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Unapologetic Bitches
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    nito84bcn reacted to dylanlioncourt in Madame X Tour in retrospective   
    The album roll out was perfect. Even the deluxe cover being released and the tracklist was a hoot with everyone thinking it was fake due to the title names. I remember walking to class and a friend sent to me. My reaction was "Looking for Mercy? Did she lose her daughter?" I did enjoy the trickling of songs in the weeks leading to the release, the MTV video premiere of Medellin and how it shaped up to be a continuation of Rebel Heart's new found investment in promotion versus MDNA. The album checked all the boxes for me minus some vocal decisions on her part but it was daring and adventurous; the wealth of visuals we got (The World of Madame X doc, the videos, BBMA's, Pride, performance, even Eurovision) made it worth it. The tour may be another story but I'm sure it'll be enjoyable on the home release we'll get. It's a shame her plans didn't go as she hoped with the injury but I do like this forward thinking Madonna of creating and crafting new messages, material versus going the lazy route of greatest hits/farewell tours every fan seems hellbent on getting like she's Cher. The remixes galore for singles even is the cherry on the era. I can't wait to see what she brings next.

    It feels like yesterday we were clutching our pearls wondering when "Beautiful Game" was going to be released and when she uploaded the Met Gala performance finally. Now fast forward to the end of this era with perhaps a future God Control EP with remixes, the home release of the Madame X Tour to conclude its chapter in her career.
  2. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Rebel Hugo in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    I'm so happy for the Madonna's knee ❤️

  3. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to PaperFaces in Do You Miss Madame X?   
    The album campaign started out strong, but then it just feels like she lost the support of the "label".
    "Promo singles" were sent out, and were all over the Net before you could even buy them,
    Videos were released within short periods of time, with no accompanying singles (Where are the "God Control" remixes and video on digital retailers, yet remixes for IDSIF were sent out??).
    Why no remixes for Dark Ballet or Future?
    Why not release a Live Video for IDSIF to promote the single and the Tour?
    It's the same thing every time with Live Nation/Universal: it starts out strong and then, once the Tour starts, it all goes tits up and everything starts to get shaky in terms of promotion and releases.
    Madonna even has to shell out the money for her own videos.
    Now, that she's free, hopefully she can find an agency/promoter and label who will be interested in her music...you know, the driving force in her career.
  4. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Aiwa08 in Do You Miss Madame X?   
    No, the bad reputation started with Eurovision. Maybe her worst perfomance.
    I loved the concept of Madame X, but after Eurovision, in my opinion, the "Madame X" era was a mess. 
  5. Thanks
    nito84bcn reacted to RUADJAI in Do You Miss Madame X?   
    Do you guys miss March 9th, 2020?
  6. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to dylanlioncourt in Do You Miss Madame X?   
    You'll miss her when the no news drought happens but at the moment, no I don't.
  7. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Rebel Hugo in Do You Miss Madame X?   
    I miss the Rebel Heart era, Madame ❌ era is for me MDNA 2.0 era it was such a mess since the beginning!!! I'm sorry for everybody

  8. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to djlivejasmin in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Lets set some things straight. I have read multiple texts from folks, blaming Madonna for money loss, lost flight tickets, her injuries, her behavior, even for the corona virus. Folks who swear they are hardcore madonna fans but demand her to retire.
    Ok SO,
    if you are a real fan - friend - lover - follower
    ►You never demand or even want someone to let go of what they love the most.
    ►If you like to follow an artist who is super sweet and maybe -fakesweet- go follow someone else.
    ►When you book tickets for any single happening, concert, holidays, travel, you should always expect unpredictable cancellations and date changes.
    ►The more you ask her to retire, the more she will not. That is what you don't get and that is why Madonna will never be compared to any other artist. Because she is a fucking lion who does not give a single F for bitches who reflect their real life scenarios into the actual worship they show to their favorite artist.
    ►I have produced for MADAME X album 7 remixes for her which followed the process of becoming official but did not.
    I didn't even think for a single moment that she is a bitch for not releasing my remixes. I continued to respect her even more and set my bars higher for the next time.
  9. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Louis in Is the Madame X tour her worst tour?   
    The only improvement would be to include Xstatic process and Intervention in the set list. 
  10. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to dylanlioncourt in Madame X VIP Book on sale for...$225.00   
    Imagine justify and defending this. A limited SEX reissue or something worth the price tag would be more of an event than simply selling the remaining stock. Those SHOULD be given to those who had VIP and the show was cancelled.
  11. Haha
    nito84bcn reacted to emanon in Madame X VIP Book on sale for...$225.00   
    Done!!! delivered to you on next 30 February :-)
    I can try do that for you, after I do all the albuns ;-)
  12. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Humanfly in Madame X VIP Book on sale for...$225.00   
    Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Completely out of touch. COMPLETELY
  13. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Prayer in Madame X VIP Book on sale for...$225.00   
    Her current team/social media manager/s is/are a total MESS. I can't believe no one there see how wrong that message is.
    You can sell the book of course but DON'T say that, for God's sake.
    They're destroying her brand even among her hardcore fans and it's sad to see.
  14. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in Madame X VIP Book on sale for...$225.00   
    I couldn't believe my eyes when i read on facebook she was selling the VIP book for 225 dollars "as a way to thank all of you for your incredible support throughout her tour"...but it's true.
    Look here
    To compare, I just bought the SEX book last month for...$70 US dollars with everything included, CD, comics, etc. 
    I don't even know if this is a joke at this point?
  15. Haha
    nito84bcn reacted to o_g_c_x in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Madonna is right now setting fire to the eyepatches like crazy
  16. Wow
    nito84bcn got a reaction from Voguerista in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Madonna's FB cover, changed. Madame X is not on tour anymore. 
  17. Like
    nito84bcn got a reaction from Voguerista in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Ok, now it's official. 
  18. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to tajybajyboo in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    So sad for everyone who didn't get to see the show, but I'm glad the anxiety is over. From the stupid and unnecessary ticket lottery, insane ticket prices, rescheduled dates, cancellations, injuries, late starts, curfews, coronavirus... the enjoyment of this tour has been severely tempered by all the mess surrounding it. She wanted to perform a 'simpler' show, but for her fans, it's been anything but that. In the months to come I hope to replace these memories with a far superior DVD experience... but I'm sure we'll be bitching about that too!
  19. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Ayham in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Farewell MADAME X tour... what an era lol!!! Even the ending is epic!!! ?☠️
  20. Haha
    nito84bcn reacted to madgefan in Madame X Tour | Paris   
  21. Haha
    nito84bcn reacted to Rebel Hugo in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    The password for Madonna.com: MDNAX$kin2020ChaChaChaMadonnaIstheOnlyQueenBitcheees!!!❌

  22. Haha
    nito84bcn reacted to Fighter in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    they finally found the password for madonna.com
    sorry to anyone who was attending 
  23. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    It's over now.
    The most striking thing is that madonna.com for once is the first.
  24. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Madame X tour officially over.
    Madonna please rest. I actually was getting worried she wasn't going to make it in one piece 
  25. Thanks
    nito84bcn reacted to SimonVenekeo in Madame X Tour | Paris   
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