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Posts posted by Sultrysully

  1. Of course she can!  People a lot older and far less talented fill arenas and stadiums.  Cher barely moves during her tours.  The heavy lifting is done by the other dancers.  Mariah Carey and Janet Jackson (not older) have been rerrible on tour.... barely a pulse.  And the train wreck that was and is Britney Spears.  She needed a GPS to find her spot on stage.  Madonna had some surgery and some tech difficulties.  She still has it.  

  2. 5 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

    In case anyone needs a refresher in what M has been giving us for Singles Artwork for the past 20 years. I don't think it's fair to criticize the recent singles artwork without taking into consideration that she really hasn't used specific photoshoots for Singles Artworks since MUSIC (the album) with a few exceptions, like Hollywood and Give Me All Your Luvin'. 








    220px-Madonna_&_Quavo_-_Future.png   Madonna_-_I_Rise_(single).png



    Girl Gone Wild was a great cover.... but point taken.  

  3. Just now, aitorelao said:

    I read the story was something like Warner was pushing Amazing as a single but she was against the idea because she wanted Impressive Instant to be next. Being aware of what the label could do, she didn't sing Amazing in the DWT to avoid Warner releasing a "live video".

    Interesting.  I like Amazing but Impressive Instant is fantastic.  I always wanted more official singles from Music as the album was and remains stunning.  

  4. I too share an emotional connection to Madonna and her message.  She means so much to me that I could never dismiss her for a second.  I think that people are attempting to feast at her table buffet style, picking and choosing.  Erotica, American Life and Madame X are meant to be a full course meals for the soul.  Begining to end.... the layers compliment each other.  I sometimes cannot fathom all that she has accomplished.  What a body of work.  To focus on a particular single, project or photoshoot seems to dismiss the evolution and  contribution of her work to the industry and the world.  She has left a mark and it has been glorious.  

  5. Madonna has definitely taken us to many places.  It is always exciting to see where we are going next.  I cannot imagine a tour not dominated with new material or a 2.0esque album.  It would seem a sacrilege.  It would feel like a anti-Madonna project.   She understands reinvention on a level not focused on or understood by the critics or press.  New hair, makeup and clothing styling is not a true reinvention... not for Madonna anyway.  Madonna seems to be reborn in each new era.  And she allows us to be reborn as well.  I am not suggesting that there has never been a misstep, I am only celebrating the diversity and creativity delivered for forty years.   I never want Madonna to stop evolving as it would feel hard to evolve again myself.   I would feel lost.

  6. 4 hours ago, lap said:

    Yes, that's what I think. If American Life was named Hollywood (as first single), Nothing Fails (second), Love Profusion (third) and Nobody Knows Me or Mother and Father (fourth) and another artwork, and the horrible American Life song and the video war theme weren't a part of the tracklist (it could be It's so cool song instead), I think things would be worked better for her. 

    American Life is a great track.  It is the grown up version of Music.  

  7. 1 hour ago, nito84bcn said:

    Holiday has at least 3 or 4 versions already on streaming and they sound the same. Nothing new for general public.

    Do you see any hype on social media with this track? No right? 

    So it wasn't the right track to release to show the diversity of her remix and club catalog. That's it.

    We have to coddle the general public.  The general public loves Holiday.  The company is reminding the world tgat they do actually love M.  Nothing "shiny and new" but this release is meant to appeal to all Madonna fans.... casual and those Super fans with restraining orders.  Haha It does sound bright though.  Great remaster!

  8. 9 hours ago, Glindathegood said:

    Was the problem the braids or the actual performance, missing cues etc? 

    I honestly feel that there were audio issues.  Maluma seemed to have trouble hearing throughout the night too.  He constantly was adjusting the earpiece and making faces, indicating that he could not hear.  Madonna knows the two songs very well but if you cannot hear inside of a stadium, it is a problem.  It was an off night, for sure and I would rather not comment on the braids.  

  9. 5 hours ago, LongIslandTea said:


    Celebration LP shall NEVER EVER be reissued again!

    And NO vinyl treatment GHV2 permanently!!!

    GHV2 was actually pretty great!  A lot of great songs.  The art work inside was pretty cool too.  No Madonna retrospective is ever gonna be perfect.... she has too much great material.  It all won't fit.  Even the Immaculate Collection had glaring misses like not including Who's that Girl (a number one song) or Causing a Commotion... among other huge singles.  I also thought that Something to Remember should have included Promise to Try and Love Tried to Welcome Me.  At least Madonna is very involved in this project.  I am not sure that she was involved at all in all of the other compilations.  She has never celebrated her past much as she is such a forward thinker.  I think that we are in for some treats moving forward.

  10. 19 hours ago, Lucky90210 said:

    Keep streaming. This 16 track version is amazing. Great teaser for the 50 Number Ones release!1126001643_ScreenShot2022-07-14at1_40_57PM.png.dc47cb5e476518fd247719fb89570270.png




    I really do love the 16 song version, more than I thought that I would.  Fitting a Madonna retrospective on one disc is a tough job but the result feels cohesive and purposeful.  And.... it is so much fun.   Cannot wait for the 50 song version!  

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