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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by survivalartist

  1. After a long roadtrip with some great speakers, I now have a strong love for Aaron Lacrate's remix of Miles Away. This thing bumps!


  2. Ah the ignore feature! Lovely!

    1. RUADJAI


      My list keeps growing everyday

    2. countthesaints


      I forgot this feature existed. Time to actually implement it.

  3. all this talk about butts you'd think gay men might be fixated on them or something

    1. null


      We are that's why we're gay. :Madonna049:

    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      "She's Superfine From Behind !"....An '80's funk record = I think ??

  4. And I feeeeel like I just got homeeeeee :Madonna016:

    1. survivalartist


      for real I heard ROL in Mcdonalds the other day and the sound system was BUMPIN' <3 made my 9AM coffee

  5. Annie Lennox hipped me to Palo Santo incense (smells divine even not burning). Now I'm reading that Madonna demands Geodesis Agar wood or Coffee wood candles. Found Geodesis Agar but can't find Coffee wood candles, any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. survivalartist


      haha I’m baffled by a lot of remixes too. I bet I’ve said the same on this board.

    3. survivalartist


      @ashtangi-x I’m pretty sure it was on her Facebook page in a status. She mentioned Palo santo and Dalai Lama incense.

    4. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      She says if your into remixes you have to be off your head on drugs.
      And some have the cheek to say Madge is past it.......:thinker:

  6. Anyone going to Governor's Ball NYC this year? Stevie Nicks, Flume, & more... Swae Lee will be performing :hearteyes:

    1. deathproof


      You want to go with annoying screaming drugged out kids?????

  7. Beyonce has no chill

    1. James19709


      Glad it dropped today though, Medellin was underwhelming

    2. survivalartist


      U r nuts - the song is :fire::fire::fire:

  8. Camila Cabello on SNL is VMAs Vogue meets Madame X Fado club meets high school talent show.

    1. madgefan


      Oliver Crumes was ranting about it this morning lol like people today lack so much creativity. I agree with him to some extent.

    2. emanon


      1 hour ago, madgefan said:

      Oliver Crumes was ranting about it this morning lol like people today lack so much creativity. I agree with him to some extent.

      madonna didnt invented Fado either...so, wjere is her originality? ;-)

  9. Crave Part 1 out today - something I can feel

  10. Dear Madonna fans

    i encourage you to follow Dr King Foundation on twitter and engage in peaceful protest for #blacklivesmatter 


  11. DJ Mag celebrates Vogue turning 30 on social media: 


  12. Do you guys think M still gets coin from Alanis Morisette's Jagged Little Pill? She's made it into a Broadway show and now is touring the anniversary.

    1. me1981


      Probably, unless Alanis somehow bought her catalog outright from Maverick/WB

  13. Erykah Badu live stream concert is soooo good 

    1. survivalartist
    2. survivalartist


      She has rooms set up one is acoustic one is main one is electronic and you vote on where she goes, it’s really cute and sincere and fun.

  14. Excited for Apple Music Lab tonight and to hear the bits n pieces that make Crave

  15. Fangirling hard today in NYC y'allz - MNEK is in town, he just ate at our restaurant in SoHo (IL MULINO - check us out) and I get to meet him this evening before the showwww <3 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. survivalartist


      RUADJAI the show was :Madonna016: with a little :Madonna024: and also some :Madonna057:

    3. RUADJAI


      :Madonna018: Yaaaasssss. Did he do a full concert? He only has like 7 songs out right?

    4. survivalartist


      Nahhhh he has the Small Talk EP, mad collabos, the refixes aand the newer full album Language. Full set about 1.5 hours live singing, hits from A-Z that boy can sannnngggg. It was great he did different versions of several tunes including both his and Zara’s verses on Never Forget You. His dancers were fun too, super campy almost Drag Race style. Tight unique concert experience, top quality. The sound was perfection. Bass was bumpin, everybody dancing. I got a photo with him haha

  16. Feeling really Jimmy Jimmy right now, the song is kinda groovy amirite?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Yeh, it might be throwaway but it could still have been A.Single ?
      'HC' = Hard Candy' ??
      I just listened to Rebel Heart p r o p e r l y and and it's two discs of ''will this do ?''

    3. survivalartist


      a throwaway it may be but its super groovy, a 60s throwback

    4. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Did you here her Madgeness once say there was to be 'no filler' on her 2nd album and 'only hits' ?
      I did hope that was her Record company speaking ??
      Patrice Rushen's track 'Remind Me' was never A.single but is supposedly More Played than her big hit !
      Sounds a bit like a movie theme for a film that never was.

  17. Feminem just released a surprise album with a graphic new video that is being compared by TMZ to "God Control"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. poserdemadonna


      His album is giving me triggers

    3. survivalartist


      Good on you for listening :) i can't take that kinda alpha nonsense

    4. Enrico


      The video is beautiful.

      Curious to see what Emma has to say about it.


  18. Finally Joan Rivers’ daughter is sharing the jokes she kept carefully organized in filing cabinets for decades

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Voguerista


      I'm miss Joan. She was so funny. 

    3. survivalartist


      @ripopgodazippai thought for sure they’d be a book someday but I’ll take facebonks & twits

    4. A. A. Aardvark
    1. Voguerista


      That would be awesome. I love the idea of her working with them or being a part of it somehow. 

  19. Full disclosure: I listen to the Sak Noel Remix of Medellín more than the album version, it’s so snappy and catchy with that little piano riff

    1. MarXus


      It really is a snappy mix.  I love it too. 

  20. Gloria Estefan is singing Reach with guitar only on “The Talk”

  21. HBO Max launches today, including Dick Tracy and Shanghai Surprise. Her management should get a deal with HBO to host all the tours and documentaries in one place!! ❤️

  22. I <3 the new track she sounds fucking great and I prefer Maluma to Nicki Minaj anyday! 

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