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  1. Past hour
  2. In London he played the Music with Disco Inferno remix similar to the Confessions tour version
  3. Today
  4. Closer look at the Rio rosary 📿 as caught by the fan in the crowd at the show
  5. Yes most of it. For example at my show he also played his own remix of Hollywood
  6. The funk chords are definitely from an old track
  7. What if its just a fun demo of Forbidden Love with alternate lyrics
  8. Oh wow. I used to watch Fraternity Vacation on basic cable in the late 80s. It was definitely a b movie lol. I remember thinking Physical Attraction sounded like it was sung by someone else though I don’t recall ever trying to read who it was in the credits.
  9. I also thought it was Carrie Lucas' Dance With You or Chaka Khan, but nope
  10. She has to work with Stuart again on new music he just totally gets what is so great about her and her music and what sounds so good
  11. Yeah that's why i thought it was either Le Rhymes or Daft Punk because both sampled heavily disco and funk tracks. But I don't think is either. I think he uses that loop from one track and his own beats. But during the whole set he has been mashing full tracks with vocal loops, so it might be an original track like that, that samples an old disco/funk piece.
  12. How you say what it is when you haven’t even listened to it ? #FLOPFAN
  13. Hard choice... but I guess I'll stick with Faz Gostoso Joan of Arc or Killers Who Are Partying?
  14. Girlie Show Faz Gostoso or I Don't Search I Find?
  15. It sounds like Daft Punk to me too but I can't put my finger on it.
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