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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. The thing with Gwen, it was just a matter of her looking very similar to Madonna. However, she's really done nothing that copied or borrowed from her. I suspect her look may been inspired somewhat by the same Hollywood stars Madonna has borrowed from. I'm sure never really complained of being compared to Madonna. Gwen though has her own unique personality and style still. I think all that girls came after Madonna, only were compared to her mostly by the music she was producing or how they became very showy and theatrical as Madonna can be. The difference is, most of them rarely changed their style, sound, look or persona as much as Madonna has.
  2. I think like most entertainers, they have heard their songs so many times in the process of making it, once the newness of it wears off, they don't seek out to listen to it. I don't suspect Madonna sits around listening to her own music in her free time, after the initial release of an album and thereafter. But I'm sure like many artists, they have moments they will listen or be willing to listen it in a club or whatnot depending on the event.
  3. Extreme Occident More or Back In Business?
  4. Preach! She's cut ties and burned people for things far less, so there is no way she's going to be professing her love, remaining friends and sticking up for a man, if he stuck her head in the oven. LOL!
  5. It's a never ending saga for some who just seem to enjoy to hate on other artists as if it's a hobby! I'm so glad I'm above that. If I don't like something, I state it maybe once and then move on. Some just keep doing it to rain on other people's parade or get a rise out of people! I remember that behavior back in 2nd and 3rd grade.
  6. So again, we know no more than when we started this thread.
  7. So we're no where closer to knowing if Madonna has anything to do with this new single?
  8. No one knows anything as of this post. Even her Instagram doesn't say anything other asking "are you ready"? I'm not expecting anything from this other than photos from the event she attends.
  9. Okay, if you say so!! Even though Olivia has been in the business since 2015 and Kim has been quite famous for nearly two decades! Yet Madonna was only hugely famous for about five years in 1990 when she wore Glenn's dress! LOL!
  10. Do you mean wearing other people's costumes/outfits? People wearing other people's gowns, costumes and outfits have been done for decades in the entertainment business. In fact, let's not forget Madonna in 1990 (at MTV Awards) wore Glenn Close's dress from the 1988 Dangerous Liaison film. But again, it even pre-dates this as even older classic movie stars and entertainers have worn other entertainers' outfits throughout the years.
  11. It's still worth owning, but yeah it's sadly her worst edited. For me, there's too much I still enjoyed from it and so I'm glad I own it on DVD.
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