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Posts posted by me1981

  1. Maybe after all the work she put in on MDNA and the somewhat poor reception it got, she just isn't interested in going to any effort and screens footage is what we will get.


    I too thought the screens footage looked amazing and there is an overhead camera as well as I just happened to look at the screens as they showed a shot of her from above.


    Maybe the documentary is nothing more than a supplement to the concert. It will be just a 30 minute extra. Along with TOAC.

  2. Honestly, as much as I love LAP, we have had wonderful interpretation of this song in these last few years: from the futuristic one in S&S to the acoustic on in the Haiti concert, from the religious one in MDNA to the darker one in American Life promo tour. This one doesn't really add that much, apart from the very heartfelt rendtion after the terrorist attacks. So I'd rather have songs like Who's that girl, which is a forgotten gem, and Ghosttown. Unfortunately we didn't have WTG and Take a bow on the same show.

    I think she was going to do it last night (WTG that is) but she was talking so much she said she had to cut a number.

  3. I didn't see any unusual cameras at the show Saturday night, though do not know what to look for. There were 5 cameras like the one above in the arena and then four on the first elevation (near the soundboard area) pointed directly at the stage, the four pointed at the stage looked very different they had long oblong shaped lenses, while all others looked like normal cameras. I honestly have no idea at this point if they were filming the show or not.


    Rod Laver has signs for all events that say the event may be filmed and you are agree to be filmed by your attendance, so that didn't even clarify anything. There were no cranes and no obtrusive cameras present on Saturday. I didn't catch the screens often as I had a fairly unobstructed view very close to the heart stage.

  4. Paris was not filmed in full Alex K. said it when asked once. Just selected numbers.

     Alek didn't actually shoot it. Toby Phillips did (he also did Girlie Show) and he said they shot all three shows in full. ICON actually stated the show was to be released by Pioneer in 1990, but those plans changed, then it was to be released on VHS a year later but that didn't happen either. Toby also said Alek had a lot less to do with the concert filming than we think.

  5. Hi guys,


    I wanted to see if anyone has or has ever heard of a recording from the Who's That Girl World Tour in New York at MSG.  I've never come across anything, which is bizarre IMO considering most of her NYC shows are always taped.


    Hoping someone here might have something :)

    I have to wonder about this, she did only one show at MSG and in New York and it was an AIDS benefit with some tickets costing a fairly high price in comparison to her usual prices at the time. 

    Maybe I am being silly but I always got the feeling most bootleggers at the time bought cheap seats with the intention of selling the bootlegs and making a profit (at least back then). Granted Madonna's concerts were fairly cheap back then (though more expensive then most pop/rock concerts) but I am not sure fans were bootlegging as much in those days and it was "pro bootleggers" doing it.


    So tix generally cost $20 - $22 but the MSG show cost up to $100 per ticket.


    So unless something more "official" such as a soundboard or footage from screens leaks there is less of a chance I'd say.

  6. I don't think that's true.

    Actually it is true that all concerts are recorded and stored. Jamesy I think it was from madonna-tv confirmed after he talked to a guy from the company that does it (I think Nocturne) that all shows since WTG have been archived. All the screens footage is stored away. That's why when she had the Pioneer deal for BAT in 1990 her official fan club announced initially that Pioneer would be releasing a show with numbers from around the world, of course that never happened, but is more confirmation that they keep that stuff for archival purposes.

  7. I have often wondered about something. If Madonna were to decide to release the tour on DVD and could only use Japan or Nice shows, which ones would she pick? I remember in the documentary she was complaining about the cold weather in Japan and was excited to perform the show in the US but now after all these years after watching both shows I thik she would go for the Japan show. Why? because she looks great and her voice is fabelous and all the moves are perefect even if they are more calculating than the more free energetic moves of the Nice show, she does seem a little colder in the Japan show than the Nice show but judging from her past releases that doesnt seem to be a problem for her. In the Japan show she is being very careful about not making a mistake but in the Nice one she has more of a i dont give a f..ck if I miss a step and I dont care if i sound like shit and the purple and yellow lights make me look like a light bulp. So everyone what do you think SHE would prefer to be released only from those 2 shows? The more tecnically perfect show or the more crazy energetic show with inferior vocals and lackluster sound quality?


    She would release Bercy Paris. Probably why we haven't had a release. If she wanted Nice or Yokohama WB and Madonna could have made it happen by now. The Paris shows are beautifully filmed, lit and show so much depth missing in the tv broadcasts. Madonna is a fan of film. When asked if she would release BAT she answered with "I need to find it" There is no way the Nice or Yokohama shows are missing, but the Paris shows are hidden away somewhere, so I am sure she was referring to those shows.


    So I do like both shows, I prefer the Nice show just because it has better energy, however her singing in Yokohama is far better and I hate the stupid pink lighting she added to the Barcelona and Nice shows during Express Yourself, looks awful.


