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    madgefan reacted to musicinferno in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Well yeah.... I'm sure stage designs, backdrops, costumes, themes, and setlist are all being planned. But actually rehearsing a song seems too soon. 
    One thing I hope she does is film new footage for projection screens. This was something that was severely lacking for RHT. 
  2. Haha
    madgefan reacted to musicinferno in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    When her new face settles in. Probably March. 
  3. Haha
    madgefan reacted to Fabiolous in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Congratulations on 100 pages of pure hype!
    Haven't seen this little negativity in a while
  4. Like
    madgefan reacted to SuperBicycle in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Same, so I going to book refundable flights and hotel.... too risky not to....
  5. Thanks
    madgefan got a reaction from liquidlove88 in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    I would hate it to be true... but time has proved it over and over. Fans should know best at this point.
  6. Like
    madgefan reacted to Blue Jean in French town mayor pleads with Madonna to lend them a stolen painting from her collection   
    Their laws are hypocritical. When France has finishing returning every single stolen ancient artifact they have in their museums back to their rightful owners Madonna should consider loaning them her painting.

  7. Like
    madgefan reacted to scion in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    So excited. Making memories with my Mum!
    My Dad is terminally unwell and I’ve realised we’ve never really made memories together.  I don’t want the same to happen with Mum (she’s fine) so we are really gonna make the most of the shows we are going to… ❤️
  8. Like
    madgefan reacted to Rainbow in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
  9. Thanks
    madgefan got a reaction from liquidlove88 in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    The older she gets, the more expensive her shows become. It always feels like it would be the last time she's giving a show.
  10. Wow
    madgefan reacted to stancherry in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    looks like there are 4 sections representing each decade
  11. Sad
    madgefan got a reaction from sara94 in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    The older she gets, the more expensive her shows become. It always feels like it would be the last time she's giving a show.
  12. Like
    madgefan reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    So nothing changed since 1985?
  13. Thanks
    madgefan reacted to otcoam in New Vanity Fair Portfolio by Luigi & Iango   
    Vanity Fair Italia February 2023 : Madonna by Luigi & Iango | the Fashion Spot
    Better quality files here.
  14. Haha
    madgefan reacted to Pootz333 in How AMAZING does it feel…   
    Enjoy it while it lasts...

  15. Haha
    madgefan reacted to Ziploc in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Suck eveyone's and we'll do a crowdfund  👅
  16. Thanks
    madgefan reacted to Blue Jean in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Trust me. On RHT it was easy to get tickets. They want us to panic so the hardcore fans buy up. But the demand will be similar to RHT.
  17. Haha
    madgefan reacted to steady75 in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Just out of interest 
    Are you… you know?

  18. Thanks
    madgefan reacted to Piksel8 in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    I just noticed she didn't add a date to her birthday August 16. Toronto Aug 13 is the closest date to it which I just booked. I don't trust the opening dates in Vancouver, considering it has the highest potential to get moved. 
  19. Haha
    madgefan reacted to Rebel Hugo in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    If some of you dear old white rich men from North America or Europe want to get a virgin young latino boy like me, I'm open to get offers in exchange for being taken out of Mexico and take me to see Madonna in concert, please.
    My virginity for a Madonna ticket! 🎫

  20. Haha
    madgefan reacted to mirtillo in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    near a dick
  21. Haha
    madgefan reacted to Roland Barthes in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    It's Guy Ritchie's foreskin she kept as a trophee from when she persuaded him to get circumcised. It's to remind him, on posters, all over London.
  22. Haha
    madgefan reacted to Scottyx in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    My fingers hurt from tryin to guess codes
  23. Like
    madgefan reacted to kesiak in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    I thought it was a reference to The Passage of Time by Dali?

  24. Like
    madgefan reacted to chanmanfaii in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Can't believe the tour have not any asia leg...
    Actually Macau (7,446 audiences, $8,265,771) & Japan (37706 audiences, $9,609,418) were two highest ticket-grossed cities record of Rebel Heart Tour. Asia Fans still keeping high interested for Madonna.
  25. Haha
    madgefan reacted to Papa Zelko in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    I think the distorted O is symbolizing Amy Schumer’s husband’s gaping hole. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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