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Posts posted by Bionic

  1. 1 hour ago, mysweetaudrina said:

    I saw it live as it was happening on tv and she sounded like she always did, there's still a comparison video on youtube left with snippets of the original audio which sounds how she always sings.

    You must have been drunk ? she definitely didn't sound like she always did in the unedited live broadcast. There's a reason why everyone tore her to shreds. Don't kid yourself.

  2. 9 hours ago, Skyline Pigeon said:

    Actually not true, if Madonna did some ballads on acoustic guitar back in the Ray of Light era when her vocals were still there that would be amazing. She sucks doing those type of performances now since her vocals are trash, she really needs to retrain her voice, until then I dont want to see performances like Harlem.

    You cannot tell me that she sounds bad here, the vocals were good, not in the least bit trash.


  3. 10 hours ago, Skyline Pigeon said:

    TOC sucked because Madonna herself is not good without a big production or lots of dancing. Her shows have always been a visual experience above all else that take you through certain themes and moods. She is not naturally that good of a vocalist and her attempts at that Karaoke type of show are always sad to watch. TOC, Pride, Harlem??

    You really love to trash everything she does that's not a mega concert show with an army of dancers and huge lcd screens. 

    By your logic she also sucks doing her ballads/midtempo songs, especially in a smaller setting.

  4. 2 hours ago, androiduser said:

    maybe it's more common in the young generation nowadays because they are constantly bombarded with more content, but I know people form my own generation (40+) who have never heard of Marilyn Monroe and Frank Sinatra. My partner is 36 and he's never heard of ANY old movie stars, he has zero knowledge about pop culture, especially anything happening before the 90's.

    Oh come on! Knowing who Monroe and Sinatra were should be a part of general knowledge. You don't need to be a popculture nerd to have at least some clue who these people were. Marilyn was one of the top 3 most photographed and talked about women of the 20th century. 

  5. 50 minutes ago, Fabiolous said:

    At this rate, she will enter the top 100 by June. And she doesn't even have new music out. IT'S CRAZY. 

    To those saying it's crazy that there are 161 people in front of her: no, it's normal. Do you realise most people under 20 struggle to name two songs by her? I've met a lot of Americans my age, most don't know Like a prayer

    I say this a lot, I find it astounding if not shocking how little young people know about pop culture (and probably some other stuff too) that came out before their time. I'm a 90s kid yet even from a young age I could name you all sorts of artists from the 80s, 70s, 60s,.. same with movies and TV shows.

    The current generation seems to be almost completely unaware of anything from the last century....

  6. 2 minutes ago, vasili said:

    There’s no need to take things so literally.
    I was using a recent ‘stripped down’ set of hers as an example.
    Atrocious vocals, coughing into the mic, cringey banter.

    Did you really think that the vocals were that bad? 

    Also I know it wasn't televised but funny that you overlooked this charity concert which happened after Tears of A Clown. And do you actually believe she is not aware when she is performing in front of die hard fans versus more general festival goers??


  7. On 3/15/2022 at 7:01 AM, deathproof said:

    Don't forget the "rumors" of Pride, Eurovision, and Glastonbury (which didnt end up happening). Her team (Guy O) was likely searching for promotional events many months in advanced, which is likely why the album was pushed to a 2019 release.

    I would really love for her to do televised festivals like Glastonbury. 

    That would actually be a great way to reach young live audiences who are not too familar with her catalogue. Also since you can't bring a full tour set-up the whole thing needs be at least slightly stripped down (by her standards at least), it would leave her no choice but to really get prepared vocally, no need for too much choreo. 

    Also it would have the very nice side effect of her not having the final word over any filmed material, meaning we would get a filmed concert that is not over-edited and filtered. 

    We all know she hates the idea of a greatest hits tour, so before she really tours again while doing promo before the film comes out she could play greatest hits at festivals and then after the biopic has hit the screens go on tour with new material.

  8. 3 hours ago, beautifulkiller said:

    maybe she is doing it to make a statement - i think she is tbh 
    is it even implants ?

    do you think she takes picture on the toilet because she thinks it looks nice lol 

    What kind of statement would that be? Especially when the other most prominent users of butt implants are Nicki Minaj and Kim Kardashian. 

    I'm pretty sure it's implants at this point.

  9. 14 hours ago, Vogue Italia said:

    I don't believe the O2 talks. M did cite MJ as an influence before she became his competition. Almost everyone in the industry has said MJ was an influence at some point. MJ was competitive with his sister but he didn't call her a witch. Janet also said M wasn't classy. They probably said all sorts of things behind her back. MJ was not M's friend. They tried to capitalize off their respective popularity as the king and queen of pop with a potential collaboration, but untimely they had a lot of creative differences. I doubt they kept in touch although they were cordial in public. It's strange that she has that edited picture of them in her home. I doubt Michael would have her picture in his home.

    Everyone knows by now that Madonna and MJ couldn't stand each other. They were simply too different, except for the fact that they are/were both control freaks. But MJ was quite stiff, sensitive, in some ways old fashioned (don't know what his stance on queer people was, did he ever make a public comment?). Madonna on the other hand is very extroverted, blunt and relaxed when it comes to things like sexuality. But I do believe that Madonna deeply regrets that they fell out of touch and didn't really make up before he died.

    Btw if there's one thing that I do find very disgusting about some black MJ, Janet, Whitney..etc fans is that they always downplay Madonna's influence and talent and I bet you guys it's simply because she is white (I'm biracial myself). 

  10. 13 hours ago, beautifulkiller said:

    this is so not true about people generally having nice things to say about her lol this has never been the case - i dont think the general public have ever been kind about madonna - i think one maybe reading her comments on social media lol  these people are not fans they prob never ever supported her they may have liked holiday or borderline - most of the comments are from fans of other artists or trump fanatics or just women who are mad at her looking young in her pics of being sexual ..these people are not fans - she has never even been in public favour - i generally feel if she did not have the queen of pop title she would get less shit from other fan bases - she is a massive target for them and from experience its always the case on social media or they are trump fans 

    You missed the point again lol, what you are describing are haters. I was specifically talking about people who like some of her songs, albums, respect her hard work and people who even if they don't listen to her music still recognise her undeniable influence on popculture. And I was also talking from personal experience, these days when I bring her up people often immediately mention Eurovision, her plastic surgery, her showing up hours late for her own shows and her "desperately" craving for attention (on social media). It wasn't always this way, I know this myself from when I was younger and had conversations about her.


  11. 8 hours ago, beautifulkiller said:

    im sorry i do not know what you mean , star has fallen you mean in terms of relevancy or artistic work ?

    I think I understand what the poster is saying. Before Hard Candy, or at least before she joined all the social media platforms when you brought up Madonna in conversations people used to have quite positive things to say about her, except if they really didn't like her music, hey tastes are different. But these days when you mention her it seems like reactions are more negative. They either say her music hasn't been good in years (either they really don't like it or they haven't even listened to let's say Rebel Heart and Madame X simply because her new stuff isn't being played on the radio etc.), or that she looks like she has been under the knife/uses too many fillers, or that her PR stunts are embarrassing and not provocative or (I know this from personal experience) they mention her Eurovision performance and say how awful it was because that's pretty much the last time they noticed her. Many people have positive memories of her older stuff but are just irritated by how she is now.

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