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Unapologetic Bitches
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    nito84bcn reacted to SimonVenekeo in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Yes the government decided it a little before 8 pm today.
  2. Wow
    nito84bcn reacted to Rebel Hugo in Madame X Tour | Paris   
  3. Sad
    nito84bcn got a reaction from New_Boy in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Nonsense and crazynes everywhere. The main illness of 2020. 
  4. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Redha DBL in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    The best part when you don't expect much anymore from someone is that you cannot be disappointed. I am not resigned or bitter i just live in peace with the fact that the artist i'm a fan of had an amazing career and that the best is behind. I had the chance to see her live 4 times when she was on top of her game (Drowned world tour, reinvention, Confessions etc...) and i keep only good memories. I don't buy tickets for her tours since 2008. I consider myself a lucid fan now. If she creates another musical masterpiece then great, it's gonna be a bonus and if not then it's ok and i think that is what is most likely to happen. Fact is she gave us so much quality during 3 decades. I stopped trying to force myself thinking her new songs are masterpieces like the stuff she released years ago or comparing them with her past glories, i was torturing myself for nothing and most of all i was fooling myself. I just take them for what they are (in my opinion of course), and i feel peacefull. All these dramas about the tour is really no suprise for me, it flows naturally with what is Madonna at 61, a lady going out with 25 years old boy, releasing average music and having a face full of fillers and huge booty implants. Shocking reality check lol ! Am i still a fan ? Oh yeah and forever. Do i love what she has became ? No, but i love every seconds of the 30 first years. Do i think things will get better ? No, quite the opposite. Do i think it's normal ? In a way yes. If you decide to keep going on and on with your career when you reach a certain age there are strong chances you will lost it and it will go downhill in a not beautiful way. This is a choice, this is her choice. Accept, let it go and feel good.
  5. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Redha DBL in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Meanwhile Madonna is probably having a dinner in a french restaurant or dancing with her cane in a private party with musicians doing gigs or on the beach.. or lying in her bed ala Truth or dare cover just less pretty and relaxing...
  6. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to dylanlioncourt in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Well perhaps they shouldn't be so condescending to people and acting like their hard earned money is something so minuscule and didn't take effort to obtain, plan or save up? Cancellations and rescheduling can happen to any tour or artist. Madonna chose to go forward and not let us down but it's also quite concerning to go against licensed professionals advising her not to for her own benefit. Nobody wants to see her be crippled, further injured or having to undergo surgeries because of it. Her health and concern is always a priority to fans and we have never said otherwise. The poster was wrong to make a comment like that to disappointed fans who have the right to voice it but I quite frankly don't believe in the conspiracy theories others have thrown (low sales, etc)

    The only portion I agree with is losing her would be devastating and she should be appreciated. However, there does need to be some sort of communication and transparency to allow those the show will be cancelled ahead of time (the morning of) rather than entering the arena and finding out she's not coming on. It's a shame her idea of this tour was plagued by so many issues beyond her control and we can commend her for giving it to us to her utmost level but there are issues her team can alleviate that doesn't make it a fan gripe. We all want to see her and experience her vision but not at the risk of her health or worsening her injury. The money comment was completely dismissive and rude.
  7. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to truerebel in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    This complete and utter MESS of a tour should have ended MONTHS ago. It was clear she was not in the right physical shape to continue on and no matter how she tried to spin it; the damage was done between her and her core fan base. Stop throwing the "I hate to disappoint" BS in our faces, you're not doing us any favor by deciding last minute whether or not your majesty would perform. Regardless of who you are, the level of RESPECT is lost, the only concern she has is herself; which is fine and she should have taken proper steps to mend the injuries early on by adjusting the tour dates/cancelling in advance. Many of us worked hard to save money just to see a show, and your casual "CANCELLATION" (many times, last minute) is a slap in our face. 
    Those will continues to justify this that and the other, WAKE The F**K UP. She does not care about you! She has become more and more self centered and it's sad and pathetic watching it play out over the last 10 years. Enough, Madonna.....you are NOT above anyone else. 
  8. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Angelo in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Are you serious?? Get a Better brain
    sounds good??
  9. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    The only good thing about all this is that the tour is almost done and she's finally going to be better.
  10. Thanks
    nito84bcn reacted to aprilshack in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Maybe but you can’t go around telling people to get better jobs! Seriously?!
