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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Sultrysully

  1. 29 minutes ago, deathproof said:

    My hypothesis:

    This project was originally conceived back in 2020 when Madonna landed her 50th #1

    In 2021, Warner put together a 50-track tracklist and submitted it to Madonna. She made her own changes (different versions of Everybody & Hollywood, switching out Angel & CAC with more YCD cuts).

    Her reviewing/re-listening to remixes with Mike and Honey in early 2022 must have been when she was making her own revisions to the tracklist.

    I do wish thay the YCD songs were not out of chronological single order.  And.... personally I see no problem with adding the missing songs to make it 52 and still celebrating 50 number one chart entries.  

  2. 2 minutes ago, Celebration said:

    Yes, it's his thing.

    Brandon..? He's here, and so is Aldo, who designed the cover for the 50-song-collection.
    I am in a small minority here, but I actually like Aldo's design more than Brandon's. (I am almost sure his name is Brandon)

    I like both versions.  I am getting celebration vibes from the 3cd/6lp design.  It is so iconic that it is hard to not love.  Madonna's eyes in the black and white version are giving me serious Who's that Girl Tour vibes (my first M tour).  

  3. Yay!  Got my silver 2LP set.  Still waiting on the 1cd, 3cd and 6LP to arrive.  Question,  Does Madonna get credit for digital rips from sold cds?  I purchased a digital version proper but I will download the cd rip versions if she gets credit.  I had assumed that the giant red, scribbled thing on the front was a sticker but me now thinks not.  Haha  I never open the vinyl.  Maybe I will someday.  I have quite a collection of mint, factory sealed vinyl and I keep it safe.   

  4. 1 minute ago, cosmic_system said:

    I think the whole compilation sounds amazing. Yes Open Your Heart sound just a little less clear but while listening on the album order I don’t hear it, also as I already said I hated the harsh metallic of the first three remastered albums and I’d rather have something more warm like what we have in here. The Don’t Tell Me “glitch” doesn’t bother me, you can hear it with headphones but I doubt you can hear it while blasting the album on a stereo system. 

    I must be old.... I cannot hear the Don't Tell Me glitch.  Haha  I believe ya'll.  I have not tried headphones yet.  Open Your Heart is a highlight for me.  I do not remember the video version being so great.  

  5. 1 minute ago, Roy said:

    That is also what I noticed too. Doesn't sound painful like the 2001 remaster or the Celebration version (with the Q-sound version).


    3 minutes ago, cosmic_system said:

    I don’t understand what you mean. I just listened to LAV with headphones and it sounds great? More clear than before and also not as harsh as on the remastered album from 2001.

    Like a Virgin is definitely wonderfully remastered!  


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