sing that means she found those right and her catalogue is full with poetic lyrics.

    Do you really think that the reason for the success of Madonna's songs is due to her simple lyrics? I rather think that it is the rhythm much more than the lyrics. How do we explain Madonna's great success in places where people do not speak or know the English language and have no idea what she says in her songs?

    For me, the key to the success of Madonna's songs was the rhythm of her songs and the right sounds and instrumentalization for the final product. She could have sung her greatest hits in Italian, Hebrew or some language of her own creation and these songs would have been equally successful. But to be honest, I don't know if she would have been successful in the United States if her songs had been in another language or if she were from another non-English speaking country. I think that in this specific country, they are more "nationalistic" in that aspect and prefer music whose lyrics they can understand.

  17. 1 hour ago, Blue Jean said:

    Madonna writes the lyrics to her songs

    I did not know that. Generally, I have never been interested in finding out who is behind Madonna's albums or any other artist. I have never been interested in knowing who the musicians are, the backup singers, the one who does the mixing, the  writers, etc. Simply knowing who the producer is was more than enough for me. That's why I didn't know that Madonna was also the writer of her own songs. However, I still think that she should better hire a qualified composer and improve in that aspect. Of course, if she wants it. It's just my opinion as a fan.

  18. 1 hour ago, Sheridan1980 said:

    Are you a troll  ??? :lol:

    Troll me? ha ha. No, not at all dear. I was simply highlighting a defect that not only Madonna but many artists have in not caring too much or not being creative enough when writing the lyrics of their songs and limiting themselves to simplicity and generalism. That is why I highlighted Shakira as the only artist I know, surely there are others too, who certainly excels in that aspect reaching almost poetic levels.

    Where life begins.

    "Sometimes when I come home from a hard day at work
    I swear it's all I can think about!"


    "It's time to get your hands up
    It's time to get your body grovin'
    It's time to get your hands up
    It's time to get your body grovin'"


    "See my booty get down like (uh)
    See my booty get down like (c'mon, uh)
    See my booty get down like (lower, uh)
    See my booty get down like (little lower baby, uh)"


    I'm not criticizing Madonna but only those who write the lyrics to her songs.


  19. 7 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

    It is one of my favourite parts. It was very powerful when I first saw it. Even though I love this song I think the rap was always sort of daft.

    ”My father had to go to werk I used to think he was a jerk” :laughing:

    American Life must be the album with the worst lyrics in Madonna's entire catalog. And with this I don't mean that the other albums stand out in that aspect because unfortunately there are few Madonna songs where the lyrics have really surprised me. If at least in this aspect she were like Shakira, a Latin artist, whose lyrics of her songs have always caught my attention due to their quality. And I use Shakira as an example because no other artist comes to mind no matter how much I think about it.

    While Shakira: "I run out of plot and methodology, every time your anatomy appears in front of me..."

    Madonna: "This guy was meant for me, And I was meant for him, This guy was dreamt for me, And I was dreamt for him ..."

    Madonna should definitely hire better songwriters in the future. You can't pay someone to write... that.

  20. 3 hours ago, Burning Up 4 Madonna said:


    The rap part of this presentation still doesn't convince me. It would have been much better without it in my opinion. The final part, however, is the most emotional of the entire tour in terms of the feeling she puts into singing. It's a shame that because of rap this is not one of my favorite parts of the tour.

  21. 17 hours ago, Honey Little said:


    We are talking about hits like MUSIC. Family friendly. Not lezzed out masturbation songs. And Itau certainly doesn’t want a drag queen taking up stage time babbling on in English.

    I like that! I like that! Personally, I would feel more comfortable watching a show similar to the SuperBowl, yes, definitely.

    Let's also remember that if the rumors are true, Madonna will give this concert on a beach and many people, including many children, will be present. It is because of them that certain scenes such as the orgy in Justify My Love, the masturbation in Erotica or the kiss in Hung Up would have to be omitted definitively and in the name of prudence. Among adults, we can tolerate seeing the most extreme scenes at a concert, even more so in times where it seems that sex is the raw material of everything. But when there are children present we cannot be so irresponsible and that is why modifying the content with them in mind should be the most advisable and appropriate thing to do.

  22. 3 hours ago, Honey Little said:

    She deserves every last penny too. 

    But will she have enough life to spend so much money? Sometimes I start to think about how much of a millionaire a person can be and how they always want to increase their fortune more and more even though they already have enough to live the rest of their lives. Anyway.  It made me want to meditate on that matter when I saw so many astronomical amounts of money directed only towards one person.

  23. 1 hour ago, Nahash said:

    @Jackie could you lock this thread until Tuesday??? If this is the actual day of announcement, I don't see why keeping with all this trollage and stupid, useless speculation...

    Speculation is inevitable and understandable given the lack of information and not only in music but in politics, sports, etc. If you make a little mental effort you will remember that the same thing happened just recently with The Celebration Tour. And it will also happen with her new album, her movie, etc.

    If you think that speculating is stupid and useless, it would be best for you to take a short break and not enter the forum for a couple of years. Sorry! I meant a couple of weeks and probably by then there should already be an official confirmation of this event and the speculation that makes you so uncomfortable will already be over.

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