  11. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to aprilshack in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Wtf? Some of the money fans have spent won’t be recouped. Should she put her health first? Of course. Don’t you dare tell people to get a better job, work overtime. People on here work hard enough to pay for tix, flights etc. Who do you think you are telling people what they should do? It’s a risk going to gigs and shit happens, but you have no right telling people to get a better job. The fans who have paid money are human and have the right to feel disappointed. As someone who had their show cancelled last weekend I can feel disappointed & empathy at the same time. I won’t be told to get a better job. Go fuck yourself. If I get banned for Saying  that fine. You need to stop looking at life with rose tinted glasses mate. I expect to not being able to log on here in the morning, fine. It’s been nice on here until someone who think we can all get a better job overnight is an acceptable solution to fans loosing money on a trip is an acceptable solution. 
  12. Thanks
    nito84bcn reacted to G House in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    The audacity of saying this really makes me sick. It's not even my show and I'm mad because of this answer. 
  13. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to CicconeUK in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    1. Thank you for all being courteous to each other.
    2. Stop with the corona virus hysteria, don't we get enough of that in the media?
  14. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    This was really unexpected, I thought the last 4 dates were safe after the last two full performances.
    1. I believe her injury is real and bad, but I'd love someone with medical knowledge to explain if the pain comes and goes like this, if to do such a performance she gets strong painkillers that she can't use everyday.
    2. I honestly don't like her way of "healing" and "resting". Holiday on an island, party, dinner and theatre evening this week. I know many people who are performers and when they are on tour they don't do anything. It's tiring to go out, you rest with slippers and a pajama. She will have 4 years to do other things.
    3. It's unbelievable they haven't yet learned how to avoid lastminute cancellation. But they don't care and keep on posting Stories on her IG. After all someone here described how they asked to move their seats cause they had restricted view and when I sent them an email about this they made me feel like I was crazy. They just make money. They open the pop up store and they make money.
  15. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to scion in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    I can't imagine the Coronavirus is going to be a genuine concerns of hers right now... I don't think that would even come into it... if the government have a say and stop the shows fair enough, but let's not pretend she is cancelling concerts because she's worried about Coronavirus because this is the same woman that performed shows in South American cities in 2012 where wild dogs ran around the edge of the stadium and near the stage according to some fans there LOL
  16. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to scion in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    There's a balance and this comes across as careless and inconsiderate, more so than brave.
  17. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to scion in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    I've taken a step back lately, a lot going on... just popped on by chance to see another show cancelled and the usual conversations here.
    ill be honest, I think she's incredibly arrogant to think her own 'determination to finish the tour' is suitable justification to cancel concerts attended by fans who travel internationally. And to do this repeatedly because of that arrogance, its not admirable.
    The Madonna who performed post 9/11, who performed and paid tribute to the lost lives in Udine... and performed the most humble tribute to Prince imaginable... they were admirable.
    Im not sure repeatedly doing this and losing fans left right and centre is in any way anything worth defending x
  18. Thanks
    nito84bcn reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    People defending this are hilarious LMAO
  19. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to o_g_c_x in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Madonna has a love/hate relationship with her fanbase
    Love 10%
    Hate 90%
  20. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to o_g_c_x in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Her disconnection to reality is coming from some years ago... maybe too "yes people" around her...
  21. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to o_g_c_x in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    I was in one of the shows in Paris and I didnt feel she was having a good time... she was in a bad mood during the show.
    I felt more that she would like to say "im done with this shit"
    And I think she will say it anytime soon...
  22. Thanks
    nito84bcn reacted to o_g_c_x in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    You can say what you want..
    But its not normal that one day you do the show Dancing and going up and down stairs and then the next day or after 3 day rest you cancel... and this during 2 months...
  23. Like
    nito84bcn reacted to danielsevilla in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Yes, but the last minute cancellations are weird... or at least disrespectful for the fans... I guess that when you have an injury, you can understand your body after a few hours of being awake. I knew about last Sunday cancellation when I arrived to Le Grand Rex trying to find the person in charge of the Backstage Tour...
    I know she is trying to do her best, but she is clearly not thinking on her fans.
     Not to mention that after one week Ticketmaster has not replied my €1300 refund request... ??‍♂️??‍♂️
  24. Sad
    nito84bcn reacted to o_g_c_x in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Only 3 left 
  25. Wow
    nito84bcn reacted to Rebel Hugo in Madame X Tour | Paris   

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