    One thing I never hear mentioned though. During Express Yourself in Yokohama, has no one else seen Nikki injure herself? She apparently already sprained her foot and during the dance break in EY she does something worse to it, you can see the absolute pain on her face after they do the high kick and she limps throughout the rest of the song and is absent for the start of Like a Prayer. In Truth or Dare you see her ankle/foot getting bandaged in Chicago and in the Hanky Panky video clip you can see she is wearing boots not heels in some shots. Must have been a bad sprain if she was still treating it as late as Chicago.

  8. When i asked the woman at the hydro about the cameras that at the time i thought were b roll for news the next day, she said it was M's team filming the whole show and that by buying a ticket everyone consents to being filmed, also i agree with lukesavant. The custody thing is very sad and i thought roccoo and m were close but he is behaving like a brat and it's not cool  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

    So maybe they have filmed it.


    As far as Rocco, cut him some slack. He is a child of divorce and of a super famous parent and he is 15 with a lot of hormones running around, unless you were a perfect child, and even if you were, I suggest leaving him alone.


    We also don't know what Madonna is like with him and what he is going through and what it feels like to grow up in that environment. At the end of the day it isn't our business to judge him. Let them sort it out as a family.

  9. I always thought Did You Do it was filler, a bit of fun i guess but i'd always skip it. Fever? Yeah, the more i think of it i think it is one of the weaker tracks. If the Edit One version was the main album version it'd be a different story. Wasn't Fever recorded while they were doing Goodbye To Innocence and she started singing Fever over the track? Man! I'd have loved Goodbye To Innocence to have made the album. I bloody love that demo (not the one that sounds like Up Down Suite), you know the one with "You know you'd better stop, stop and think about how you get your kicks, God knows I didn't ask for this - you know you'd better stop, stop and think about it, before you mess with someone else, why don't you pay attention to yourself - yourself and nobody else".


    Yeah apparently Goodbye to Innocence wasn't working and Madonna just started messing around and singing Fever over the song as she had just seen Peggy Lee performing. It was literally the last song added and to read Shep's Erotica diaries it sounds like they pretty much finished it in 5 minutes and just slapped it on.


    I don't know why, it isn't anything specific, but from the first time I heard the album in Oct 1992 I hated that version of Fever and would skip it, still do to this day I even listen to Did you Do It? more often. However loved her cover of Fever on Arsenio.


    Yeah the proper Goodbye to Innocence is a good song, though to me sounds a bit more dated than the rest of the album. Up Down Suite I actually love and I can't remember which single it was a B side to (Rain?) but listened to that a lot, I knew it wasn't album material, but still loved it.

  10. She could do Mexico, she was apparently considering it for Girlie Show. I am surprised she has never done New York. For all tours since Girlie Show she has done multiple nights at MSG and New York has been her home for almost 40 years. It was the place she made it big and the one her heart missed most when she was in London.


    I guess if they are going to film, and since all her US shows are one night only, and it is best to get 2 or more shows, then the options are Mexico, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, China, Philippines, New Zealand and Australia.


    Auckland might be good, but then she has never been to Asia, so might be interesting too, I'd be happy with any of these choices.

  11. See I would say HC, MDNA and even RH are full of filler. They all seem like a collection of songs with no real structure. Erotica is an album. Raw, dark, cynical, heartbroken. up to Confessions Madonna inadvertently made trilogies.


    Madonna, Like a Virgin, True Blue - Hopeless Romantic, fun, cheesy, happy


    Like a Prayer, Erotica, Bedtime Stories - Cynical, hurt, Heartbroken, sexual, angry, hopeful, longing


    Ray of Light, Music, American Life - Reflective, new found wisdom, born again, happy, discovering herself


    I digress. The only filler on Erotica is Fever and it is no surprise it was a last minute addition, I guess also Did you Do It?. TUTBMP is a nice ballad but has no depth like In this Life which is Madonna's pain and heartbreak laid out for everyone to see and Why's it so Hard is her anger. Maybe Shep's production was often repetitive in moments, but Erotica has some of the best lyrics on any Madonna album. She really dug deep.

  12. The other change no one has mentioned is the orgy. Up until South America the orgy had no sample or cover. Then she started singing Donna Summer's "Love to love you Baby" She definitely performed this in Mexico and Rio.


    When she got to Australia it was changed, but was it changed to anything? It isn't Love to Love you, as I know that song well and those lyrics and that music is nowhere near close to that song. Did she and the band just make something up? I even googled the lyrics she sings and it doesn't come up with anything. So maybe to avoid more possible fees she and the band made up their own composition.


    Side Note: The 5.1 audio for the DVD is horrendous. The audience, especially sounds so fake in that mix compared to the original broadcasts and VHS release.

  13. I doubt they'll release Blond Ambition. The Nice shows were recorded for the documentary (as were the Lisbon shows for Re-Invention), but apparently they planned which songs would be included or possibly included, so they didn't film them all in a professional sense.

