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  1. I wouldn't be surprised if they replace it with a plastic case further down the line
  2. I've often wondered what I'm gonna do with my hoard. Selling it seems like such a lot of work at this point. In my will everything is left to the Dog's Trust
  3. Did we get to the bottom of this? I'm guessing as you said outro's will be earlier fades. Hopefully not first edition Celebration edits with words missing lol
  4. That'll be never then. Actually she might announce one #soon
  5. I know the feeling lol. I remember taping the London show live off the radio and listening to it on repeat for months
  6. Maybe she's just sped every song up a little to make it feel a little more dancey
  7. I'm not one for dishing out compliments but as different as Jessica is, underneath there's a genuinely sweet person
  8. In Truth Or Dare/ In Bed With Madonna she talks about audio issues as shown in the Keep It Together segment, when was that? I think that might be after the ponytail had gone though. Also in Dallas, if they had set up to record the audio on the first night it'd be a no brainer to record the second night too I'd imagine. This was back in the day when she'd sing the whole show live so they would want as many sources as possible to draw from if they wanted a live audio recording to broadcast or sell. Someone must know. Where's John Draper? lol
  9. M posted it thinking it was an over-photoshopped pic. Someone obviously pointed out that's Jessica's real face. As I said, it was unintentional.
  10. She was being a C*** without realising, what's there to love about that?
  11. that was a bit awkward lol, at least M knows who Jessica is now though
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