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Question: Madame X Concert - BluRay (Bootleg)


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Question, I am seeing bootleg blu-ray copies of the Madame X tour on eBay. Running about $49.99.  It's the direct rip of the Paramount special 

I was wanting to buy one incase they ever take the show off of Paramount.  Any suggestions of a website or eBay seller I should purchase from that would provided the best quality and experience?

Thank you :-)

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50 bucks for a fan made disc the guy probably downloaded for free (maybe from a forum like this one)? 
Anyway, in case you decide to go for it, avoid any fan made material from the Brazilian "madworld" blog. The guy who runs that crap downloads everything from various forums and sell them as "exclusive". 
Good luck.

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martigen are based in florida - they used to be called madonna-store. back in the day i bought many of their cds and dvds - they were good quality and well made - i never bought any blu-rays from them though - 

not sure i would trust the brazil site either - its pot luck buying bootelg stuff - its your coin at the end of the day ?

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1 hour ago, chaseturtle said:

Has the file been posted of the show from Paramount?  I'm not a tech person, and never download videos, so that's why I thought about buying it.  This is what it looks like. Sold on eBay by a guy named "martigenmedia'1030195818_Screenshot2022-12-30at5_13_47PM.thumb.png.57eb72d08f17fa53f442154e959ebc58.png

i have it. since there's no other way to have it physically i'm happy with it :)

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  • 3 months later...

I downloaded a decent copy off kodi, did the paramount + trial to watch the Q&A which was pretty good, but never found that online and wasn't able to capture it myself due to the encryption they used...

when they talk about Michelle and Barak in the bedroom and Madonna announces that Michelle (Michael) must be the top... the best! 

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