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Hong Kong: Asia World Arena [Wednesday Feb 17 / Thursday Feb 18th 2016]


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super_hero_tonyHong Kong show#2. The only thing better than the roar of a Sold Out performance is this moment. Where so may dreams intersect at the same place. It's so quite. It's the perfect time to reflect, be grateful and think about what it all means. â¤

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Chuly Cheng added a collage: My Collage â€” checked in toMadonna Rebel Heart Tour at Asiaworld Expo, Hong Kong withDilys Leung.
16 mins Â· Hong Kong Â· 

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Follow Â· 17 mins Â· 
After 4 glasses of Red, we r ready to Party. â€” atMadonna Rebel Heart Tour at Asiaworld Expo, Hong Kong.

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