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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Policy-wise, a Trump effect would center the pendulum. AI will serve us and free up alot of our time if it taught properly. We have this reaction to EVERY new tech that comes along. Did you know that in 1965 they thought that by 1975 the world would be out of food and we would be combatting a great famine. In the 1970’s, we thought 1982 would mark the end of the World. In the 80’s, we thought Nuclear war would be our undoing. We actually had rehearsals at school in case of a bombing. The 90’s came and we thought the bug of 2000 would crash banks, the ecnonmy, planes, Clocks, phones and entire businesses. As humans, we need to envision a crisis because it is what pushes us to create and innovate. Its part of our survival instincts. Even our mothers teach us to be weary and distrustful of what we dont know when we are children. Its to protect us. Sometimes, our lack of rationalisation makes us repeat history. Sometimes, our over-rationalisation does. The planet will be fine. We will be fine. Our children and grandchildren will be fine. This narrative only serves to demoralize us. And then what? Youve panicked all your life, turn around at 50 and have no purpose, nothing to your name, no significant accomplishment except for your virtue signaling online. Live. Play. Work hard. Thats how you change things.
  2. You know…2016 came and went and the country is still there. This catastrophization happening on both sides needs to stop. It serves no purpose. This isnt 1760. There are things to look out for. But we will be fine.
  3. SORRY. Meant to quote DJ GARRIDO. EVERYONE has always been welcomed. Theyre not about identity politics. Ive been to a number of them and it’s about sharing in music, and fashion and dancing and celebrating. Dancers are poor, trust me lol! They will take all the money they can get and every ticket sold, every cover charge, every drink purchased serves to pay the dancers and perfomers, cover costs and organize more events. Luxury, falsely-compassionate beliefs (white privilege, excluding people because of factors they do not control Like their skin color or sexual orientation) keep poor people poor And disadvantaged people down…contrary to what one might think. we do better when we come together and celebrate and elevate each other’s existence. Ive always felt welcomed and appreciated in those events and no one ever gave a shit who I was or where I came from.
  4. I dont know if it still exists, but I once visited The Gaiety where the SEX book and part of Erotica were shot. I remember being surprised at how small the venue was.
  5. That particular shot is of a booklet. You can see the creases. This looks like an old shot from Erotica. hmmmm….
  6. Are the 35th remasters different from the 2001 ones?
  7. Watch the Tourbook be released as a package with the Live album later this year to give it an extra push in sales.
  8. Buy the instrumental and stick Madonna’s acapella on top of it.
  9. Ok, so officially, the only difference between the Orbit Remix and the Orbit Alternative Remix is the length? Are there other differences in terms of production? Im not noticing any. Just wondering what the point of releasing two very similar mixes and calling on "Alternate" when, really, theres just no fade out. Same thing with the Beach and Groove mixes? What the hell are the differences? Also, anyone notice distorsions in the Groove Mix in some points at 1:43 and 4:03?
  10. Releasing the studio mixes for this Tour would make a lovely greatest hits comp. No need for a live album. Just the studio mixes.
  11. @clkelley39which mix are you talking about and what do you mean about her vocals? The Orbit Alternative mix shared by @Would You Like To Trysounds great. I can increase the volume a bit, but it sounds just fine.
  12. Was the Keep It Together Instrumental off the new release available anywhere before? I dont remember having it.
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