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Status Updates posted by Fighter

  1. Is MSG still the best full video we have of the show?

  2. you pay with sweat and tears and overcome your fears :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Angelo


      I can't, Icon, two letters apart

    3. MeantToBeIconic


      Did someone call my name?

    4. InfinityWithin


      Say I have to fart and I can't wait... a butterfly that stinks :)

  3. I have such a new found appreciation for the album bc of the tour... Especially Iconic and Heartbreak City.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. madgefan


      I heard Iconic's potential since the very beginning... Someone somewhere else said the demo was pretty mediocre, I just thought "WTF? can't you notice the awsomeness of the chorus???"

    3. Bermu


      Iconic should be the last single. It is so strange she used as opening, so... why not a single? It has absolutely potential (even if I actually prefer Rebel Heart or the missed Hold Tight... :_/ )

    4. Fighter


      RH shouldve been the single of this era. Iconic would be cool, but its like this with everyone album theres that one song that could be released with a great backdrop video and she never releases it.

  4. People who don't like opinions yet go on forums are very lost and confused people, I like giving them directions.

    1. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      ppl can be very salty

    2. Fighter


      all those flavours tho

  5. New Rebel Heart Tour Theme for the forum available now :) try it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Breathless


      Wow, that's awesome!! I love it :) Good job!

    3. madgefan
    4. Bermu


      Ohhh... I'm loving it. Good job! And by the way, thanks a lot for hearing our pleas, my Luchador. We were sooo needing the new RHT subforum! <3

  6. New section is here :heart:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. IconicRebel
    3. Breathless
    4. madgefan


      @dazed yup, and guess who had the idea of deleting it right after being promoted as mod LOL

  7. When are we getting tourbook scandss

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fighter


      looks amazing

    3. WeYo


      We all could just buy it too :) :P ;)


    4. Andymad


      so most of the tour book is from the opening backdrop video...

  8. Thanks everyone for all the messages, i havent replied to my PMs but will do shortly. :):heart: im sick with the flu at the moment due to stress but i am fine.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Andymad


      Get better sweet thing

    3. devilpray


      get well v soon sis!!!

    4. InfinityWithin


      So glad there's a sign of life!!! Get well soon, Fighter!

  9. moderators and friends please keep an eye out and message me information about what goes on. im going through a difficult time and wont be on the forums much. please behave and dont make unnecessary drama thanksss xxx

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. unapologeticheart


      Hope you'll be back soon <3<3

    3. devilpray


      we'll be okay sis, hope everything gets better xx

    4. Heartbeat


      what's wrong with him? is he ill or something?

  10. now i can tell you about the place i belong, you know it wont last long, and all those lights they will turn down

    1. InfinityWithin



  11. people keep requesting unreleased stuff like its just gonna get posted it seems a bit pointless to me lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. devilpray


      RQ: fighter's sex tape

    3. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      ^ already leaked, google "2 girls and 1 cup"

    4. MadonnaLove
  12. Guys 720x480 etc is not HD. People keep saying it's HD but it's not lol. I just needed to say that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mr00mister



    3. Betuncba


      That's a regular dvd format resolution

    4. Luiz Ribeiro
  13. in honour of my birthday im doing a massive banning spree

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. G House

      G House

      Happy birthday! :D

    3. survivalartist


      pick me! pick me! happy birthday

    4. Fighter


      Thank you guys btw i was joking about the banning spree lol

  14. Read what I posted on the new section :9

  15. Dont let the new section flop??

  16. Happy birthday Queendonna may you get 1m sales and few bruises on rehearsals :heart:

  17. I'm a dragon you're a whore, don't even know what you're good for, mimicking me is a fucking bore to me

    1. devilpray


      that song <3

    2. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      Lay me down tonight

  18. Inside Out demo is sooo good :heart::dance:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fighter


      i know.i didnt mean to listen to this one but it came on itunes shuffle and i was like what is this and then she started singing and i was like omg i forgot how good this was

    3. muscleguy35


      You mean the 4:09 version right?

    4. Fighter


      the ones i have are 4:23 but honestly i didnt collect these files properly so idk

  19. So we might have a File discussion forum, what do ya'll think. A forum to discuss files that have been posted in the downloads section but without people saying thanks thank you :) ta ty thanksss thaaaanks thank you very much etc

  20. We have mentions now. :) you can mention someone on a post and they'll get a notification. This could be useful for reuploads...

  21. if you know how i feel why would you say that like you put me in such an uncomfortable situation like you know im not happy you know im trying to see if it will work out here and you know that its not :cry:

  22. Status updates are just for fun and self-moderated by each person. So to all moderators and users keep things nice I won't say it twice. And that was the last time I asked for suggestions in public. Thanks everyone for your understanding and maturity.

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