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The Rebel Heart Promo


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Le Grand Journal and Che Tempo Che Fa are live or she will also tape it before like Jonathan Ross?


Che tempo che fa is always rigorously live, except for this special interview. M will be in Italy next weekend and will tape it on the 28th of february to be aired on the 8th of march, closer date to the album release.

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The performance part of Le Grand Journal is always taped beforehand. The interview is live. 


Che tempo che fa is always rigorously live, except for this special interview. M will be in Italy next weekend and will tape it on the 28th of february to be aired on the 8th of march, closer date to the album release.


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No problem :)


Clip of the radio interview aired tomorrow morning on Europe 1



She talks about fascism and talks about the idea of working with Stromae.


Moka on MNation provided this translation:

First question : "Two years ago, during your tour in France, you used strong words, you said you were the witness of frightening things that happened in Europe. Is it still a topical issue?"

: "When I spoke at my last concerts, especially here in Paris at l'Olympia, I was speaking specificly about the growing of the fascist party. I was receiving a lot of criticism and threats from Marine Le Pen and her organization. I was making an observation that France was once a country that accepted people of color and artists like Josephin Baker or Charlie Parker, writers, painters, wathever. It was the country that embrassed everyone, France encouraged freedom of expression, all its forms, cinema, in arts. And now it's complety gone. I said this two years ago but it's still current today in this crazy time, that makes me think about the Nazi Germany. The level of intolerance is scary, but it's not just in France but in the whole Europe. Antisemitism, this whole aryan rengaine. This way of becoming, behaving and reacting in a climate of extreme fear... It's scary."


Second question : "Will we see you with Stromae during your tour in France?"

M : "I'd love to work with him. I'm not sure we'll be able to work together but I'll be in France this Summer, we'll see that!".

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The Europe 1 interview is over and was barely 7 minutes or so.  She basically went on the longest about the first question above.  This is the rest of what I got out of it:


- She talks about Alicia being a spontaneous addition to LFL
- Rebel Heart represents both sides of her, the vulnerable and the invincible
- The hacker stole her work, personal letters, financial records
- They played snippets of JOA and Ghosttown
- Ghosttown represents the apocalyptic world we're heading towards if we continue to behave with intolerance towards each other (everywhere in the world)
- She talks about the Olympia show and what she spoke about then, making the observation that France (and all of Europe) is becoming more and more intolerant and like Nazi Germany (see first question in the post above)
- She loves Stromae and would love to work with him
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The full Europe 1 interview is here:





The key takeaway is when she talks about Stromae and mentions that she will be in France this summer.


is there an english transcript of this interview? my french is not good enough for this.

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France RH Promo:

JT France 2 aired 

March 2 - for the Grand Journal in Paris, invited as editor and will perform two songs!

March 7 - an interview on 50 minutes

March 8 - Che Tempo Che Fa 

interview for JT TF1 and M6 [To Be Confirmed]


We'll be able to watch it live here on Monday:


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