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Difficulty Of Being A Madonna Fan Around Friends and Family

50ft Queenie

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On 2/17/2022 at 4:35 AM, Skyline Pigeon said:

 So recently I had a bunch of my friends and family over to my house and we were talking about music and who our favorite artists are. When I mentioned Madonna as one of them, I was instantly met with a bunch of rude comments directed at her, nobody even wanted to acknowledge how important her classic period was. Why is Madonna so disrespected musically?

I think it's because she's such a controversial figure. People are looking at her image instead of what she has to offer musically and, I must say, a lot of that was Madonna's own doing - she wanted to be a personality, and she got it. Unfortunately, those who are more headstrong against her music are missing out on a lot of good stuff because they're focusing on the entertainer, not the entertainment. I don't agree with everything Madonna says or does, but I do love a good portion of her music. It's like that old saying, "Trust the art, not the artist."

But I can completely understand where you are coming from. I'm kind of a "Closet Madonna Fan" in my real life. Not a whole lot of people in my real life "get" the love I have for Madonna's music, and, in some ways, I feel like they're judging me based on my interest in her stuff. Maybe that sounds a bit hypersensitive of me, but I never put down their love of, say, Barry Manilow or Celine Dion! 

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