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The Best "Madonna Vogue" performance performed by "NOT" Madonna

Madame Madonna

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Wow I just find out this. 


It's called New York Spectacular: Rockettes. (June 15~ August 17)

choreography by Mia Michaels.


By the way You should watch these with FUll Screen. 


Part 1.


And he cut the best part so you continue watch Part 2





Wow What an Amazing song!

And amazing performance.


I sure that this is the best Madonna Vogue performance performed by Not Madonna.

I mean so many people did "Madonna's vogue" performance  even Rihana did it but I usually feel meh~ about those Vogue performances by Not Madonna.(I mean by the other people) 

No one bring it like Madonna did.

But I think that this one pretty great (But still Not a Madonna level of great of course) so I pick this one is the best Vogue performance which performed by Not Madonna.





Making costume (you can see vogue costume in the end of video)



Mia's vision


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