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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. 2 hours ago, TonyMontana said:
    All i can say and this is gonna be my only comment on the topic is that internet is ruining our civilization... and both Madonna and us fans are the perfect example of it... we're all victims of the silliness of our times where art and open minded opinions are labelled as reductive and plastic surgerie to the extreme, social medias vanity, non stop selfies, glorification of everything fake is glorified... We're all victims, us, Madonna, everyone... enjoy the view and it's only the beginning.

    I agree. I miss the ‘90s and early ‘00s so much.

  2. ....yikes, if that Lola quote is real, then it confirms what some of us have been conjecturing. 
    As an aside, there's a thread on Reddit with thousands of comments, the overwhelming majority of which saying that her eyes are a dead giveaway that she's using opioids. Not familiar with the effects myself, but apparently it's the pin size pupils that are a common side effect. Not going to link to the thread, since I know a lot of users are sensitive to negative comments about her on the wider internet, but there's almost unanimous agreement from thousands that she looks very, very high in that video. 
    I'm sure she took them a bunch for her hip pain. But no one who has become addicted to prescribed opioids has done so intentionally. I really hope that's not the case here, but Lola's comment certainly stirs the pot and adds a whole new layer to this discussion. 

    Can you please share the Reddit link with me?
  3. 13 hours ago, milingo83 said:

    Don't get me wrong, I love Mariah but the thing her fans got so excited about the # 1 thing in 4 countries a little bit made me laugh, that's all. 

    I'm not a Mariah-obsessive but don't you think Madonna's fans would generally be excited by this too, as a legacy act?

    I don't see why you are poo-pooing that as an achievement, when it's something that remains so elusive for Madonna?

  4. I’ve always been impressed by her witty wordplay, and how she’s used it to help bolster her iconography over the decades and capture the public’s imagination

    For instance, Blond Ambition (blind ambition), The Immaculate Collection (The Immaculate Conception), MDNA (MDMA). I’m sure there are other examples!

    I suppose it’s easy to take this aspect of her arsenal for granted by now, but I appreciate her ability to package her projects so well through her talents as a wordsmith and marketer.

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