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Rays Of Light
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Status Replies posted by Raio_05

  1. I'm scared. Living right now is só surreal... everybody has a different opinion of it; scared and tired. Its like every second is the last one, and Im afraid of losing or being Lost. I wish i could live in bubble With my loved ones, where nothing bad had no chance to Touch us. Sorry about this dark mood. 

    1. Raio_05


      Se precisares de desabafar, estou aqui. ;)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Portugal's fascist racist sexist homophobic presidential candidate in SECOND place on today's elections. What is happening to my country... we're following Poland's steps... 

    1. Raio_05


      Actual election. He ended up in third place in the end, but with a 0.8% difference only... scary. We had 8 candidates...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Finally finishing an updated version of the Madonna Monopoly I made a few years ago. It looks soo good, can't wait to post it here when it's finished :hearteyes:

    1. Raio_05


      @Brandon ClarkAhh maybe it was due to that, I'm not sure how PMs work here :thinker: but I'm glad you're well! I'm sorry to hear you were a bit disappointed with your gift, when I knew what it was I thought it was the best one! lol but oh well, tastes and etc. I'll try to message you again ;)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. My Vice President is a Black Woman

    1. Raio_05


      Some people (americans?) really need to travel to ex-communist European countries to see what communism really was/is. Literally no idea what they're talking about, just repeating propaganda non-sense. If Kamala is a communist then I'm the goddamn Pope

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  5. Finally finishing an updated version of the Madonna Monopoly I made a few years ago. It looks soo good, can't wait to post it here when it's finished :hearteyes:

    1. Raio_05


      @Brandon ClarkI sent you 2 messages, you haven't received them? maybe there's an error... just wanted to wish you a happy new year and know if you've gotten your gift hahah

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Finally finishing an updated version of the Madonna Monopoly I made a few years ago. It looks soo good, can't wait to post it here when it's finished :hearteyes:

  7. My Vice President is a Black Woman

    1. Raio_05


      20 minutes ago, cedarlake said:

      Why bring politics into a Madonna forum? 

      Well, Madonna is a political artist in the first place and has always encouraged her fans to be vocal about it, so...

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  8. Portuguese fans, don't forget to vote on January 24, and I hope, none of you supports the trump clone we have here.

    1. Raio_05


      I sure won't... he needs to go away

  9. Sometimes I think Madonna is too far ahead of her time. I think THIS would be the moment to declare a Revolution of Love. 

  10. Not to offend any US citizen but there's no USA to invade itself in order "to protect its democracy," is there?

    They're (establishment) now in a world of hurt the same way they've done to every "3rd world" country in the globe. 

    1. Raio_05


      @MadonnaLove Do a quick Google search, you'll see that a lot of the faces on that crowd and inside the Capitol (because they weren't even using masks - smart!) are actually pretty well-known white supremacists, Proud Boys, Trump advocates and etc. You can literally see their faces and confirm who they are on various social media accounts. This may go against your personal views, but it's reality.

      Like @artlover said, ANTIFA is not the scaping goat Trump wants you to believe...

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  11. My Secret Santa just arrived @Dito:)

    P.s.- it made me smile

    1. Raio_05


      I'm glad it did! And thank you for participating :kissy:

  12. New Apple headphones for $800CAD... u good Apple?:rip:

  13. Guys, would you be interested in doing a Madonna-themed Secret Santa this Xmas? I've done in the past and it was SO fun. I already have 5 people but I thought of making it an international thing! Each person would receive a Madonna gift and buy one for his giftee. I would organize everything! We'd also be helping local businesses in this economy and those who will have a lonelier Xmas due to COVID. Who's in??

    1. Raio_05


      Thank you for the interest! :D so far I have 10 people already, with you 11 (from UK, Europe & USA). My idea was to do the sorting on Monday Nov 30th so people would have their giftee infos by Tuesday 1st. They'd have 3+ weeks to choose a gift and ship it ( some countries like Spain only open gifts on January 6th, even) so I think even if it arrived after it'd be ok! :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Madonna is trending in twitter because people thought she died :laughing:

  15. did she troll us? 

    1. Raio_05


      Well... we still have 1 day and a half until Thursday... but yeah, it was probably nonsense...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. As a “technically” new Madonna stan I declare Erotica my favorite album. I listen to it religiously almost every day:luv:

  17. The Crown season 4 was just released happy homer simpson GIF

    1. Raio_05


      I'm already planning a Netflix marathon with pizza :kitty:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Supposed Terror Attack in Vienna!!

    1. Raio_05


      This is so fucking sad. I REALLY hope there's not a second wave of attacks coming in Europe. My heart goes out to France especially, a country that basically shaped european culture having to endure this.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. A friend went to the Comporta stables where M used to go riding here in Portugal. The staff there shared some stories about her & David and they're not very nice...

    1. Raio_05


      Frank, these are not lies for sure... it's one of my best friends that went there, he even took pictures, I've known him for years. The stable-owners said many positive things as well and they only told him because he kept pushing conversation and realized he was a fan. It's seriously not that big of a stretch to imagine her wanting the places all to herself or even laughing at the comeback of her teenage son. Besides, M isn't exactly known as that much of an animal carer...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. A friend went to the Comporta stables where M used to go riding here in Portugal. The staff there shared some stories about her & David and they're not very nice...

    1. Raio_05


      Basically those stables are open to the public so my friend went there with a group because he wanted to ride the horse Madonna used to ride, a black stallion called Echo. He met the instructors that worked with her and apparently there were 2 instances: one where they were riding at the beach and David slowly starting riding his horse into sand and started getting stuck. The instructor warned him it's dangerous as they can get stuck and tired and David replied "if the horse dies my rich mother will just buy another one". M apparently just laughed. I mean, we know he was only 14, but...

      The other instance was when M was having a pic-nic in the sand dunes with the twins and a group of riders that was riding with the instructors was passing by, but from very afar, and 2 security guards in 4x4 motorcycles suddenly rushed to them and said they could not approach that area and to not get close (which is a public beach...) and to move along quickly. The group didn't even care she was there. She also demanded no other riders were at the stables when she popped by.

      This type of behaviour is very badly seen here as we don't really care about famous people (which is why she was able to live a very normal life here, going to coffee shops and such). But at the same time I can understand that after 40 years of fame and living in other countries where they have a paparazzi/fan culture, it's just her modus operandi...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  21. News in Portugal are reporting that Madonna is finally saying goodbye to Lisbon, giving back the keys to her rented house here. This video was made for a page a friend used to have. Not to look like a pro video, but just a a sweet tribute to her. It just made sense sharing it today. Ciao Madonna, Madame Will always be portuguese. i dont "worship" her like I used to,but there is something sweet left, some tenderness. Obrigado Madonna

  22. Hey @Ditto Welcome to the fourm!

    1. Raio_05


      No albums. haha well except MX but life got in the way and I didn't post much here then. But now I'm back on Madonnamania!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. Hey @Ditto Welcome to the fourm!

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