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Rebel Hugo

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Rebel Hugo

  1. The one that got away... ?

    I miss so much to my best Italian friend Mattia ??

  2. Oh my God
    I am heartly sorry for having offended Thee
    And I detest all my sins
    Because I dread the loss of heaven and the pain of hell
    But most of all, because I love Thee
    And I want so badly too be good... 

    *Girl Gone Wild music starts*

  3. OMG I finally got 10k points here!!! I think that I became one of the most popular Madonna fans on this forum ??♥️

    1. emanon


      Its so cool to be uncool...i only have a Little more than 1000 ?? ?? to me you are popular, and never Needed all those points. i like you, Little friend ?

  4. Today is a sunny day to me ??

  5. What a weird day... ??

    1. emanon


      What a weird...life ?

  6. I don't give up!!! 

  7. I've had so many lives

    Since I was a child

    And I realize

    How many times I've died

  8. What a bad day for me ?? I traveled with my uncle to another city for get my "cartilla de servicio militar" a document that I need to prove that I'm Mexican and my f**king uncle was laughing at me because my pressure was low because the way to that city was too long ??? my uncle is the king of the assholes!!! 

  9. 1984 is here. ?️Don't think different because it's bad, think the same. War is peace, freedom is slavery. ?️

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Winn


      Diversity of thought is not allowed.

    3. Celebration


      9 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

      It's actually the opposite. 

      "War is peace, Freedom is slavery" is a quote from the book 1984 by George Orwell.


    4. deathproof


      On 1/14/2021 at 4:52 AM, Celebration said:

      "War is peace, Freedom is slavery" is a quote from the book 1984 by George Orwell.


      But to say we are living in 1984 is a huge stretch lol. Especially when Trump Jr said it recently

  10. Maybe I couldn't be here in the next 2 days so I just want to say: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!!! I HOPE YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS AND I WISH YOU LOVE, MONEY, HEALTH AND SO MUCH HAPPINESS!!! :Madonna010: :Madonna036: :Madonna042:

    Greetings from Mexico ?? with so much love ???❤️❤️❤️

  11. I'm feeling so happy because I finally found a little bit of peace in my life and I'm feeling blessed thanks to God ??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fighter


      I'm glad you're doing better :hug:

    3. Rebel Hugo

      Rebel Hugo


      @Brandon Clark



      Thank you guys! ❤️❤️❤️ But where's my other friend @emanon? ?️?️

    4. emanon


      @Monsieur Hugo X just spying... :tongue:

      The people I like I just want that life goes well with them, and I don't usually say it, If you said something like: I'm so upset, life sucks...I would ask whats happening. But you are doing good; is your turn to shine. 

  12. I'm in heaven ??? I feel the Christmas vibes over me ❤️❤️❤️ and you know what? I didn't put a Christmas tree ? in my house for the moment because I'm too lazy :Madonna015:

    1. WeYo


      Same here bro ... :speakno:

  13. My pronouns are: F / U ❤️??


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rebel Hugo

      Rebel Hugo

      On 12/13/2020 at 4:48 PM, emanon said:

      F and u... did i got it right? ???

      Yes ???

    3. Rebel Hugo

      Rebel Hugo

      On 12/15/2020 at 4:13 PM, deathproof said:


      ??? Didn't you understand it? 

    4. deathproof
  14. today will be a historic day!!! 

  15. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and TikTok 


    @xanon777x on Instagram

    @xanon777 on TikTok


  16. Happy birthday my best friend of this forum!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️?????????????????????

  17. I love my new profile picture! I look gorgeous ???

  18. When I say something here this forum is on fire ??? #ImBurningUp ???

    1. emanon


      what you did this time? Tell me :-) 


    2. Rebel Hugo

      Rebel Hugo

      @emanonI will say you on WhatsApp ?

  19. Good morning people ?❤️

    1. Ulisaax640


      Good morning ☀️ 

  20. Happy Birthday Madge X :kiss2:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ulisaax640


      we are all entitled to our own opinion. 

      it's a "NO" for me. i wish dua used the original track.

    3. xircom_2005
    4. Fernando
  22. the cancel culture is a virus, being politically incorrect is the cure!

    1. heartcore


      Yikes, this take is not it!

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