    Incorrect for Blond Ambition. The Paris shows on Jul 3rd, 4th and 6th were all filmed in full and a release with pioneer was planned but scrapped (they eventually got the HBO show in Nice) So Blond Ambition shot on 35mm film in full exists.








    No way in the world will they release the Barcelona show, ever. Too many technical mess ups and poor quality footage. Of all the shows that would be the one that least represents the show. Unless they use an absolute pristine master and re-edit the show and color grade/time it, actually even then that show would look horrible. The gamma setting on the cameras was too high, but was inconsistent from camera to camera, so some shots have flare and others don't, some have deep beautiful colour and others look washed out. Just such a mess and unworthy of release. Not to mention the poor camera angles and way too much focus on the audience, in addition to poor audio set up.

  14. Is this the kind of topic where fans wonder how important they really are?  :yarn:

    NYC always gets a shitload of celebrities, same for Los Angeles and probably London/Paris. This I paid so much money to see Madonna and always do so I deserve to have access to a greet and meet with her cause I'm the best fan ever on planet Earth is so nasty and almost unbearable to read, well I've read worst things in the past...  :Madonna040:

    Just to clarify in case you are talking about me, I wasn't doing that. I was simply making a point by saying people complaining that she wasn't bringing fans up on stage have no idea who the people are she chooses whether they are life long fans or just been there for a minute, the melodrama was to drive home a point, it is absurd to assume those who spent the most and are fans are going up there and it isn't worth worrying about. I don't think I deserve anything more than what I paid for and don't begrudge nor am I jealous of those who get to meet her and blah blah blah.

  15. WHAT???? in which parallel world?? XD

    I want parents like that lol


    :tongue:  :tongue:  :tongue:  :tongue:

    Haha, I hear it so much. Good for them though, I certainly wouldn't turn it down, lol.





    One last thing I want to say to those who have an issue with this. Cut Madonna some slack. She is trying to get closer to her fans and show her appreciation. I have never seen her share so much of her life, be willing to be so open and vulnerable in interviews and be so connected and warm in her shows.


    This has to be the best time to be a fan as we are getting a Madonna like never before. Someone who calls out people in the audience she has seen before. Talks to her audience and fans. Touches them. Shows their artwork and shares her life.


    So what if she isn't completely ready to bring a fan up every single night. Maybe she needs to time to get comfortable with it. This is the same woman who had a stalker break into her home and threaten to slit her throat from ear to ear. A woman who has always been guarded publicly. She is trying, how about some appreciation for that.


    I get we don't all need to worship at the Madonna shrine, but how about some glass is half full optimism.

  16. Ummm am I the only one bugged by this?

    When they were asked about the pit for this tour, they said there's no pit but something "much better" is in store.

    Then M revealed that every show she's bringing a fan on stage.

    Let's see who was on stage this far...

    09 Montral - Diplo

    10 Montreal - Fan from the audience

    12 DC - Fan from the audience

    16 New York - Amy Schumer

    17 New York - supposedly Andy Cohen's friend

    19 Brooklyn - Anderson Cooper.


    So far very few fans from the audience made it on that stage. Instead they invited her friends, who get to hang out backstage anyways. And the whole banana thing is kind of random and weird.

    They could have created something more engaging for the fans who actually spent hundreds/thousands of $$$ to see the show...

    This all depends on how she does it.


    1. Pre-Selection - If a fan is pre-selected then maybe those shows had no-one her team was aware of, or no-one Madonna felt comfortable with. In order to be pre-selected her team must be aware of said person being at the show and Madonna must approve. Secondly Diplo was on the first night so probably Madonna wasn't comfortable with bringing an unknown up on the first night. The other two shows were in New York and is great publicity for the tour. There won't be that many more shows with celebs (okay a few, but not all)


    2. Random - If it is random then who is to say a fan will be picked. Random means Madonna might see a casual or GP audience member who is dancing their butts off and choose them, though they may not be a fan or even spent any money on the show.


    My question is, what is a fan? I have followed her for 30 years, because of ill health and being broke a lot I have not been to see her live (first show will be in March) I have spent money on her, defended her during the biggest backlash of her career and stood by her, even with her not coming to Australia for 22 years.


    Yet people who have been a fan since 2008, have enough money from their parents to go to multiple shows, possibly downloaded most of her stuff for free, never went through the ups and downs and has had the opportunity to talk to Guy and her team or has had the possibility of contact in some way, might get picked just because she has seen their face a few times and assumes they are a long time loyal fan. Is that fair?


    Not sure what is bugging you, as there is no indication a true fan who spent a lot of money will ever get on stage and that has nothing to do with Madonna, it is just life.

  17. I also liked both their energies on M's shows. They added so much. Both are great live performers and compliment M so much. I guess it is a tribute to both that they have never really been replaced in a sense as Madonna has never had any back up singers take on such a role since the three of them last performed together in 2001.

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